S.T.S. - Sie wissen all's besser - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский S.T.S. - Sie wissen all's besser

Sie wissen all's besser
They all know it better
Denk da wos'd denkst
Think what you think
Tua nur wos'd mogst
Do what you desire
Nimm da vor
Take a lot on
A wennst ned all's dapockst
Even if you don't accomplish everything
Heb dein Arsch, sei ned faul
Get off your ass, don't be lazy
Hab nur kan Respekt
Just don't have any respect
Mit wache Knie hot no kana die Wöd nei entdeckt
No one has ever discovered the world with trembling knees
Sperr' auf deine Aug'n, sperr' auf deine Ohr'n
Open your eyes, open your ears
Und wannst was zum sog'n host, dann stell di noch vorn
And when you have something to say, put yourself upfront
Schau, es gibt eh scho Leit gnua, es werd'n imma mehr
Look, there are already enough people, they're always getting more
Die wuin nix dazua tuan, drum tuans a nix mehr
Who don't want to do anything, so they do nothing
Jo, sie wissen all's besser und tuan als wie wer
Yes, they all know it better and act like big shots
Und wannst a poar Frag'n host, leg'n sa si quer
And when you have a few questions, they lay themselves out
Jo, sie hob'n noch kan Fehler g'mocht
Yes, they haven't made any mistakes yet
Na, den gebns ned zua
No, they don't admit to them
Jo, sie wissen all's besser, als du
Yes, they know it all better than you
Und bist dann allan, jo, donn loss da ned g'falln
And when you're all alone, yes, don't let it get to you
Wann so a Wichser dir zuaschaut beim Zahl'n
When such a jerk watches you pay
Und di auslocht obwul dir zum rean is vor Hass
And laughs at you, even though you're about to cry with hatred
Die Welt is a Norr'nhaus, die Welt is so gross
The world is a madhouse, the world is so big
Jo, sie wissen all's besser und tuan als wie wer
Yes, they all know it better and act like big shots
Und wannst a poar Frag'n host, leg'n sa si quer
And when you have a few questions, they lay themselves out
Jo, sie hob'n noch kan Fehler g'mocht
Yes, they haven't made any mistakes yet
Na, den gebns ned zua
No, they don't admit to them
Jo, sie wissen all's besser, als du
Yes, they know it all better than you
Denk da wos'd denkst, tua nur wos'd mogst
Think what you think, just do what you want
Nimm da vor, a wennst ned all's dapackst
Take on a lot, even if you don't accomplish everything
Heb dein Arsch, sei ned faul
Get off your ass, don't be lazy
Hab nur kan Respekt
Just don't have any respect
Mit wache Knia hot no kana die Welt nei entdeckt
No one has ever discovered the world with trembling knees
Jo, sie wissen nix besser und tuan als wie wer und wennst a poar Frang'n host, leg'n sa si quer
Yes, they don't know any better and act like big shots and when you have a few questions, they'll lay themselves out
Jo, sie hob'n no kan Fehler g'mocht
Yes, they haven't made any mistakes yet
Na, den gebs ned zua
No, they won't admit to it
Jo, sie wissen nix besser als du
Yes, they don't know any better than you

Авторы: Günter Timischl

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