SFDK - Desafio total - перевод текста песни на английский

Desafio total - SFDKперевод на английский

Desafio total
Total Challenge
Desafio total, el diablo de alma buena
Total challenge, the devil with a good soul
Un hermano del mal, carecemos de melenas
A brother of evil, we lack manes
Mas chulo, mas chulo, mas chulo, mas chulo Mi tren va direccin Sevilla-Mlaga
Cooler, cooler, cooler, cooler My train goes direction Seville-Malaga
Tu pilla un micro y cgala
You grab a mic and rock it
La pea va a acabar to empalaga
The crowd is gonna end up all sugared up
Quieres amor pues busca una mujer y pagala
You want love, then find a woman and pay her
Luego alagala, y acabaras mojando el calamar
Then flatter her, and you'll end up dipping the squid
O cambiando la sabana, aunque no sabe a na
Or changing the sheets, even though it doesn't taste like anything
Microphone phenomena, sigue sin su nomina
Microphone phenomena, still without his payroll
Por que a maana pille la gama montana
Because tomorrow I'll catch the mountain range
Y con un verde marihuana escribi, "Life in Chana"
And with a green marijuana I wrote, "Life in Chana"
I love mama! Depresion por la fama
I love mama! Depression because of fame
Si un dia la sufro hare un disco desde la cama
If one day I suffer it, I'll make a record from bed
No more drama sera su titulo
No more drama will be its title
Acabara colgado de una rama mi peor discipulo
My worst disciple will end up hanging from a branch
Son letras de un capitulo de mi tercer fasciculo
These are lyrics from a chapter of my third fascicle
Yo gesticulo con la cara y no con el culo
I gesticulate with my face and not with my ass
Ridiculo, mc's en busca de fama
Ridiculous, mc's in search of fame
Acaban muertos en la cama con presion en los testiculos
They end up dead in bed with pressure on their testicles
Gloria, sangre, lagrimas, hambre, micros, calambres
Glory, blood, tears, hunger, mics, cramps
Atentos rafael fernandez un maquina!
Attention Rafael Fernandez, a machine!
No negaras que lo que parte mas
You won't deny that what breaks the most
Es la forma que tengo de demostrar
Is the way I have to demonstrate
Como puedo articular mi mandibula,
How I can articulate my jaw,
Y a la vez configurar las silabas
And at the same time configure the syllables
Y asi crear un buen rap que entretenga el personal, aqu veras,
And thus create a good rap that entertains the staff, here you will see,
Lo que importa mas es gana a tu costa y no participar
What matters most is winning at your expense and not participating
Y anticipar es emancipar, es un dispar juntar a este par, hijo de hace pop!
And to anticipate is to emancipate, it's a shot to bring this pair together, son of a bitch make pop!
Es hora de pagar el dao que nos causa
It's time to pay for the damage it causes us
No es yo gano con tamara ni recibir premios en revistas asi que tu veras
It's not me winning with Tamara or receiving awards in magazines, so you'll see
Es dar una patada a vuestros playback's
It's giving a kick to your playbacks
Alzad esas manos quienes no se contengan mas
Raise your hands those who can't contain themselves anymore
Que no den tanta publicidad a mc's que venden solo mil ciento y pico copias
Don't give so much publicity to mc's who sell only a thousand one hundred and something copies
Porque despues en la calle esta la verdad y el boca a boca, lo pillas?
Because then on the street is the truth and word of mouth, you get it?
Meteros por el culo las ganas de sacar LP's de rap feliz de mierda
Stick your asses up the desire to release LPs of happy shit rap
Los que van conmigo no compran eso cuando van a las tiendas
Those who go with me don't buy that when they go to the stores
No el coo la bernarda no, improvisar bien se me da,
Not the coo la bernarda no, improvising well I'm good at it,
Es similar, singular, asesinar, casi n!
It's similar, singular, assassinate, almost n!
Levanta el sof, mi lengua una amantis,
Lift the sofa, my tongue a mistress,
Pensabas que ir a la tele era gratis
You thought going on TV was free
O que no te pasarian factura el videoclip,
Or that they wouldn't bill you for the video clip,
Mi clip, hace clic clic.
My clip, click click.
Traigo ... pa otra fashion victim
I bring ... for another fashion victim
Desafio total, el diablo de alma buena
Total challenge, the devil with a good soul
Un hermano del mal, carecemos de melenas
A brother of evil, we lack manes
Mas chulo, mas chulo, mas chulo, mas chulo Quieras o no los medios influyen,
Cooler, cooler, cooler, cooler Whether you like it or not the media influences,
Tele, radio, prensa y no puedo mas
TV, radio, press and I can't take it anymore
Lo hago por mi libertad, mi ego trip, mi blanc no es main stream
I do it for my freedom, my ego trip, my blanc is not mainstream
Quiero acabar de una vez por toas
I want to finish once and for all
A pesar de las formas que adoptan las boas!
Despite the shapes that boas take!
Mezclarlo en gold coast!
Mix it up on the Gold Coast!
Con solo mirar derrito el cocoa! Disparo boas!
Just by looking I melt the cocoa! I shoot boas!
Quien crees que llevo a joaquin sabina a urgencias?
Who do you think I took Joaquin Sabina to the emergency room?
Me llaman luzvel, ven luz verde en su culo al ver como capaz resuelve su blue elbeth
They call me Luzvel, they see green light in their ass when they see how capable she solves her blue elbeth
Plasman esto en pvc, Rafa y su crew vuelven
They capture this in PVC, Rafa and his crew return
Villanos joden a heroes, eso es,
Villains fuck heroes, that's it,
Asi va el track 9 un track baby
That's how track 9 goes, a track baby
Si mezclas el rap con mierda al menos que funcione sabes?
If you mix rap with shit, at least make it work, you know?
El caso es que... Vuelve MR Poetry! No solo es por Royalty
The fact is that... MR Poetry is back! It's not just for Royalty
Mi Flow te parte, intenta hacerte un nombre a costa de mi Squad y mueres
My flow breaks you, try to make a name for yourself at the expense of my Squad and you die
Pon ojo en tu nuca en cualquier backstage, yo amo la mistakes,
Keep an eye on your neck in any backstage, I love mistakes,
Amo el juego me amo!
I love the game I love myself!
Por eso zatu y yo en los fake mc's nos meamos estamos?
That's why Zatu and I piss on fake mc's, are we?
Somos chulos si y que?
We are cool, yes and what?
Dos palabras mias y tu un dos mas que el mismo si quest asi que
Two words from me and you're a two more than the same if that's the case so
Nunca te confies por que me veas palido
Never trust me because you see me pale
Es que prefiero estar escribiendo que tomando el sol, sentao en el parque del barrio
It's that I prefer to be writing than sunbathing, sitting in the park in the neighborhood
Traigo skills necesarios pa darte alivio
I bring the necessary skills to give you relief
Con el fluir de mis labios y decirte... Me cago en tus muertos, bah!
With the flow of my lips and tell you... I shit on your dead, bah!
Podria haber sido testigo de jeova, pero no abri la puerta aquel dia
I could have been a Jehovah's Witness, but I didn't open the door that day
Y hoy os jode mi rap en mayusculas
And today my rap in capital letters fucks you
Tienes la tipica cara del tipo que odio que ama el envoltorio
You have the typical face of the guy I hate who loves wrapping
De las cosas y tiene encima un verde un capitolio
Of things and has a green capitol on top
Y un jardin con rosas... te preocupa el petroleo?
And a garden with roses... are you worried about oil?
Aqu en sevilla se decir casera blanca no gaseosa
Here in Seville they say white casera, not soda
Recuerda que en la calle siempre se piensa en ti
Remember that on the street they always think of you
Tu casa pa los cacos suele ser un souvenir
Your house for thieves is usually a souvenir
Dejaras de reir, llegara la sangre al rio
You will stop laughing, the blood will reach the river
Cuando delante de tu crio te pillen los tios esnifando coca en el rocio,
When in front of your kid the guys catch you sniffing coke in the dew,
Mal vas tio en que lio andas metio?
You're doing badly dude, what kind of trouble are you in?
Tu mujer desespera!
Your wife despairs!
No creera la historia del condon en la guantera
She won't believe the story of the condom in the glove compartment
Tu cartera, huele a billete y a moneda
Your wallet smells like bills and coins
Y el impacto, sera cuando tus hijos pasen por mi acera
And the impact will be when your kids pass by my sidewalk
A 120 en tercera recuerdo que antes no habia quien te pitara al volante de tu vitara
At 120 in third I remember that before there was no one who would honk at you at the wheel of your vitara
Pero que paso? Un tipo te ha cambiado la cara
But what happened? A guy has changed your face
Rueda pinchada por llevar banderita facha en el capo
Flat tire for carrying a fascist flag on the hood
Fite como acabo, el diablo de alma buena,
Look how I ended up, the devil with a good soul,
Un par de tipos casi albinos que se mean en la orilla del quema
A couple of almost albino guys who piss on the shore of the quema
Solo tengo un problema, en casa nos quejamos
I only have one problem, at home we complain
De que el mas tonto del sevilla siempre acaba en gran hermano
That the dumbest guy in Seville always ends up in Big Brother
Despues de todo, es tan dificil la vida en el lodo,
After all, life in the mud is so difficult,
Que ha estao pensando rafa en que lacoste patrocinara unos polos
That Rafa has been thinking about Lacoste sponsoring some polo shirts
Y dile a loby que nos busque unos bolos por ah...
And tell Loby to find us some gigs out there...
De costa a costa y de polo a polo!
From coast to coast and from pole to pole!
Desafio total, el diablo de alma buena
Total challenge, the devil with a good soul
Un hermano del mal, carecemos de melenas
A brother of evil, we lack manes
Mas chulo, mas chulo, mas chulo, mas chulo Gloria, sangre, lagrimas, hambre, micros, calambres
Cooler, cooler, cooler, cooler Glory, blood, tears, hunger, mics, cramps
Hijos de puta comprad disco original y no los grabeeeees!!
Motherfuckers buy original records and don't record them!!!!


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