Regula - Elas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Regula - Elas

Saudades de deitar-me ao teu lado e acordar contigo
Missing lying down next to you and waking up with you
Ser acarinhado e elogiado ao ponto de ficar contigo
Being caressed and praised to the point of staying with you
Fazer conchinha até ouvir dizer, eu não consigo
Spooning until I hear you say, I can't anymore
'Tar com você como amigos, eu quero ficar consigo
Being with you just as friends, I want to stay with you
Eu também meu bem, 'tou disposto a propor-te
Me too, my dear, I'm willing to propose to you
Enquanto ouço a chuva e passo as mãos nas curvas do teu corpo
While I listen to the rain and run my hands over the curves of your body
Eu sei aqui é que eu 'tou bem, aqui é o meu conforto
I know this is where I'm good, this is my comfort
E se por acaso quiseres ser mãe, eu também 'tou pronto
And if by any chance you want to be a mother, I'm ready too
Mas, nunca pensei que te fosses mesmo embora
But, I never thought you would really leave
A sério, aliás pensei que fosse mesmo agora
Seriously, in fact I thought it was right now
Que íamos dar um passo em frente e sair da cova
That we were going to take a step forward and get out of the hole
Tu tens sido a prova de eu poder sonhar com uma vida nova
You've been proof that I can dream of a new life
Bora, ouve assim, se 'tás tão longe assim
Come on, listen, if you're so far away
Quando choras eu afogo as mágoas numa de ponche ou gin
When you cry I drown my sorrows in a punch or gin
E sim, pode ser que a gente um dia conte
And yes, maybe one day we will tell
Aos nossos netos
To our grandchildren
Como é que foi o nosso dia do reencontro
How was our reunion day
Girl, I know we've had our shares of ups and downs
Girl, I know we've had our shares of ups and downs
'Cause I know we did it in the end
'Cause I know we did it in the end
But I can prove you wrong, girl, I swear
But I can prove you wrong, girl, I swear
('Cause I realized I need you in my life)
('Cause I realized I need you in my life)
Foi uma mini lua-de-mel rápido
It was a quick mini-honeymoon
Num castelo básico
In a basic castle
Deixou manos a alucinar com um cogumelo mágico
Left some guys hallucinating with a magic mushroom
Tive um papel trágico, fui cruel sádico (desculpa)
I had a tragic role, I was cruel sadistic (sorry)
But I'm a good man, baby, Rafael sádico
But I'm a good man, baby, sadistic Rafael
Tenho certos hábitos e com o amor pude (pude)
I have certain habits and with love I could (could)
Ver que não tem tudo a haver em um homem ser sortudo (player)
See that it doesn't have everything to do with a man being lucky (player)
Ela abraça-me e jura que eu nunca fui cornudo (juras?)
She hugs me and swears I've never been cheated on (swears?)
Mas eu 'tou por tudo (fuck it) e como eu sofro mudo
But I'm already for everything (fuck it) and how I suffer in silence
Eu dou-lhe as costas, como se tivesse a pôr o sobretudo (fui)
I turn my back on her, as if I were putting on my coat (gone)
E vou embora, não 'tou disposto a falar sobre tudo (tchau)
And I'm leaving, I'm not willing to talk about everything (bye)
Vou variar e abrir o bar, cartão VISA
I'm going to change it up and open the bar, VISA card
Martini Branco, Vodka Preto, Jungle Fever
Martini Bianco, Black Vodka, Jungle Fever
Tenho o coração dividido como o Marco Paulo
I have a heart divided like Marco Paulo
Tu sabes disso, não conseguimos ter um debate calmo
You know that, we can't have a calm debate anymore
Chamas-me nomes e dizes a toda a gente que eu te trato mal, (a sério?)
You call me names and tell everyone that I treat you badly, (seriously?)
Que eu bato mal, eu 'tou farto, tchau
That I hit badly, I'm fed up, bye
Girl, I know we've had our shares of ups and downs
Girl, I know we've had our shares of ups and downs
'Cause I know we did it in the end
'Cause I know we did it in the end
But I can prove you wrong, girl, I swear
But I can prove you wrong, girl, I swear
('Cause I realized I need you in my life)
('Cause I realized I need you in my life)
And I'll be right here
And I'll be right here
And there win nothing now or new
And there win nothing now or new

Авторы: Regula

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