Salomé - L'emporda - перевод текста песни на английский

L'emporda - Saloméперевод на английский

Cap a la part del Pirineu
Towards the Pyrenees
Vora els serrats i arran del mar
Near the ridges and along the sea
S'obre una plana riallera
A laughing plain opens up
És l'Empordà
It is Emporda
Digueu,companys, per on hi aneu?
Tell me, my dear, where are you going?
Digueu,companys per on s'hi va?
Tell me, my dear, how do you get there?
Tot és camí, tot és drecera
Everything is a path, everything is a shortcut
Si ens dem la
If we hold hands
Salut!, noble Empordà!
Cheers!, noble Emporda!
Salut!, palau del vent!
Cheers!, palace of the wind!
Portem el cor content
We bring a happy heart
I una cançó
And a song
Pels aires s'alçarà
It will rise in the air
Pels cors penetrarà
It will penetrate the hearts
Penyora s'anirà fent de germanor
It will gradually become a pledge of brotherhood
Una cançó!
A song!
A dalt de la muntanya hi ha un pastor
There is a shepherd on top of the mountain
A dintre de la mar hi ha una sirena
There is a mermaid inside the sea
Ell canta al matí que el sol hi és bo
He sings in the morning when the sun is good
Ella canta a les nits de lluna plena
She sings on nights of the full moon
Ella canta: - Pastor, me fas neguit
She sings: - Shepherd, you worry me
Canta el pastor: - Me fas neguit, sirena
The shepherd sings: - You worry me, mermaid
Si sabessis, el mar, com és bonic!
If you only knew how beautiful the sea is!
Si sabessis, la llum de la carena!
If you only knew the light of the ridge!
Si hi baixessis, series mon marit
If you came down, you would be my husband
Si hi pugessis ma joia fora plena
If I could climb up, my joy would be full
Si sabessis, el mar, com és bonic!
If you only knew how beautiful the sea is!
Si sabessis, la llum de la carena!
If you only knew the light of the ridge!
La sirena es féu un xic ençà
The mermaid moved a little closer
I un xic ençà el pastor de la muntanya
And a little closer, the shepherd from the mountain
Fins que es trobaren al bell mig del pla
Until they met in the middle of the plain
I de l'amor plantaren la cabanya...
And planted the cabin of love...
Fou l'Empordà!
It was Emporda!

Авторы: Enrique Morera Viura, Juan Maragall Gorina

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