Quruli - Suna No Hoshi (Sandy Star) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Quruli - Suna No Hoshi (Sandy Star)

Suna No Hoshi (Sandy Star)
Sandy Star
There is no one in this empty sandbox, only clashing thunder
A terrible sound grates against our lives
今後千年草も生えない 砂の惑星さ
There will be no more grass growing here for a millenium, just a sandy planet
In this state, we still wear ourselves down
Going nowhere, a fallen satellite
立ち入り禁止の札で満ちた 砂の惑星さ
Signs forbidding entry on this sandy planet
のらりくらり歩き回り たどり着いた祈り
Walking around aimlessly, I came to my prayers
君が今も生きてるなら 応えてくれ僕に
If you're still alive, answer me
イェイ今日の日はサンゴーズダウン つまり元どおりまでバイバイバイ
Yeah, today is a day of sun goes down, so goodbye, back to normal
思いついたら歩いていけ 心残り残さないように
If you have an idea, keep walking, with no regrets
イェイ空を切るサンダーストーム 鳴動響かせてはバイバイバイ
Yeah, the thunder roars in the sky, so goodbye, goodbye
Let's be friends for a little while longer this time
そういや今日は僕らのハッピーバースデイ 思い思いの飾り付けしようぜ
Speaking of which, today is our happy birthday, let's decorate as we want
甘ったるいだけのケーキ囲んで 歌を歌おうぜ
Let's gather around the sugary cake and sing songs
有象無象の墓の前で敬礼 そうメルトショックにて生まれた生命
Salute before the tomb of the living and the dead, born from the melt shock
この井戸が枯れる前に早く ここを出て行こうぜ
Before this well runs dry, let's get out of here
ねえねえねえあなたと私でランデブー? すでに廃れた砂漠で何思う
Hey, hey, hey, you and I, a rendezvous? What do you think about this deserted wasteland?
今だパッパパっと飛び出せマイヒーロー どうか迷える我らを救いたまえ
Now, get out there like a flash, my hero, please save us as we wander
ぶっ飛んでいこうぜもっと エイエイオーでよーいどんと
Let's fly away with an "Ei-ei-oh," get ready to go
あのダンスホール モザイクの奥 太古代のオーパーツ
That dance hall, hidden behind the mosaics, an artifact from the distant past
光線銃でパンパパンパン 少年少女謳う希望論
Rapid fire with a ray gun, the boys and girls sing a song of hope
Earth-shattering and unprecedented, our memories are electronic sound
戸惑い憂い怒り狂い たどり着いた祈り
Confused, anxious, furious, crazed, I came to my prayers
君の心死なずいるなら 応答せよ早急に
If your heart still beats, answer me now
イェイきっとまだボーイズドントクライ つまり仲直りまでバイバイバイ
Yeah, surely it's still "boys don't cry," so goodbye, goodbye, until we reconcile
思い出したら教えてくれ あの混沌の夢みたいな歌
If you remember, tell me, that chaotic dream-like song
イェイ宙を舞うレイザービーム 遠方指し示せばバイバイバイ
Yeah, the laser beam dances in the sky, pointing the way, so goodbye, goodbye
Guide us to the castle in the sky
歌って踊ろうハッピーバースデイ 砂漠に林檎の木を植えよう
Let's sing and dance, happy birthday, let's plant an apple tree in the desert
でんぐり返りそんじゃバイバイ あとは誰かが勝手にどうぞ
Somersault and goodbye, let someone else do what they want
歌って踊ろうハッピーバースデイ 砂漠に林檎の木を植えよう
Let's sing and dance, happy birthday, let's plant an apple tree in the desert
でんぐり返りそんじゃバイバイ あとは誰かが勝手にどうぞ
Somersault and goodbye, let someone else do what they want
イェイ今日の日はサンゴーズダウン つまり元どおりまでバイバイバイ
Yeah, today is a day of sun goes down, so goodbye, back to normal
思いついたら歩いていけ 心残り残さないように
If you have an idea, keep walking, with no regrets
イェイ空を切るサンダーストーム 鳴動響かせてはバイバイバイ
Yeah, the thunder roars in the sky, so goodbye, goodbye
Let's be friends for a little while longer this time
The wind howls, and this sandy planet continues

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