Prāta Vētra - Rudens - перевод текста песни на английский

Rudens - Prāta Vētraперевод на английский

Rudens rudens
Autumn like autumn
Biezie un gājputni laižas uz Nīlu
Thick and migratory birds head to the Nile
Pēkšņi man likās
Suddenly it seemed to me
Tu esi mans draugs un es tevi
You are my friend and I
Mazliet mīlu
Love you a little
Saule cēlās un krita
Sun rose and set
Es biju tavs Meistars un tu
I was your Master and you
Mana Margarita
My Margarita
Vai izskaidrot proti?
Can you explain?
Ja sākumā likās mazliet,
If at first seemed a little,
Tad nu jau ļoti, ļoti
Then now very, very much
Kāds mūs sauc tepat aiz stūra
Someone is calling us just around the corner
Vai klusi dauzās pie palodzes
Or quietly knocking at the window
Laid savus putnus ārā no būra
Let your birds out of the cage
Uz kurieni tie lidos, tur arī es
Where they fly, there I am
Joprojām ļoti, ļoti
Still very, very much
Kad barojām pīles
When we fed the ducks
Asaras krita tev lielas ozola zīles
Tears fell from you large as oak acorns
Laiki met lokus
Times take turns
Dažreiz saule slēpjas kastaņu kokos
Sometimes the sun hides in the chestnut trees
jūrnieki rumu
Like sailors rum
Tu gribi Munameģi, es braukšu uz Karakumu
You want Munamegi, I will go to Karakum
Ar sarkanām neļķēm laiks atvadīties
With scarlet carnations, it's time to say goodbye
Ir rudens
It's autumn
Ļaudis klīst pa vientuļām peļķēm
People wander through lonely puddles
Kāds mūs sauc tepat aiz stūra
Someone is calling us just around the corner
Vai klusi dauzās pie palodzes
Or quietly knocking at the window
Laid savus putnus ārā no būra
Let your birds out of the cage
Uz kurieni tie lidos, tur arī es
Where they fly, there I am

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