莉犬 - キセキ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 莉犬 - キセキ

明日、今日よりも好きになれる 溢れる想いが止まらない
Tomorrow, I'll love you even more than today. My overflowing feelings won't stop.
今もこんなに好きでいるのに 言葉に出来ない
Even though I love you this much now, I can't put it into words.
君のくれた日々が積み重なり 過ぎ去った日々2人歩いた『軌跡』
The days you gave me have piled up, the "trail" we've walked together in the past days.
僕らの出逢いがもし偶然ならば? 運命ならば?
What if our encounter was by chance? By fate?
君に巡り合えた それって『奇跡』
Meeting you, that's a "miracle".
2人寄り添って歩いて 永久の愛を形にして
The two of us clinging to each other as we walk, transforming our eternal love into something tangible.
いつまでも君の横で 笑っていたくて
I want to be laughing by your side, forever.
アリガトウや ah 愛してるじゃまだ足りないけど
Thank you and ah, I love you, but it's not enough.
At least let me say, "I'm happy."
いつも君の右の手の平を ただ僕の左の手の平が
Always in the palm of your right hand, only the palm of my left hand.
そっと包んでくそれだけで ただ愛を感じていた
Gently wrapping around it, just with that, I simply felt love.
日々の中で 小さな幸せ 見つけ重ね ゆっくり歩いた『軌跡』
In the days to come, finding and adding small happiness, we slowly walked our "trail".
僕らの出会いは大きな世界で 小さな出来事
Our encounter was a small event in the vast world.
巡り合えた それって『奇跡』
Meeting you, that's a "miracle".
うまく行かない日だって 2人で居れば晴れだって!
Even on a bad day, when we're together, it's sunny!
強がりや寂しさも 忘れられるから
My excuses and loneliness can be forgotten.
僕は君でなら 僕で居れるから!
Because I can be myself when I'm with you!
だからいつも そばにいてよ『愛しい君へ』
So, please always be by my side, "my precious one."
2人フザけあった帰り道 それも大切な僕らの日々
The two of us joking around on the way home, those are also important days for us.
「想いよ届け!!!」と伝えた時に 初めて見せた表情の君
The first time I saw the expression on your face when I said, "My feelings will reach you!"
少し間が空いて 君がうなずいて 僕らの心 満たされてく愛で
There was a slight pause, then you nodded, and our hearts filled with love.
ぼくらまだ旅の途中で またこれから先も
We're still on our journey, and in the future, too,
To a future that we can continue for decades to come.
例えばほら 明日を見失いそうに 僕らなったとしても
Like, if we ever start to lose sight of tomorrow,
2人寄り添って歩いて 永久の愛を形にして
The two of us clinging to each other as we walk, transforming our eternal love into something tangible.
いつまでも君の横で 笑っていたくて
I want to be laughing by your side, forever.
アリガトウや ah 愛してるじゃまだ足りないけど
Thank you and ah, I love you, but it's not enough.
At least let me say, "I'm happy."
うまく行かない日だって 2人で居れば晴れだって!
Even on a bad day, when we're together, it's sunny!
喜びや悲しみも 全て分け合える
We can share all our joys and sorrows.
君がいるから 生きていけるから!
Because I'm alive because you're here!
だからいつも そばにいてよ『愛しい君へ』最後の一秒まで
So, please always be by my side, "my precious one," until the very end.
明日、今日より笑顔になれる 君がいるだけで そう思えるから
Tomorrow, I'll be able to smile even more than today, just because you're here.
何十年 何百年 何千年 時を超えよう 君を愛してる
For decades, centuries, millennia, for time everlasting, I will love you.

Авторы: Greeeen

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