Rakova feat. Sizzurp - Minte-mă - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Rakova feat. Sizzurp - Minte-mă

Lie to Me
I-am spus inca o data
I told you once again
Ca e minunata
That you are wonderful
Si nu-mi spune minciuni
And do not tell me lies
Ca sunt sigur pe mine, e singura fata
That I am confident in myself, you are the only girl
I-am spus inca o data
I told you once again
Ca e minunata
That you are wonderful
Si nu-mi spune minciuni
And do not tell me lies
Ca sunt sigur pe mine, e singura fata
That I am confident in myself, you are the only girl
Si nu-mi spune minciuni c-am vazut intr-un vis
And do not tell me lies that I saw in a dream
Ca mi-ai spus prea multe, tu nu le ai precis
That you told me too much, you do not have them precisely
Esti salvarea mea, mereu toate m-au ucis
You are my salvation, everything always killed me
O sa vezi ca te iubesc, n-o zic doar in scris, yo
You'll see that I love you, I'm not just saying it in writing, yo
Iti e dor de mine cum o fac eu
You miss me the way I do
Prietenii tai m-au urat mereu
Your friends have always hated me
Oricate as face stiu ca nu o fac bine
No matter what I do, I know I'm not doing it right
Si sunt mereu plictisit dar niciodata de tine
And I'm always bored but never with you
Nu vreau sa-ti fac rau, vreau doar sa te tin in brate
I don't want to hurt you, I just want to hold you in my arms
Vreau ca tot ce-a fost de noi doi doi sa se agate
I want everything that's been ours to hang on
As vrea atat de multe dar sentimentele mele sunt hoate
I would like so many things but my feelings are thieves
Minte-ma, minte cu mine, revino, ti-ai bagat in mine doar ace
Lie to me, lie to me with me, come back, you just put needles in me
Minte-ma minte-ma
Lie to me, lie to me
Iarta-ma iarta-ma, ya
Forgive me, forgive me, yes
Minte-ma minte-ma
Lie to me, lie to me
Minte-ma minte-ma, minte-ma minte-ma
Lie to me, lie to me, lie to me, lie to me
I-am spus inca o data
I told you once again
Ca e minunata
That you are wonderful
Si nu-mi spune minciuni
And do not tell me lies
Ca sunt sigur pe mine, e singura fata
That I am confident in myself, you are the only girl
I-am spus inca o data
I told you once again
Ca e minunata
That you are wonderful
Si nu-mi spune minciuni
And do not tell me lies
Ca sunt sigur pe mine, e singura fata
That I am confident in myself, you are the only girl
Minte-ma de parca nu ma mint deja singur
Lie to me as if I'm not already lying to myself
Cand ma mint ca nu o sa raman singur
When I lie to myself that I will not be alone
Te rog doar sa nu joci cartea iluziei
I just ask that you don't play the illusion card
Pune tot la punct ca am o confuzie
Put everything in perspective because I have a confusion
Ca trebuie s-ajung la o concluzie
That I have to come to a conclusion
Ca nu trebuie sa ma mai gandesc la tine
That I don't have to think about you anymore
Stiu oricum ca nu te-ar interesa
I know that it wouldn't interest you anyway
Pentru tine mai putin decat dragoste si nimic altceva
For you, less than love and nothing else
Dar esti prea misto, sa mor eu
But you're too cool, I'll die
Nu mint eu, nu zic eu
I'm not lying, I'm not saying
Te-am visat, nu regret deloc, nu, nu
I dreamed of you, I don't regret it at all, no, no
Te visez dar nu cum crezi, hey
I dream of you but not like you think, hey
Mai presus de atat, fata
Above all that, girl
Pacat ca tu nu o sa stii chestii vreodata
Too bad you'll never know these things
Pari distanta, fata, ah
You seem distant, girl, ah
I-am spus inca o data
I told you once again
Ca e minunata
That you are wonderful
Si nu-mi spune minciuni
And do not tell me lies
Ca sunt sigur pe mine, e singura fata
That I am confident in myself, you are the only girl
I-am spus inca o data
I told you once again
Ca e minunata
That you are wonderful
Si nu-mi spune minciuni
And do not tell me lies
Ca sunt sigur pe mine, e singura fata
That I am confident in myself, you are the only girl

Rakova feat. Sizzurp - Minte-mă (feat. Sizzurp) - Single
Minte-mă (feat. Sizzurp) - Single
дата релиза

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