Sampa - Ana Flor - перевод текста песни на английский

Ana Flor - Sampaперевод на английский

Ana Flor
Ana Flower
Ei Flor, eu sei que seu mundo virou
Hey Flower, I know your world has turned upside down
E não vou te deixar, pois não sou de falhar na missão
And I won't leave you, because I'm not one to fail a mission
Então entenda o que sigo, respire o que vivo
So understand what I follow, breathe what I live
Não posso deixar pra trás
I can't leave you behind
Vou te livrar dessas cobras
I'll get rid of those snakes
Minha cria, crescer em paz
My child, go grow in peace
Vou me livrar daquelas dívidas
I'm going to get rid of those debts
Do corre eu não pertenço mais
I don't belong to the hustle anymore
Escute minha filha, sou teu abrigo
Listen my daughter, I am your shelter
Se for preciso, atiro, mato e morro por ti
If necessary, I'll shoot, kill and die for you
Reviro o mundo, me vingo de tudo
I'll turn the world upside down, I'll avenge everything
Nada via te ferir por aqui
Nothing will hurt you around here
Não vou te enganar, não é fácil viver
I'm not going to fool you, life isn't easy
Mas você pode ser, tudo que acreditar
But you can be everything you believe
Essa terra é confusa, tem guerra e música
This land is confusing, it has war and music
Paz e rancor, tem luz e amor
Peace and rancor, it has light and love
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up
Stiffen that upper lip up
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up
Stiffen that upper lip up
É, eu sei que no futuro você vai ouvir
Yeah, I know that in the future you'll hear
Sobre cada história que deixei aqui
About every story I left here
Eu preciso ir, mas não vou te deixar
I have to go, but I won't leave you
indo buscar tudo pra te ver sorrir
I'm just going to get everything to make you smile
Lembra que não amor maior do que o de sua mãe
Remember that there is no greater love than that of your mother
Entenda quem me ensinou amar foi sua
Understand that who taught me to love was your grandmother
que sem meu pai, o teu pai nada seria
Since without my father, your father would be nothing
Finalmente, eu tenho paz, pois confio em tua tia
Finally, I have peace, because I trust your aunt
Minha flor, não se sinta só, sempre vai seguir
My flower, don't feel alone, you will always follow
Sim, a dor vai existir, é melhor se permitir
Yes, pain will exist, it's better to allow it
Pois o mundo vai te dar tudo que você plantar
Because the world will give you everything you plant
que aprendeu a andar, agora vamos dançar juntos
Since you have learned to walk, now let's dance together
Esses desenhos em minha pele contam algo
These drawings on my skin tell something
Nunca deixe de voar por temer o salto
Never stop flying for fear of the jump
Hoje, eu vim cantar pra ti ao te fazer dormir
Today, I came to sing to you as I put you to sleep
A melhor parte de mim se encontrar num jardim, minha Flor...
The best part of me is finding myself in a garden, my Flower...
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up
Stiffen that upper lip up
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up
Stiffen that upper lip up
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up
Stiffen that upper lip up
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Now hush, little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up
Stiffen that upper lip up

Авторы: Sampa

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