Reidu feat. a1x & Flowr - FIGHTING MYSELF - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Reidu feat. a1x & Flowr - FIGHTING MYSELF

N-o sa o duc ușor
I can't take it easy
M-ai lăsat vreau sa te omor
You left me, I want to kill you
De iertat nu o sa fac, cobor
I won't forgive you, I'm going down
Spre iadul tău creat din dor
To your hell created from desire
Alcătuit din amintire
Made up of memories
Îti spun pleacă din iubire
I'm telling you, leave for love's sake
durerea nu mai vine
Because the pain won't come again
M-ai făcut înlocuitor, o sa-l aștept, o să-l omor
You made me a substitute, I'll wait for him, I'll kill him
O floare din gradină
A flower from the garden
Îmi spune rupe-l din tulpină
Tells me to break him from the stem
Cerul plânge ce ușor
The sky cries, how easy
Sa le aud tipetele în cor
To hear their screams in chorus
Sa-l vad pe el în timp ce zace
To see him while he lies
Plânge, urla ce timp ce tace
Cries, screams while he's silent
Regretul lui asta îmi place
His regret, that's what I like
Intestine mațe scoase
Intestines, guts pulled out
Nici nu stiu de ce m-ai lasat
I don't even know why you left me
Tot ce am vrut e sa fi aici acum
All I wanted was to be here now
Da m-ai lăsat și nu știu cum sa-ți spun ca mai vreau
But you left and I don't know how to tell you I want you back
Îmi tai numele tău pe încheietura acum
I'm carving your name on my wrist right now
Nu m-am gândit ca o ajung asa
I didn't think I'd get this way
Nu știu ce sa fac
I don't know what to do
Problema mea e ca sunt prea atașat de ea
My problem is that I'm too attached to you
Am nevoie de ajutor sa pot sa nu mai fiu asa
I need help so I can stop being this way
Maybe he is with me, maybe I'm on the fiend
Maybe he is with me, maybe I'm on the fiend
For a part of your love I fell for you like leaves
For a part of your love I fell for you like leaves
I polished off the bottle and I see just grief
I polished off the bottle and I see just grief
By myself it's getting harder to breathe
By myself it's getting harder to breathe
Maybe it's me and I'm on my own
Maybe it's me and I'm on my own
Maybe you're right, I'm gonna die alone
Maybe you're right, I'm gonna die alone
And i've been up all night staring at my phone
And I've been up all night staring at my phone
Hoping you might call and say you're coming home
Hoping you might call and say you're coming home
N-o sa o duc ușor
I can't take it easy
M-ai lăsat vreau sa te omor
You left me, I want to kill you
De iertat nu o sa fac, cobor
I won't forgive you, I'm going down
Spre iadul tău creat din dor
To your hell created from desire
Alcătuit din amintire
Made up of memories
Îti spun pleacă din iubire
I'm telling you, leave for love's sake
durerea nu mai vine
Because the pain won't come again
M-ai făcut înlocuitor, o sa-l aștept, o să-l omor
You made me a substitute, I'll wait for him, I'll kill him

Авторы: Reidu Gxd

Reidu feat. a1x & Flowr - EGO!5A
дата релиза

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