Sassja - Instinkt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sassja - Instinkt

Hodaš sam, gdje god si, uvijek sam
I walk alone, wherever you are, I'm always there
Tek s vremena na vrijeme uleti neko kao oslonac
Only from time to time someone flies in as a support
Stavim snove na povodac, vežem okolo konopac
I put dreams on a leash, tie a rope around it
I ko mi kaže "Ne možeš!", sjeb'o se, nije svjestan!
And who tells me "You can't!", fuck off, he's not aware!
Napravi mjesta, za hrabre ide pjesma
Make room, for the brave song goes
Uporno ne odustajem, jesam bahata?
I don't give up persistently, am I arrogant?
Nek sam!
Let me be!
Mahalanje ne znam, znanje pokažem djelima,
I don't know how to wave, I show my knowledge by deeds,
Ja sam svemir, moja je silina nemjerljiva
I am the universe, my power is immeasurable
Nema, "ne mogu", hladno nemoguće odradim
There is no, "I can't", I work cold impossible
Silovito obzor nemogućnosti nadogradim,
I violently upgrade the horizon of impossibility,
Čim jutro ugledam, zvijer u meni proradi
As soon as I see the morning, the beast in me starts to work
Danas je dan nove rekorde da postavim!
Today is the day to set new records!
Samo čisti poslovi, mržnju i zavist ostavim
Clean business only, I leave hatred and envy
Za male ljude što hoće tuđi pad da ih proslavi
For little people who want someone else's fall to celebrate them
Đeste oholi, šta si rek'o, ponovi?
You're arrogant, what did you say, repeat it?
Ja sam Sassja i sve mogu, aj se pokloni!
I'm Sassja and I can do anything, come on, bow!
I vjerujem u oči što vide i ušima što čuju
And I believe in the eyes that see and in the ears that hear
Svoj instinkt pratim, nisam ta što prati rulju
I follow my instinct, I'm not the one who follows the crowd
I vjerujem u oči što vide i ušima što čuju
And I believe in the eyes that see and in the ears that hear
Svoj instinkt pratim, nisam ta što prati rulju
I follow my instinct, I'm not the one who follows the crowd
Tuđe greške ne prihvatam, možda meni budu spas
I don't accept other people's mistakes, maybe they will be my salvation
Prihvatam da svi smo drukčiji pa u svoj gledam kompas
I accept that we are all different and I look at my own compass
Ali nisam uvijek kontra i tvrdoglavost je kobna
But I'm not always against and stubbornness is fatal
Al' tačno znam gdje je loša strana a gdje dobra
But I know exactly where the bad side is and where the good side is
Hoću prije bora čvrsto korake da utabam
I want to firmly establish my steps before the fight
Samo meni svojstvene jer ja u grupe ne spadam!
Unique to me because I don't belong in groups!
Nacionalne manjine, političke većine...
National minorities, political majorities...
Ja sam jedinka, ne definiše me ime!
I am an individual, my name does not define me!
Znam odakle jesam i mislim, dakle jesam
I know where I am from and I think, therefore I am
Svojom glavom znam gdje ću i gdje sada jesam
I know where I'm going and where I am now with my own head
Takavm mi stav mahnit, nikad za tuđi vezan
My position is crazy, never tied to someone else's
Imam vještinu ludošću da pobjegnem od svijeta
I have the skill to escape from the world with madness
I ko mi je vođa pitaš? Ja sam vođa za sebe!
And you ask who is my leader? I am the leader for myself!
Tuđe uvijek poštujem jer svi imamo razloge
I always respect others because we all have reasons
Uz volju, ljubav, snagu, radom dalje opet lako je
With will, love, strength, work, it's easy again
Ja sam Sassja i sve mogu, prosto tako je!
I'm Sassja and I can do anything, it's just like that!

Авторы: Adis Kutkut, Sanela Halilovic

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