Sabbala - Sembilan - перевод текста песни на английский

Sembilan - Sabbalaперевод на английский

This motherf- beat
This motherf- beat
Aku nak bagitau korang
I’ma let you guys know
Cryhmetyme yang mulakan
Crhymetyme started it
Sebab diorang terasa dengan aa
Because they felt some type of way with aa
Verse kitorang tulis 15 minit je
Our verses took only 15 minutes to write
Lagu kitorang buat 15 minit je
Our songs took only 15 minutes to make
Bodoh, kau budak bodoh macam tu jela erk?
Stupid, you’re just stupid like that huh?
Senak pale bapak kau, ni aku datang sebab korang nak sangat
Your dad’s head hurts, I came here because you guys wanted it so bad
Empat penjenayah ditembak mati macam kat Kuala Langat
Four criminals shot dead like in Kuala Langat
Punchline korang tak sampai, diorang pergi merantau
Your punchlines don’t reach, they go wander
Takde bola atas padang aku rembat kepala kau
No ball on the field, I’ll kick your head
Aku koyak, handle budak tak berotak nak rap
I’m pissed, handling kids with no brains who wanna rap
Lepas tu perasan tak wack, gaya rap minta kena jet
Then they act like they not wack, their rap style is begging to get knocked
Orang lain cari rezeki, korang cari pasal
Other people look for sustenance, you guys look for trouble
Takut nak diss Rahh dan Daney, pastu alert kami awal-awal
Too scared to diss Rahh and Daney, then alerting us early on
Bilanya kami suruh jilat?
When did we ever tell you to lick our boots?
Ke Cryhmetyme tak reti baca?
Or does Cryhmetyme not know how to read?
Hormat bukan jilat, dorang tak faham budi bahasa
Respect is not licking boots, they don’t understand manners
Standard pondan, memang takkan nampak salah sendiri
Standard sissy, they’ll never see their own mistakes
Pussy rappers, studio korang pun nama CT
Pussy rappers, your studio is even named CT
Aiyaad takat bagi cukup syarat, punchline mencubit
Aiyaad just giving enough to get by, punchlines that pinch
Rhyme kau senang, kesulitan kau cuma alat sulit
Your rhymes are easy, your only difficulty is your genitals
Komen merata, mengaku diri sendiri penjenayah
Commenting everywhere, admitting you're a criminal
"Polis, saya jumpa penjenayah paling bodoh dalam sejarah"
"Police, I found the dumbest criminal in history"
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan (telefon, telefon)
Nine, nine, nine (telephone, telephone)
Ada penjenayah kat sini (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
There's a criminal here (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
Ada penjenayah kat sini (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
There's a criminal here (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan (telefon, telefon, telefon)
Nine, nine, nine (telephone, telephone, telephone)
Ada penjenayah kat sini (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
There's a criminal here (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There's a criminal here
Dah tak sedar diri
They’re not self aware anymore
Rap english Sharx barai, jangan nak tunjuk pandai
Sharx’s english rap is trash, don’t try to act smart
Balik jela main Dota, verse kau takleh pakai
Just go back to playing Dota, your verse is useless
Laut hiphop bagi masa aku carikan mangsa
The hiphop sea gives me time to find prey
Sharx acah macam jerung padahal ikan laga
Sharx acting like a shark but he’s just a betta fish
Kalau ada miscom, lawalah tak pernah hilang
If there’s a miscommunication, lawalah would never disappear
Cuma korang je yang penakut taknak ajak berbincang
It’s only you guys who are too scared to discuss it
Yaman down kena diss terus takleh fokus derr
Yaman’s down from getting dissed and can’t even focus anymore derr
Sampai takleh langsung nak rap terus buat chorus je
To the point where he doesn’t wanna rap directly, just do the chorus
Ekor kat kepala, korang makanan aku pelahap
Tail on the head, you guys are the food I devour
Tak belajar dengan lawalah, sebab tu korang biadap Pendengar support Skyrulez, sah pendengar yang rugi
Didn’t learn from lawalah, that’s why you’re rude. Listeners support Skyrulez, guaranteed they’re losing out
Dia pemerintah langit, tapi masih duduk kat bumi
He’s the ruler of the sky, but still living on Earth
Nak tergelak, korang panggil aku keluar
I wanna laugh, you guys are calling me out
Korang jadi 'Tighter' sebab bergusti dengan spender kat luar
You guys become ‘Tighter’ because you’re wrestling with your underwear outside
Aku jatuh dari langit lari dari ular dan ulat
I fell from the sky running from snakes and worms
Sebab tak boleh fit dengan kerajaan langit yang murtad
Because I can’t fit in with the apostatized kingdom of the sky
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan
Nine, nine, nine
Ada penjenayah kat sini (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
There’s a criminal here (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There’s a criminal here
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan (korang nak telefon siapa?)
Nine, nine, nine (who you tryna call?)
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There’s a criminal here
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There’s a criminal here
Dah tak sedar diri
They’re not self aware anymore
Nak jadi lawalah sangat, korang kuat buat kelakar
Wanna be so lawalah, you guys are good at being funny
Penjara Crhymetyme, banduannya semua takde bars
Crhymetyme’s prison, all its inmates have no bars
Bila kau nak beef, aku rasa langsung tak rugi
When you wanna beef, I don’t think it’s a loss at all
Sebab aku dah buktikan otak Crhymetyme berfungsi
Because I’ve already proven Crhymetyme’s brain works
Kau nak pancing pendengar, tapi yang dapat hanya ikan
You wanna hook listeners, but all you get are fish
Faktor kau reply lawalah sebab nak dapat views beriman
The factor you reply to lawalah is because you want views, a believer
You guys don't give a f- tapi asal korang balas
You guys don’t give a f- but why you replying in the first place
Yaman kalau tak berguna jangan sumbang chorus malas
Yaman if you’re useless don’t contribute a lazy chorus
Beribu soalan aku ada, ini salah satunya
I have thousands of questions, this is one of them
'Makna' dan 'M and M' tak rhyme, camne kau jadi rapper?
‘Makna’ and ‘M and M’ don’t rhyme, how are you a rapper?
Kau tak belajar dengan lawalah, itu alasan kukuh
You didn’t learn from lawalah, that’s a solid reason
Sebab kami tak pernah ajar orang jadi rapper bodoh
Because we never taught anyone how to be a stupid rapper
Aku ajar attitude yang pertama, lepastu baru skill
I teach attitude first, then skills
Ni petik nama aku, terus ingat diorang dah kill
They mention my name, they think they already killed it
But f- Crhymetyme! aku ludah depan-depan
But f- Crhymetyme! I’ll spit on you right to your face
Lain kali buka telinga bila orang tua tinggalkan pesan, motherf-
Next time open your ears when your elders leave a message, motherf-
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan (buat ape?)
Nine, nine, nine (what are you doing?)
Ada penjenayah kat sini (sebab ape?)
There’s a criminal here (why?)
Ada penjenayah kat sini (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
There’s a criminal here (tut, tut, tut, tut, tut)
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan
Nine, nine, nine
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There’s a criminal here
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There’s a criminal here
Dah tak sedar diri
They’re not self aware anymore
Beef ni susah nak settle sebab pondan tu balas balik
This beef is hard to settle because the sissy keeps replying back
Rumah kebajikan lagi baik dari lorong Haji Taib
A homeless shelter is better than Haji Taib’s alley
Bro rilek bro, awat rap macam kena sampuk
Bro relax bro, why you rapping like you’re possessed
Sampai lagu cinta pun kau rap macam nak mengamuk
Even your love songs you rap like you’re about to snap
Hina pendengar kami, Crhymetyme memang kuat cemburu
Insulting our listeners, Crhymetyme is really jealous
Lagu lagu korang mana? aku dok dengar lagu tu
Where are your songs? I’m listening to that song
Baru tahu dari haritu sejak BBQ sky nak beef
Just found out the other day since BBQ Sky wants to beef
Tapi dari tahun lepas kau takde telor pun nak diss
But since last year you didn’t even have the balls to diss
Dah ternyata, kau bacul tambahan bapuk!
It’s been proven, you’re a coward and on top of that, washed up!
Tunggu nak ada backup, baru kau ikut masuk
Waiting to have backup, only then you join in
Apollo XIII, bukan tu crew kau jugak ke?
Apollo XIII, isn’t that your crew too?
Apollo pun dia nak diss, dia ni sebenarnya macam mana?
Even Apollo he wants to diss, what is he actually like?
Sebab dorang tak share lagu kau dekat Instagram
Because they didn’t share your song on Instagram
Omar, aku tak percaya kau ada ular in your fam
Omar, I don’t believe you have snakes in your fam
Ngadu kat Muariffah "bro, aku bukan talam"
Complaining to Muariffah "bro, I’m not talam"
Mari aku buat Skyrulez hilang kawan dalam satu malam
Let me make Skyrulez lose friends in one night
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan
Nine, nine, nine
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There's a criminal here
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There's a criminal here
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan
Nine, nine, nine
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There's a criminal here
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There's a criminal here
Sembilan, sembilan, sembilan
Nine, nine, nine
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There's a criminal here
Ada penjenayah kat sini
There's a criminal here
Dah tak sedar diri
They’re not self aware anymore
F- off
F- off

Авторы: Muhammad Yusuf Mazelan

Sabbala - Sembilan
дата релиза

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