Sassja - Ništa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sassja - Ništa

Nekako mi glupo da ti samo kažem zdravo
It feels silly to just say hello to you
Pa često tako iskuliram i lafo gledam pravo
I often just stare stupidly and look you straight in the eye
I ne znam to stvarno reći jel mi sada sve svejedno
And I don't know what to say, if I really don't care
Al′ "Kako si?" "Šta ima?" - Ne zanima me ni jedno!
But "How are you?" "What's up?" - I'm not interested in either!
Je li ovo naše danas vrijedno, je l' uopšte imalo vrijednost?
Is our time together worth it today, did it have any value at all?
Hm.fakat, ja sam mislila na vječnost
Wow, I really did think it would last forever
Ono pravo ljubav filmski, ono snovi su nam isti
That real movie-like love, ones where the dreams are the same
Čekamo penziju i tako čitamo si misli
We wait for our pension and that's how we read each other's minds
I ništa...
And nothing...
Sada miješam sjećanja i snove
Now I'm mixing memories and dreams
Ne znam jesam li imala ljubav il′ podivljale hormone
I don't know if I ever had love or just wild hormones
Je l' ono stvarno bio dodir il' smo trošili kondome?
Was that a real connection or were we just wasting condoms?
Il′ je bila lekcija da zaobiđem morone?
Or was it a lesson to avoid fools?
Jer ovo naše danas k′o poslije gledanja Titanika
Because our time together today is like watching Titanic
Neka tužna priča, a i plakala bi zbog lika
Some sad story, and I might cry because of a character
Al' nije moja priča, to je tada bio hit
But it's not my story, that was a hit back then
Danas je novo vrijeme i vrti se novi film
Today is a new day and a new movie is playing
I vidim te na ulici zdravo za zdravo
And I see you on the street, hello for hello
I isti je to pogled i osmijeh
And it's the same look and smile
I opet ništa
And again, nothing
I ništa nemam reći kada staneš ispred mene
And I have nothing to say when you stop in front of me
Jer ta neka stara ja je voljela tog starog tebe.
Because that old me once loved that old you
Kad vidim te na ulici dođe mi da se upoznamo:
When I see you on the street, I want to meet you:
"Zdravo, ja sam Sanela tvoje lice izgleda poznato"
"Hello, I'm Sanela, your face looks familiar"
Znaš toliko o meni a već dugo se ne poznajemo
You know so much about me, even though we haven't known each other for long
I znam baš sve o tebi, a dugo se ne prepoznajemo
And I know so much about you, even though we haven't recognized each other for a long time
Iz krajnosti u krajnost, iz ljubavi u srdačnost
From one extreme to the next, from love to indifference
Iz kreveta do "zdravo" kad ne postoji ni privlačnost
From bed to "hello," when there's no more attraction
Antipatičnost ono totalno ortodoksna
Antipathy, that's totally orthodox
Ne možeš me smislit, a ni ja tebe to znaj
You can't imagine me, and neither can I
Nisi mi svijet bio, već sve planete
You weren't my world, you were all the planets
Galaksije silne, do najmanje komete
Mighty galaxies, to the smallest comets
Tvoja riječ je bila sveta, jedan jedini ba zakon
Your word was holy, the only law
Ko će bolan protiv nje kad ja u tebi imam zaklon!
Who would dare to oppose it when I have shelter in you!
Od opasnog svijet, od svih zavidnih pogleda
From a dangerous world, from all envious eyes
S tobom spremna na sve, spremna protiv svega
Ready for anything with you, ready for anything
Jer ovo naše nije ljubav već to što ime nema...
Because ours is not love, but something that doesn't have a name...
Hm... Sanela!
Hm... Sanela!
Da l′ da ti kažem hvala il' da ti sad pljunem u facu
Should I say thank you or should I spit in your face
Iz stanja opsesije je mržnja otišla skroz u tačku
From a state of obsession, hatred has gone all the way to the point
Tako jedno vrijeme sad ništa, hladna
So for a while, nothing, cold
Tvoje ime ni da me dirne, k′o limunada
Your name doesn't even touch me, like lemonade
Voljela bi da smo bar dva različita grada
I wish we were at least two different towns
Da mi ne kvariš tu misao da je čista ljubav stvarna
So you wouldn't ruin my thought that pure love is real
Jer bio si mi sve, a na šta je spalo sad to sve?
Because you were everything to me, but what has it all come down to?
Kad te vidim ja zaobiću, zaobiđi me...
When I see you, I'll go around you, you go around me...

Авторы: Sanela Halilovic Sassja

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