Rayo & Toby - Mírame - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Rayo & Toby - Mírame

Look at Me
Mírame mírame mírame
Look at me, look at me, look at me
Letra loca
Crazy lyrics
Yea yea yea
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Hey de lejos noto)
(Hey, I notice you from afar)
Noto tu mirada que flotando va
I notice your gaze floating by
Transportandome hacia otra parte
Transporting me to another place
Solamente quiero tocarte que mirada tan penetrante
I just want to touch you, such a penetrating gaze
Mírame mírame mírame
Look at me, look at me, look at me
Parece mirarme exitandome
You seem to look at me, turning me on
Evidentemente tu mirada me envuelve
Evidently, your gaze envelops me
Donde no nos miren resuelve(bis)
Where no one can see us, let's solve this(repeat)
De la manera y la forma en que tu me viera
The way you look at me, it's like you're trying to get to know me
Con esos ojitos tu provoca a cualquiera
With those little eyes, you tease anyone
Que miradera la que me tenia ella también la miraba
That gaze of hers, I couldn't help but look back at her
Una sola coqueteadera
Just a little flirtation
Por una parte hacerlo ahora vamos a conocernos
On the one hand, let's do it now, let's get to know each other
Un poquito mas cuando lo muevas vas a sentir esa atracción
A little bit more when you move it, you'll feel that attraction
Cuando te pegas cuando el cuerpo entero te entregas
When you press yourself against me, when you give yourself entirely
De lejitos te mando besitos ella me sonrie y yo un ojo le pico
From afar, I send you kisses, she smiles at me and I wink at her
Con esos ojos tu me tienes loquito
With those eyes, you've got me crazy
Mírame con esos ojos bonitos
Look at me with those beautiful eyes
Y tus ojitos a mi me estan deslumbrando
And your little eyes are dazzling me
De tanto mirarme me estas tentando
Your constant gaze is tempting me
Cada vez que lo haces me siento volando
Every time you do it, I feel like I'm flying
Y el aire siento que se me esta acabando
And I feel like I'm running out of breath
Mírame mírame mírame
Look at me, look at me, look at me
No dejes de mirarme exitandome
Don't stop looking at me, turning me on
Evidentemente tu mirada me envuelve
Evidently, your gaze envelops me
Donde no nos miren resuelve
Where no one can see us, let's solve this
Mírame mírame mírame
Look at me, look at me, look at me
Parece mirarme exitandome
You seem to look at me, turning me on
Evidentemente tu mirada me envuelve
Evidently, your gaze envelops me
Donde no nos miren resuelve
Where no one can see us, let's solve this
Como tu mirada me envuelve te pasas la lengua en los dientes
The way your gaze envelops me, you run your tongue over your teeth
Y yo pendiente cuando tu entras volvi de repente
And I'm on the lookout when you come in, I turned around suddenly
Se daño mi mente y te diste cuenta que conveniente
My mind was damaged and you realized it, how convenient
No me niegues que tu te sientes bien
Don't deny that you feel good
Sabes que tu me atrapas tan bien
You know that you've got me, you've got me good
Con esa mirda no pienso en mas nada
With that look, I can't think of anything else
Tiene mi mente frenada
It's got my mind stopped
Darte pendiente baby yess
I'm all over you, baby, yes
Disimula hagamos lo bien el crimen perfecto
Let's play it cool, let's make it the perfect crime
Esa mirada es digna de un monumento no miento
That look of yours is worthy of a monument, I'm not lying
Como es que esos ojitos bellos combinan con el cabello
How is it that those beautiful eyes go so well with your hair?
Me alumbran como un destello que mas tendrá bonito ella bb
They light me up like a flash, what else could be beautiful about her, baby?
Mírame mírame mírame
Look at me, look at me, look at me
No dejes de mirarme exitandome
Don't stop looking at me, turning me on
Evidentemente tu mirada me envuelve
Evidently, your gaze envelops me
Donde no nos miren resuelve
Where no one can see us, let's solve this
Mírame mírame mírame
Look at me, look at me, look at me
Parece mirarme exitandome
You seem to look at me, turning me on
Evidentemente tu mirada me envuelve
Evidently, your gaze envelops me
Donde no nos miren resuelve
Where no one can see us, let's solve this
Como es que esos ojitos bellos combinan con el cabello y
How is it that those beautiful eyes go so well with your hair and
Alumbran como un destello que mas tendrá bonito ella bebe...
Light me up like a flash, what else could be beautiful about her, baby...

Авторы: Carlos Franco Aguirre

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