SEAMO - 終わりと始まり - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский SEAMO - 終わりと始まり

End and the Beginning
眠たい授業 チャイムの音 ふざけ合ってた放課後
Drowsy class, chime, goofing around after school
誰が好きとか嫌いとか 日が暮れるまで語り合ってた
Who likes or dislikes someone, we talked about it until the sun set
思い出の引き出しは 1つ1つがキラキラ
The drawer of memories is sparkling one by one
つらいけどもさよなら 美しい日々よ
It's hard but goodbye, beautiful days
ありがとう 大切な君よ ありがとう 君で良かったよ
Thank you, my precious one, thank you, it was my happiness to love you
明日もこれで頑張れるよ こんにちは 新しい未来の僕
I can get by tomorrow with this, hello, my new future self
初めてあったあの日から3年 色んなことがあったね
From the first day we met, it's been three years, many things happened
不安と希望が入り交じり 門を叩いたのまるで昨日の様
My worries and hopes mixed, I knocked on the door as if it was yesterday
出逢った君とわかりあうまでに 時間かかった分、マジに
It took time for me to understand you, whom I met, but seriously
笑いあい、いがみあい、語り合い 思い出は美しい花になり
We laughed, got into arguments, and talked, the memories became beautiful flowers
そんな日々に背中を押され 旅立つ僕はまだ見ぬ未来へ
I'm going on a journey to an unknown future, pushed by such days
大きく実った花は散る 離れても心の側にいる
The flowers that have bloomed大きく実った花は散る scatter away, but they stay in our hearts even when we're apart
さよならの言葉は今日の為 ありがとうの言葉、君の為にあるよ
The words of farewell are for today, the words of thank you are for you
だから心を込めて ありがとうとさよなら
That's why I say it with all my heart, thank you and goodbye
思い出の引き出しは 1つ1つがキラキラ
The drawer of memories is sparkling one by one
つらいけどもさよなら 美しい日々よ
It's hard but goodbye, beautiful days
ありがとう 大切な君よ ありがとう 君で良かったよ
Thank you, my precious one, thank you, it was my happiness to love you
明日もこれで頑張れるよ こんにちは 新しい未来の僕
I can get by tomorrow with this, hello, my new future self
いつかは終わる楽しい事 それが寂しいのは自然の事
Happy things end someday, and it's natural to feel lonely
終わりは始まり 新たなる別々の道への旅立ち
The end is a beginning, a journey to new and separate paths
花は散っても来年 また再び咲く為に力を溜めて
Flowers scatter, but they store up their strength to bloom again next year
僕らの未来を 祝う為に たった1つ それだけの為に
To celebrate our future, just for one thing, for that alone
同じ世代に生まれ 君といる事出来た幸せ
The happiness of being born in the same generation and being with you
助けたつもりが助けられてたな 僕を支えた君の力
I thought I was helping you, but I was actually being helped, your strength that supported me
1から10まで新しく なるのは怖いけども潔く
It's scary to start all over again from 1 to 10, but I'll do it boldly
飛び立とう明日に この柱に名前を彫った 今日からが始まり
Let's fly into tomorrow, I carved my name on this pillar, today is the beginning
思い出の引き出しは 1つ1つがキラキラ
The drawer of memories is sparkling one by one
つらいけどもさよなら 美しい日々よ
It's hard but goodbye, beautiful days
ありがとう 大切な君よ ありがとう 君で良かったよ
Thank you, my precious one, thank you, it was my happiness to love you
明日もこれで頑張れるよ こんにちは 新しい未来の僕
I can get by tomorrow with this, hello, my new future self
終わりじゃなく 今日が始まりさ
It's not the end, today is the beginning
僕は僕 君は君 それぞれの道
I'm me, you're you, we each have our own paths
Believing that we'll meet again someday
少しの間 別れを告げよう
Let's say goodbye for a while
思い出の引き出しは 1つ1つがキラキラ
The drawer of memories is sparkling one by one
つらいけどもさよなら 美しい日々よ
It's hard but goodbye, beautiful days
ありがとう 大切な君よ ありがとう 君で良かったよ
Thank you, my precious one, thank you, it was my happiness to love you
明日もこれで頑張れるよ こんにちは 新しい未来の僕
I can get by tomorrow with this, hello, my new future self

Авторы: Naoki Takada, Shintaro"growth"izutsu, naoki takada, shintaro“growth”izutsu

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