Refentse - Reisiger - перевод текста песни на английский

Reisiger - Refentseперевод на английский

Ek sit op ′n hemel en dink aan die Hemele
I sit on a heaven and think of the Heavens
Weereens besef ek dat ons nie 'n clue het nie...
Once again I realize that we have no clue...
Alles is alles, en niks is niks. Niks is op soek na alles,
Everything is everything, and nothing is nothing. Nothing is searching for everything,
En alles is op reis na niks.
And everything is traveling to nothing.
Sy was ′n ware illistrasie van God se prag
She was a true illustration of God's beauty
Baie mans het probeer om Haar neer te
Many men have tried to lay Her down
Om Haar om te duik,
To dive into Her,
Maar baie min het probeer om Haar op te tel
But very few have tried to pick Her up
Wonder waar is Hy... Waar is Hy...
Wonder where He is... Where is He...
Ken jy die pad, ek dink ek vol nog altyd jou pad
Do you know the way, I think I still follow your path
Bruis na die chemie ver van hier
Effervescent to the chemistry far away from here
Hy verander jou beeld,
He'll change your image,
Maak die Aarde plat vir my lig en boos
Make Earth flat for my light and evil
Tot jy jubel en juig weer
Until you cheer and rejoice again
Oor jou broer se dood
At your brother's death
Wêreld wat gaan aan met jou?
World what's wrong with you?
My Vader sal jou anders onthou
My Father will remember you differently
Sal jy nog hier wees vir Angels en Minuet
Will you still be here for Angels and Menuet
Jy gee my hoop! Gee my sig!
You give me hope! Give me sight!
Ek is moeg gesoek na waar ek hoort
I'm tired of searching for where I belong
Dis voedsel vir my siel gedoop
This is food for my baptized soul
En jy oor my, kom ons rant ek is lief...
And you over me, let's rant I'm in love...
Ek verlang na wie ookal jy is
I long for whoever you are
En lief vir wat ookal jy doen
And love whatever you do
Want jy hoor my...
Because you hear me...
Maar vanaand net vir vanaand
But tonight, just for tonight
Is jy my Hemel, en ek is jou vloer
You're my Heaven, and I'm your floor
Reisiger ek's lief vir jou
Traveler I love you
Swerwer ek verlang na jou
Wanderer I long for you
Ek wil dans in jou reën ek wil sing van jou grond
I want to dance in your rain I want to sing of your ground
Maar vanaand, soos gister aand
But tonight, as yesterday evening
Wil ek sweef op die geur van jou bron
I want to float on the scent of your source
Vlieg en vlak in dalend hoog
Fly and shallow in descending high
Soos tale tonge woel en wal
As tongues' languages toil and bulge
Ek verlang na jou kruine
I long for your peaks
Ek verlang na jou trog
I long for your trough
Jy gee my hoop! gee my sig!
You give me hope! give me sight!
Ek is moeg gesoek na waar ek hoort
I'm tired of searching for where I belong
Dis voedsel vir my siel gedoop
This is food for my baptized soul
En jy hoor my, kom ons rant
And you hear me, let's rant
Ek is lief vir jou
I love you
Ek verlang na wie ookal jy is
I long for whoever you are
En lief vir wat ookal jy doen
And love whatever you do
Want jy hoor my...
Because you hear me...
My bos is aan die brand
My forest is on fire
Ek dink my bos is aan die brand
I think my forest is on fire
Want Hy stuur my na 'n vreemde plek
Because He sends me to a strange place
Dit voel vir vele meer as ek en jy
It feels like more to many than me and you
Tog so aleen, nog altyd voel ek so alleen
Yet so lonely, I always feel so lonely
Ek verlang na daairdie bosse plek
I long for that forest place
Ek voel vir vele meer as ek en jy
I feel like more to many than me and you
Sal jy bly?
Will you stay?

Авторы: Refentse Morake

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