Salvaje Decibel feat. Pepo - No Hay Olvido - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Salvaje Decibel feat. Pepo - No Hay Olvido

No Hay Olvido
No Forgiveness
Una suposision torturar matar a milico
A supposition to torture and kill the cops
Y cuico rico a ver si quieren reconciliacion
And the rich elite, let's see if they want reconciliation
Son tantos idos detenidos desaparecidos (muertos.)
So many gone, detained, disappeared (dead)
Tantos asesinos sin castigo andan sueltos
So many murderers walk free without punishment
Olvidar el pasado suena una frase ovia
Forgetting the past sounds like an obvious phrase
Cuando no se a estado viviendo la muerte en carne propia
When you haven't been living death in your own flesh
Si le sacaramos a chile una radiografia
If we took an X-ray of Chile
Sabria que hay miles de huesos sueltos todavía
We would know that there are still thousands of loose bones
Via internet y envia a la CIA su total molestia
Travel the internet and send your total annoyance to the CIA
Piora les mando con naval mi cordial respuesta
I sent them worse things with Naval, my cordial response
Maldito general darte muerte pork igual mataste a la gente
Damn general, death to you because you killed people anyway
Pero no acabaste con el ideal
But you didn't end the ideal
11 de septiembre en la memoria por siempre
September 11th, forever in memory
Dia en que la historia siente que injendra un monstruo en el vientre
The day history feels a monster being born in its womb
Neoliberalismo listo para distar tu sentensia
Neoliberalism, ready to dictate your sentence
Sin recordar insisto porque hoy se vive la consecuencia
Without remembering, I insist, because today we live the consequences
A desconsenta y desconsentra y consertacion sea complice
To dissent and disconcert, and let the agreement be complicit
Con indemnizacion no se olvida largo es el indice
With compensation, you don't forget, the index is long
Primera pagina, imagina la belica milicia
First page, imagine the warlike militia
Y su maquina entrando y eliminando de forma isterica
And its machine entering and eliminating hysterically
La memoria historica de un pueblo obligado, borrado
The historical memory of a forced, erased people
17 años de lucha por todos lados poblacion convatiente
17 years of struggle everywhere, a fighting population
Y de frente terrorismo en estado enciende prende
And head-on, state terrorism ignites, sets fire
Tu mente muchos no han vuelto motulados y torturados
Your mind, many haven't returned, mutilated and tortured
Donde estan(donde.) voy a sacar la toma de la tumba de jaime gusman
Where are they (where)? I'm going to take the shot of Jaime Guzman's grave
En recuerdo de los caidos
In memory of the fallen
Detenidos, desaparecidos, huerfanos, viuda, niño, en exilio
Detained, disappeared, orphans, widows, children, in exile
Reconciliacion seria como silenciar lo acontecido
Reconciliation would be like silencing what happened
E decidido no darme
I've decided not to give up
Por vencido levantar la voz
To raise my voice
Por lo que ya no son oidos juicio y castigo
For those who are no longer heard, trial and punishment
Maldigo enemigo testigo del tiempo del estricto rigor
I curse the enemy, witness to the time of strict rigor
Complice del sismo del facismo
Accomplice of the earthquake of fascism
Prenderemos barricadas cada 11 de septiembre
We will light barricades every September 11th
Contra el olvido
Against forgetting
La sangre se paga con sangre
Blood is paid with blood
No te olvide nunca
I will never forget you
Altare de mirar con lupa
Altar to look at with a magnifying glass
Cuando todo tu rango escupa
When all your rank spits
Mejor te preocupa pondre el fusil en tu boca
You better worry, I'll put the rifle in your mouth
Como lo isiste con muchos en la poblacion ha mano en la nuca
Like you did with many in the population, hand on the nape
Primogenito, genio de lo que no alcansaste nunca
Firstborn, genius of what you never reached
Ruegen por los muerto en la selva el tiempo nos educa
Pray for the dead in the jungle, time educates us
Observo los dia presentes apretar los dientes
I observe the present days, clenching my teeth
Como antes con comandante enterra de miente(nazi.nazi...)
Like before with the commander, buried lying (Nazi, Nazi...)
Porque tu no vives mal no cierto como muchos por aqui
Because you don't live badly, right? Like many around here
Hacierto en el desierto a fin de mes del presupuesto
Hitting the desert at the end of the month with the budget
En efecto no hay reconciliacion parasito de impuesto
In effect, there is no reconciliation, tax parasite
Sacate el traje de camuflaje wilto con la educacion del pueblo
Take off your camouflage suit, you withered with the education of the people
Educacion que no parece importarte
Education that doesn't seem to matter to you
Si te siente importante
If you feel important
Tu cuenta bancaria
Your bank account
No hace que no sea de carne
Doesn't make you not flesh and blood
Aqui tu plomo es cuento aparte porque no es pan
Here your lead is a separate story because it's not bread
El pan que le faltaba a los que sepultaste
The bread that was missing from those you buried
Es celebridad aplauso al excelente victor jara
He is a celebrity, applause to the excellent Victor Jara
Porque ese compatriota si que saco la cara
Because that compatriot really stood up
Eso milico traidores esperando la orden ahora dispara
Those traitorous soldiers, waiting for the order, now shoot
Le quebraron los dedos por no dejar de tocar su guitarra
They broke his fingers for not stopping playing his guitar
Somos los voceros somos la reencarnacion de aquellos
We are the spokespeople, we are the reincarnation of those
Que murieron vamos caminando por los mismo sendero
Who died, we are walking the same paths
Creando conciencia apoyando a los hermanos sindicatista
Raising awareness, supporting our union brothers and sisters
Y ahi estamos taller, organizacion obligada lura lista
And there we are, workshop, organization, forced, the list is ready
Escrita hasta la lista de todos los que van
Written down to the list of all those who go
Clen slan fuckin lumpen cru 100% poblacional
Clen slan fuckin lumpen cru 100% poblacional
La legal lo pueblo hacen los barrios
The law, the people make the neighborhoods
No la maldita matanza
Not the damn massacre
Salvaje decibel con sed de lucha y no con sed de venganza
Salvaje Decibel with a thirst for struggle and not with a thirst for revenge
El diablo infiltrao por esto lao pal 73
The devil infiltrated on this side for '73
Dejo caer una ayuda monetaria a su amigo pinoche
He dropped some monetary aid to his friend Pinochet
Familia maldita bendecia con agua bendita
Damn family, blessed with holy water
Del cura fun la verdad esta al frente y no hay solucion aun.
From the priest, fun, the truth is in front and there is still no solution.

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