San E - 카운셀러 Counselor - перевод текста песни на английский

카운셀러 Counselor - San Eперевод на английский

카운셀러 Counselor
Counselor Counselor
Hey boy what's your name
Hey girl, what's your name
본명 뭔데
My real name is San and what about you
선생 천재
I'm Mr. San, the rap genius
너의 전에 불리던 것들의 현재
The present for all you have been called before
혹은 너의 자아 그래
Or your ego, yeah
여기 데리고 증상이 뭔데
What are the symptoms you brought here?
본론부터 말하자면 I'm in pain
To start with The main point is that I'm in pain
분명 행복하지 않은 상태
It's clear that I'm not in a happy state
불행에 가깝다고 봐야지
I should say I'm closer to being unhappy
몸이 아픈 아니지만
It's not that my body is sick
아니 몸도 좋은 같아
No, I don't think my body is good either
얼마 전부터 깨우는
What wakes me up some time ago is
알람이 아니라 악몽과 약물의 과다
not an alarm but a nightmare and drug overdose
Overdose I get it
I get it, overdose
약이 필요하니
Do you need more drugs?
이미 먹는 약은 넘치네
My body is already filled with the drugs I take
온갖 각성제와 그걸 잠재우기 위한
All kinds of stimulants and to put them to sleep
Zolpidem & Xanax is it common case
Zolpidem & Xanax is it common case
문제가 있군 얘기해 자세하게
There seems to be a problem, tell me in detail
나도 모르겠어 신경은 예민 상태
I don't know myself, I'm sensitive in nerves
기분은 변덕스러 방어적인 자세
Mood is capricious, defensive posture
Without pills 감을 없고
Without pills, I can't close my eyes
불만과 불안에 시달려
I'm suffering from dissatisfaction and anxiety
부담을 온갖 수단 동원해
I try to overcome the burden by mobilizing all means
분발해보려 잠시 모든 중단
Stop everything for a while
해보지만 금방 금단 현상
But I soon have the withdrawal symptoms
그닥 효과 없이 끝나
It ends without much effect
그다음 괴롭힘을 주변에 되풀이해
Then I repeat the harassment to the people around me
그다음 상황을 절벽 끝으로 to the edge
Then push the situation to the edge
No doubt 무리해 완벽 요구하며
No doubt it's無理, demanding perfection
자신과 가족을 고문해
Torturing myself and my family
그래 원하는 뭐야 돌아가고 싶어
So what do you want to do, do you want to go back?
근데 잠깐 you a doctor?
But wait, you a doctor?
그리 생각해도 좋아
You can think that way if you want
카운셀링 시작해볼까
Can we start counseling?
끝까지 파내봐 깊이 들어가
Dig it through to the end, go deeper
Yo ayo what the fuck are you doing
Yo ayo what the f are you doing
You don't need no advice
You don't need no advice
You a strong soldier you forgot
You a strong soldier you forgot
This counseling shit is bullshit
This counseling shit is bullshit
He's not even a real doctor
He's not even a real doctor
All you need is more pills
All you need is more pills
Seriously, you gotta wake up
Seriously, you gotta wake up
Wake up hey you okay
Wake up hey you okay
Oh my bad 잠시 생각했나
Oh my bad, I think I was distracted for a moment
Don't lose me here is a little test
Don't lose me here is a little test
여기 qestion 준비했으니까
Here are some questions that I prepared, so
솔직하게 check
Check it honestly
어... 어... 이미 알아 all above
Uh... Uh... I already know it, all above
먼저 들을래
Which do you want to hear first?
Good news bad news
Good news, bad news
좋은 병은 아냐
Good news, it's not a disease
길을 잃었을
I just lost my way
나침반이 망가진 아니야
My compass is not broken
그럼 나쁜 흠... 존나 뻔한 얘기지만
Then the bad news is, well... it's a bit of a cliché, but
스스로 극복해야
You have to overcome it yourself
There is no easy way
There is no easy way
그게 답이야?
Is that the answer?
Well kind of 어차피 다른 이에게
Well, kind of, I mean, to others
따위 구걸해봤자
I begged for an answer
얻는 거지 같은 충고뿐
All I get is lousy advice
약은 결국 의존증만 생기니
Because drugs eventually lead to addiction
자신과의 싸움
A fight with myself
아니 전쟁 치를 단단히 먹어
No, a war, I'm determined to fight
힘들지 몰라
It may be hard
온몸에 고통이 매달릴걸
Pain will cling to my whole body
Are you scared?
Are you scared?
Hell yeah 근데 무서운
Hell yeah, but what's scarier is
눈치란 관에 온전한
The intact me in the coffin
생각들을 죽여 묻는
I bury my thoughts
내가 적어놓은 라임 노트와
The rhyme note I wrote and
너무 달라
I'm so different
비와이가 불렀음 멋질법한 가사
Bi Wai sang awesome lyrics
가사들은 거울 비친 얼굴을
The lyrics are like my face in the mirror
저격해 마치 도리안 그레이의 초상화
Snipe like Dorian Gray's portrait
워워 몰아세우진
Whoa whoa, don't push it
잔인하게 쥐어짬 우유 아닌 피가
I squeezed it ruthlessly, not milk but blood
있길 바래 회복 카운셀링
I hope there is recovery counseling
마치도록 하지
Make it last
You can wake up
You can wake up
Wake up wake up wake up
Wake up, wake up, wake up, bro
Wake up bro wake up
Wake up bro, wake up
What the f... 이렇게 혼자
What the f... bro, why are you alone
뭐라고 중얼거리는 거야
What are you mumbling about?
어제 먹었어?
Bro, did you take drugs again yesterday?
Oh my God seriously man
Oh my God, seriously man
병원에 가봐야 되는 아냐?
Bro, don't you think you should go to the hospital?
잠도 자고 완전 이상해
Bro, I can't sleep, I'm totally weird
여기 아는데 있는데
Bro, I know I'm here, but
여기 소개 시켜줘?
Bro, introduce me to him
여기 지금 전화해
Bro, call me here
지금 전화해봐
Call me now, bro
당장 전화해봐 지금
Call me right now, bro
여보세요, 예약 하려고 하는데요...
Hello, I'd like to make an appointment...
여보세요? 여기 병원 맞죠?
Hello? Is this the hospital?
네, 말하세요
Yes, please tell me
수요일 3시에 괜찮을까요?
Is Wednesday 3 o'clock okay?
그럼 언제 가능한가요?
When will it be available?
무슨 일이시죠
What's the matter?
제가 카운셀링이 필요한 같아서요
I think I need counseling
약이 필요한가요?
Do you need medication?
아뇨 약은 됐고 상담이 필요한 같거든요
No, I don't need medication, I think I need counseling
여보세요? 여보세요?
Hello? Hello?
절대 불가능합니다...
Ha ha ha it's absolutely impossible...
Jung San-ssi WAKE UP

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