SHOMY I VUKI - Mi Amore - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский SHOMY I VUKI - Mi Amore

Mi Amore
My Love
Ovo ljeto nema nam bolje
This summer can't get any better for us
Neg na Jadransko more, ti i ja mi amore
Than at the Adriatic Sea, you and me my love
Samo s tobom zelim da odem,
I only want to go with you
Kao nekad nas dvoje, ti i ja mi amore
Like the old days, just the two of us, you and me my love
Ovo ljeto
This summer
Zelim tebe
I want you
Mi amore
My love
Ovo ljeto nema nam bolje
This summer can't get any better for us
Neg na jadransko more i i ja mi amore
Than at the Adriatic Sea, you and me my love
"Mi amore"
"My love"
Samo s tobom zelim da odem
I only want to go with you
Kao nekad nas dvoje ti i ja mi amore
Like the old days, just the two of us, you and me my love
Ole ole ole, ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, hej mi amore
Ole ole ole, hey my love
Ovo ljeto, zelim tebe,
This summer, I want you
Samo da si ovdje bejbe
Just be here baby
Ja bez tebe bebo nigdje ne idem,
I'm not going anywhere without you, babe
Ali more me ceka zato moram da krenem
But the sea awaits me, so I have to go
Stalno o nama ja razmisljam
I'm constantly thinking about us
Nikog nemam ja jos sam sam
I don't have anyone, I'm still alone
Srce moje tebi pripada,
My heart belongs to you
Jer ja jos volim te
Because I still love you
Zelim da si mi tu,
I want you to be here
Ovo je kao u snu,
This is like a dream
Dok sam cekao znak
While I was waiting for a sign
Sve me sjeca na nju,
Everything reminds me of her
Jos uvijek ko da je tu,
As if she were still here
Njen miris ostavlja trag
Her scent leaves a trace
Ovo ljeto nema nam bolje
This summer can't get any better for us
Neg na Jadransko more, ti i ja mi amore
Than at the Adriatic Sea, you and me my love
Samo s tobom zelim da odem,
I only want to go with you
Kao nekad nas dvoje, ti i ja mi amore
Like the old days, just the two of us, you and me my love
Ole ole ole, ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, hej mi amore
Ole ole ole, hey my love
Lijepe zene me bude,
Beautiful women arouse me
Oko mene su palme i sunce
Palms and sun surround me
Na daleko ritam cuje se
A rhythm can be heard from afar
I vodi te jer tu je urnebes
And leads you there because it's party time
Samo tebe mi nema kao nekad
Only you're not here with me like before
Kao nekad kada ugase se svijetla
Like before when the lights went out
Samo s tobom zelim biti ovog ljeta
This summer I only want to be with you
Moj lik i prilika ce te cekat
My image and likeness will await you
To sto te nema nije fer
It's not fair that you're not here
Bez tebe cekam svitanje
I'm waiting for dawn without you
U vecer brojim valove,
In the evening I count the waves
A ti ne dolazis
But you don't come
To sto te nema nije fer
It's not fair that you're not here
U sebi cuvam tragove
I keep traces of you in me
I smisljam nove planove,
And make new plans
A ti ne dolazis
But you don't come
Ha haaa ha haaa haa haa haaaaa
Ha haaa ha haaa haa haa haaaaa
Ha haaa ha haaa haa haa haaaaa
Ha haaa ha haaa haa haa haaaaa
Ovo ljetooo
This summer
Zelim tebeee
I want you
Ti i ja mi amore
You and me my love
"Mi amore"
"My love"
Ovo ljeto nema nam bolje
This summer can't get any better for us
Neg na Jadransko more, ti i ja mi amore
Than at the Adriatic Sea, you and me my love
Samo s tobom zelim da odem,
I only want to go with you
Kao nekad nas dvoje, ti i ja mi amore
Like the old days, just the two of us, you and me my love
Ole ole ole, ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, hej mi amore
Ole ole ole, hey my love

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