Rainhard Fendrich - Vorstadtcasanova - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Rainhard Fendrich - Vorstadtcasanova

Suburban Casanova
I bin a Vorstadtcasanova, weu i hab nix g'lernt
I'm a suburban Casanova, because I've learned nothing
Und doch die allerschönsten Weiber g'habt in Wien
And yet have had the most beautiful women in Vienna
I hab vielleicht a waches Herz, aber an festen Oasch
I may have a soft heart, but a firm butt
I bin net deppert, gneau dort schau'n sie hin
I'm not stupid, that's exactly where they look
Immer a Präserl in da Taschen, weu ma waß ja nie
Always a condom in my pocket, because you never know
Triff i a Pradaschnitten, die's gern wiisen
I meet a Prada slice that wants to know
I schau's nur an und waß genau mit'n Alten rennt net
I just look at it and know exactly what's wrong with the old man
Ab dem Moment is des für mi a Kinderspü
From that moment on, it's child's play for me
I bin net weit gereist und a mei Englisch is net toll
I haven't traveled far and my English isn't great
I hör nur zua, bin zärtlih und verständnisvoll
I just listen, am tender and understanding
I sag ihr nie die Wahrheit, nur das was sie hören soll
I never tell her the truth, only what she wants to hear
Bei mir is kane z'haus, bei mir fühlt ma sie wohl
I'm not home, I'm where you feel comfortable
Während ihr Oida auf'n Golfplatz umananda gurkt
While her old man is circling around the golf course
In dera Zeit hab i's ihr dreimal scho besuagt
In that time I've visited her three times already
Vor mir is jede kniat, i hab's bei ana jeden bracht
Every time she kneels before me, I've done it with every one
Hab no aus alle Hofratstöchterl Schlampen g'macht
I've turned all the court advisor's daughters into sluts
I bin ka Frauenhasser und i bin ka Machosau
I'm not a misogynist and I'm not a macho pig
I fliag auf'd Weiber, d'rum kenn i's so genau
I'm crazy about women, that's why I know them so well
I pack die meisten von da Weiten mitn Augenschmäh
I get most of them from a distance with my eye-catching look
Bei mir kriagt jede Orgasmusgarantie
With me, every woman is guaranteed an orgasm
I hab mi nie verkauft, so an wie mi, den kriagt ma g'schenkt
I've never sold myself, you get me as I am
Und a ka Hur hat von mir je an Schilling g'sehn
And no whore has ever seen a schilling from me
I waß genau, dass ana so wia i alanich stirbt
I know exactly that someone like me will die alone
I hätt mi nur ganz gern a anzigs' Mal verliabt
I would just have liked to have fallen in love just once
I waß genau, dass ana so wia i alanich stirbt
I know exactly that someone like me will die alone
I hätt mi nur ganz gern a anzigs' Mal verliabt
I would just have liked to have fallen in love just once

Авторы: Georg Danzer

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