Richard Clayderman - Schiwago-Melodie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Richard Clayderman - Schiwago-Melodie

Ils brulent les corps dans cette foret
They burn the bodies in this forest
Tu te fais souvent fumer par des mecs que tu connais
You often get smoked by guys you know
Ils sortent le corps du coffre, desendent de la voiture
They take the body out of the trunk, get out of the car
Un oeil sur le retro, "Y" remet son flingue a sa ceinture
An eye on the rearview mirror, "Y" puts his gun back in his belt
Reproche a "X" de conduire a trop vive alure
Reproaches "X" for driving too fast
"X" demart, "X" attache sa ceinture
"X" starts, "X" fastens his seatbelt
Il salue, remercie les gendarmes, conscient et soulagé d'avoir e'vite' le drame
He greets, thanks the gendarmes, conscious and relieved to have avoided the drama
Le gendarme numero 2 reste silencieux ce flic a de l'instint, il lache pas "Y" des yeux
Gendarme number 2 remains silent, this cop has instinct, he doesn't let go of "Y"'s eyes
"Y" se dit: ca sera tan pis pour eux, s'il veuille fouiller le véhicule il fera feu
"Y" says to himself: it will be too bad for them, if they want to search the vehicle, he will fire
Il renda a "X" permis, carte grise, attestation d'assurance et carte d'indentité
He hands "X" his license, registration, proof of insurance and identity card
Le centrale indique qu'il n'y a rien a signaler
The control room indicates that there is nothing to report
Le voit comme un simple controle pour degeneres
See it as a simple control for degenerates
"X" essuie sa sueur, "Y" passe un mouchoir a "X"
"X" wipes his sweat, "Y" hands "X" a handkerchief
Ces gouttes sur son front sont celles de la terreur
These drops on his forehead are those of terror
Les gendarmes retournes a leur vehicule de fonction, verification et identification
The gendarmes return to their official vehicle, verification and identification
Permis, carte grise et attestation d assurance, la vitesse est limité a 50, vous rouliez a 60
License, registration and proof of insurance, the speed is limited to 50, you were driving at 60
Coupez le contact s'il vous plait mettez vous sur le coté
Cut off your contact please move to the side
Ils actionent le girofare, petite ville perdu, national, tard la nuit
They activate the flashing lights, small lost town, national, late at night
"X" fait remarquer a "Y" qu'une voiture les suit
"X" points out to "Y" that a car is following them
"X" est sous tention "Y" est detendu ce n'est pas son premier cas de frisson de côte ta vu, rien ne l'effraie, tu veux gouter la rue, t'en paie les frais
"X" is tense, "Y" is relaxed, this is not his first case of chills on your side, see, nothing scares him, you want to taste the street, you pay the price
On l'a fait et on peut pas revenir sur ce qu'on a fait, meme mort il l'insulte encore
We did it and we can't come back on what we did, even dead he still insults
Empeche le buisness de fonctioner
Prevents the business from functioning
La rue c'est speed c'est du fractioné
The street is speed, it's cut
Une fois que la machine a tuer est actionée
Once the killing machine is started up
Ta deux choix; tu paye ou t'y passe, tu te chauffe ou tu te classe, tu fuis ou tu t'arme et fais face
You have two choices; you pay or you go there, you warm up or you class yourself, you flee or you arm yourself and face it
"Y" est ce qu'on appelle un assasin de type "crapuleux"
"Y" is what is called a "scoundrel" type assassin
Qui paye pas une mine entre voyou
Who pays not a mine between thugs

Авторы: Paul Francis Webster, Maurice Jarre, Lilibert

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