SBO - Horizont - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский SBO - Horizont

Vrnil se bom, draga
I'll be back, my love
Prišel bo bog
God will come
Za mano ciganov falanga, bosonog
Behind me, a horde of barefoot gypsies
V belem odelu vodim zagorelo hordo
In a white robe, I lead the tanned horde
Razodetje, skoz' nebo spušča se voz
Revelation, a chariot descends from the sky
Voda bruha iz vodnjaka
Water gushes from the well
Sklenjen je krog
The circle is closed
Temnopolti Super Saiyan, deli zlato
Dark-skinned Super Saiyan, distributes gold
Sonce lije čez okna
The sun shines through the windows
Umiva pere folk
People wash their laundry
Topi gorske verige, blitzkrieg, svobodni polk
Melts mountain chains, blitzkrieg, free polka
Vrnu se bom, vrnu se bom
I'll be back, I'll be back
Grmi vztraja trmasta noč
The thunder persists, stubborn night
Hvala ti za vse prvo, strl me bo
Thank you for everything first, it will crush me
Grlo gori
Throat burns
Gnije meso
Flesh rots
Dojijo prsi
Breasts are suckled
Letijo kopja
Spears fly
To ni slovo
This is not goodbye
Ne brini, draga
Don't worry, my love
Vem, kje je dom
I know where home is
Nikoli naj ti ne klone glava
Never let your head droop
Vrž' oko v horizont
Cast your eye to the horizon
Vsake tok
Every time
Vrž' oko na horizont
Cast your eye to the horizon
Na horizont
To the horizon
V horizont
Into the horizon
Razlega se krik
A cry rises
Glej, v sadovnjaku plešejo slečeni
Look, in the orchard, naked people are dancing
In nasmejani, večni Buddha, sin odrešenik, kolovodja
And smiling, eternal Buddha, son savior, conductor
Zahoda palače na plečih
Palaces of the West on his shoulders
Radovan treći
Radovan the Third
Največji sem
I am the greatest
Rdeči trg se vleče iz pleksusa ven
Red Square stretches out of the plexus
Boljševiki v Teksasu hodjo Afroditi nasproti
Bolsheviks in Texas walk towards Aphrodite
Morje me nos
The sea carries me
V starem parniku s soljo
In an old steamer with salt
Bliža se rob
The edge is approaching
Dviga se v nebo kolos, gori Rodos
A colossus rises to the sky, Rhodes burns
Zuni se poljublja tisoč otrok
A thousand children kiss
Beatlov milijon
A million Beatles
Krvavih dlani
Bloody palms
Gazi po dolini rož
Tramples the valley of roses
Odsev plamenov v črepinjah razbitih izložb
Reflection of flames in the shards of broken shop windows
Množice pod platnom
Crowds under the canvas
Idoli resnice menjajo masko
Idols of truth change their masks
Nevesto za cesarstvo, aplavz bo
A bride for the empire, applause will be
Zlato za vratom
Gold around the neck
Kri na škornjih
Blood on boots
Đir predmestja
Suburban tour
Mir pod pogoji
Peace under conditions
Papir je v žepu
The paper is in the pocket
Izvir v Big Macu
Source in the Big Mac
Požri ta trip
Swallow this trip
In uživi v peklu
And enjoy the hell
Uživi v peklu
Enjoy the hell
Smisel v leru
Meaning in idle
Zapri oči
Close your eyes
I preživi me
And survive me
Vrnil se bom, draga
I'll be back, my love
Prišel bo bog
God will come
Vem, v prsih ti vztraja
I know, in your breast persists
Tumor dvom
Tumor of doubt
Ran ne pozablja tvoje telo
Your body doesn't forget wounds
Jst pa nosim slike raja v horizont
I carry pictures of paradise in the horizon
V horizont, draga
In the horizon, my love
V horizont
In the horizon
Vrž' oko pada
Cast your eye falls
V horizont
In the horizon
Vrž' oko
Cast your eye
Vsake tok
Every time
Na horizont
To the horizon
V horizont
Into the horizon
Novi svet, novi svet čaka na nas
New world, new world awaits us
Mi smo druga stran oceana
We are the other side of the ocean
Dalje spavaj al' zapamti ime mi
Sleep on or remember my name
Jaz sem država
I am the state
Ne obstajam
I don't exist
Vrnil se bom, draga
I'll be back, my love
Vem, v prsih ti vztraja
I know, in your breast persists
Jst pa nosim slike raja
I carry pictures of paradise
V horizont, draga, draga, draga, draga
In the horizon, my love, my love, my love, my love
V horizont
In the horizon
V horizont, draga
In the horizon, my love
V horizont
In the horizon
V horizont, draga
In the horizon, my love
Vem, v prsih ti vztraja
I know, in your breast persists

Авторы: Benjamin Krnetić, Vid Greganovic

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