Santullo - Pedalear - перевод текста песни на английский

Pedalear - Santulloперевод на английский

Todo lo que es sólido
Everything that is solid
Se vuelve líquido
Becomes liquid
Se arrastra por el fondo
Crawls along the bottom
Como el flujo piroclástico
Like pyroclastic flow
Mientras abajo caminamos catatónicos
While we walk below catatonic
Allá arriba se condensa
Up above condenses
Un cielo apocalíptico
An apocalyptic sky
que en el fondo
I know deep down
Todos patinamos, dubitativos
We all skate, hesitantly
En este hielo fino
On this thin ice
Que nos mantiene secos
That keeps us dry
Que nos mantiene vivos
That keeps us alive
Rozando con la yema de los dedos el filo
Scraping the edge with the tips of our fingers
Como quien entra en un lago en invierno
Like someone who enters a lake in winter
Tan helado, profundo y oscuro
So frozen, deep and dark
Como el infierno
Like hell
Haciendo lo indecible,
Doing the unspeakable,
Por arrancarle el dueño al sueño
To snatch the owner from sleep
Pispeando horizontes
Peeping at horizons
Que se esconden y me esquivan
That hide and elude me
Como si fueran de mi barco, polizontes
As if they were stowaways on my ship
Mastodontes y positrones
Mastodons and positrons
Protones, neutrinos, neutrones
Protons, neutrinos, neutrons
De los electrones mejor ni hablar
Of the electrons it is better not to speak
Ya no recuerdo cómo calcular la valencia
I no longer remember how to calculate valence
Ni manejo la ciencia
Nor do I handle science
Del cataclismo nuclear
Of nuclear cataclysm
Ya casi no me quedan más pequeñas supernovas
I almost have no more small supernovas
Se me agota la paciencia
My patience is running out
Y a conciencia pido la hora
And I consciously ask for the time
Salgo a buscar un sol
I go out to look for a sun
Que queme mismo
Which burns itself
Que nunca se termine de incendiar
May it never cease to burn
Me da un ataque de optimismo
I get an attack of optimism
Y justo al borde del abismo
And right on the edge of the abyss
Me pongo a respirar
I start to breathe
Buen momento para pedalear,
Good time to pedal,
Para dejar el sueño y despertar
To leave sleep and wake up
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Buen momento para pedalear,
Good time to pedal,
Para dejar el sueño y despertar
To leave sleep and wake up
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Si el cajero
If the ATM
Se traga mi tarjeta
Swallows my card
Es una bendición general?
Is it a general blessing?
O es una macana concreta?
Or is it a concrete absurdity?
Da igual
It does not matter
Ya no estiro la jeta
I no longer stretch my face
Para alcanzar la meta
To reach the finish line
En el pelotón, soy uno más
In the peloton, I am one more
Tragando tierra, desde atrás
Swallowing dirt, from behind
Veremos dijo un ciego
We will see, said a blind man
Y a mi me gusta ver
And I like to see
Hacia dónde me muevo
Where I am going
La patria, la tumba, la gloria
Fatherland, tomb, glory
Todo eso, me chupa un huevo
All that, sucks up an egg
Lo que me importa es tener la libertad
What matters to me is to have the freedom
De no seguirles el juego
To not follow their game
De encontrar, ese lugar, adentro mío
To find, that place, inside me
Donde no llega el Sol
Where the sun does not reach
Pero tampoco entra el frío
But neither does the cold enter
Y cuando la trompada me alcance de lleno
And when the blow reaches me full on
Haber aprendido,
To have learned,
Que el sentido
That the meaning
Jamás estuvo perdido.
Was never lost.
Buen momento para pedalear,
Good time to pedal,
Para dejar el sueño y despertar
To leave sleep and wake up
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Buen momento para pedalear,
Good time to pedal,
Para dejar el sueño y despertar
To leave sleep and wake up
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Buen momento para pedalear,
Good time to pedal,
Para dejar el sueño y despertar
To leave sleep and wake up
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Buen momento para pedalear,
Good time to pedal,
Para dejar el sueño y despertar
To leave sleep and wake up
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started
Tan entero como al comenzar
As whole as when we started

Авторы: Fernando Andres Santullo

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