Salyu - 有刺鉄線 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Salyu - 有刺鉄線

Barbed Wire
空をいくつかに分かれさせている 高速道路の下で
Beneath the高速道路 dividing the sky into segments,
壊れたビルや 壊れた車が 捨てられている景色が
Broken buildings, ruins of cars make up the scenery,
Creating a deserted city.
多分立ち入りを禁じた看板 ひびが入って転がり
The sign prohibiting entry is likely cracked and overturned,
カラスにとっては 慣れてるだけで 欲しいものも無さそうで
And the crows are as used to it as they are uninterested,
The thing that establishes the boundary line there
黒くさびれて ねじ曲がっている
Is black, rusted, and twisted,
ずっと忘れられている もの
Something long forgotten,
太陽の光浴びながら 有刺鉄線はそこにあった
Basking in the sun, the barbed wire persists.
淀んだ空気に揺れながら 私はボーダーのどちら側にいる
Swaying in the fetid air, on which side of the border am I
Am I on, my dear?
遠ざけてたのは 置き去りにしてた 街や人々の過去で
What separated me were the pasts of the city and its people, left behind,
私がしばらく 遠ざけたものも どこかに転がってそうで
The thing I had distanced myself from for a while is also somewhere out there,
If only this place were a dream scrapyard.
そこで気づいた 有刺鉄線に まるで寄り添うように這っていた
That's when I noticed, clinging to the barbed wire,
Was a life like green ivy,
ずっと這いつくばって 延びてた
Crawling and reaching,
太陽の光浴びながら 有刺鉄線と 生きていた
Basking in the sun, the barbed wire and plant coexisted.
淀んだ空気に揺れながら そこには意味などあるのかどうかさえ
Swaying in the fetid air, does it even matter what the meaning is,
My dear?
隔てようとする力と 生き抜こうとする力と
The power that tries to separate, and the power that strives to survive,
まるで裏と表のようで 表と裏ではないもの
As if they were the front and back, but they're not the front and back.
太陽の光浴びながら 有刺鉄線はそこにある
Basking in the sun, the barbed wire persists,
私がずっと 遠ざけたものが 自分自身だと気づく
I realize that what I've kept at a distance for so long is myself,
Even though the barbed wire is there,
多分そこには ボーダーはない
There is probably no border there,
The fetid air is still,
そこには きっと 出口があるから
Because there is surely an exit there,
I gently cut
The barbed wire in my heart.


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