Sassja - PMS - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sassja - PMS

Nas 4 cure smo rekle konačno dosta,
We four girls finally said enough is enough,
Ja Ena, Ana i sa Irca ona Goca
Me, Ena, Ana, and that Irish girl Goca,
Jer ovi što vladaju od zle majke i goreg oca,
Because these people in power, from a bad mother and even worse father,
Imaju plate i moć a opet nije dosta novca
Have salaries and power, and still it's not enough money
E pa ne, ne, ne, ne sada mi rušimo vladu
So no, no, no, no, now we are taking down the government
I nije bitno koju, jer sve će bit po podu
And it doesn't matter which one, because they will all be on the floor
Dićemo državu k'o što je Čiro Slobodu,
We will raise the country like Čiro did with Freedom,
Vidjet ćete mudonje, šta sve cure lude mogu
You'll see, you fools, what crazy girls can do
Pravimo plan sve ćemo obući crno,
We are making a plan, we will all wear black,
Da ne bi neki portal kreno lupat nacionalno
So that some portal won't start spouting nationalistic nonsense
Moje boje, tvoje, njihove i sva ta priča glupa,
My colors, yours, theirs, and all that stupid talk,
Mi smo samo bijesne cure, a sad smo bijesne skupa!
We are just angry girls, and now we are angry together!
I ja bi pos'o al' za me nema ponuda,
I would like a job, but there are no offers for me,
Zdravstveno bi, socijalno, al mi treba potvrda
Health insurance, social security, but I need confirmation
Nemam veze, pa ponesem poklone u ruke
I have no connections, so I bring gifts in my hands
Ii ja bi rađala si djecu, ali mi pelene skupe
I would also like to give birth to children, but diapers are expensive for me
Sklonite se s puta neće ništa da ostane
Get out of the way, nothing will be left
Ni ti direktori, ministri nit išta od te zgrade
Not those directors, ministers, nothing of that building
Bez i jednog para muda, a svaka cura je luda
Without a single pair of balls, and every girl is crazy
I svaka turbo je bijesna i u po' PMSa
And every one is turbo pissed and in a bit of PMS
Sklonite se s puta neće ništa da ostane
Get out of the way, nothing will be left
Ni ti direktori, ministri nit išta od te zgrade
Not those directors, ministers, nothing of that building
Bez i jednog para muda, a svaka cura je luda
Without a single pair of balls, and every girl is crazy
I svaka je turbo bijesna i u po' PMSa
And every one is turbo pissed and in a bit of PMS
Prvo ćemo hladno da ih otjeramo s parkinga,
First we will coldly chase them away from the parking lot,
Goca 103 kile ko Big Momma napada
Goca, 103 kilos, attacks like Big Momma
Mi ćemo da plaćamo a vama parking džabe,
We will pay, and you will have parking for free,
Jest, izbušenih guma i napuknute šajbe!
Yes, with flat tires and broken windshields!
Gledaju ljudi u nas, šta ove četiri rade,
People are looking at us, what are these four doing,
šminka, štikla, sve u crnom a neke gume vade
Makeup, heels, all in black, and they are taking out some tires
Prođe i to glatko, bez Bog zna kakve muke,
That went smoothly, without much trouble,
Eni malo pukle štrample, ja isprljala ruke
Ena's stockings ripped a little, I got my hands dirty
Nećemo stati, idemo dalje ka zgradi,
We will not stop, we are going further towards the building,
Tri drota na ulazu, "Ana sise vadi!"
Three cops at the entrance, "Ana, take out your tits!"
Malo dekolte, malo, "mi cure pa ne znamo",
A little cleavage, a little, "We are girls, we don't know,"
Prošle to za minut ba, znam da zvuči nestvarno
We passed that in a minute, I know it sounds unreal
Portir ne da dalje, ne možeš čovjeka smotat,
The doorman won't let us go further, you can't fool a man,
čini mi se lakše bi, pored još dva drota
It seems to me it would be easier, with two more cops next to him
Izvlačim se brzinski i otrčim do lifta,
I quickly pull myself out and run to the elevator,
Ena vadi meze masno i rakiju mu sipa
Ena takes out the fatty snacks and pours him brandy
Sklonite se s puta neće ništa da ostane
Get out of the way, nothing will be left
Ni ti direktori, ministri nit išta od te zgrade
Not those directors, ministers, nothing of that building
Bez i jednog para muda, a svaka cura je luda
Without a single pair of balls, and every girl is crazy
I svaka turbo je bijesna i u po' PMSa
And every one is turbo pissed and in a bit of PMS
Sklonite se s puta neće ništa da ostane
Get out of the way, nothing will be left
Ni ti direktori, ministri nit išta od te zgrade
Not those directors, ministers, nothing of that building
Bez i jednog para muda, a svaka cura je luda
Without a single pair of balls, and every girl is crazy
I svaka je turbo bijesna i u po' PMSa
And every one is turbo pissed and in a bit of PMS
Idem od vrata do vrata, tražim tog glavnog gada,
I'm going from door to door, looking for that main bastard,
Tog čobana propalog i vođu tog cijelog stada
That failed shepherd and leader of that whole flock
I nemam nekog plana, u hormone treba vjerovat,
And I don't have a plan, you have to believe in hormones,
Sama sebe ne podnosim, valjda ću njega otjerat
I can't stand myself, I guess I'll chase him away
Kad stanem histerisat, sa stola sve obarat,
When I start to hysterically knock everything off the table,
Jer sam bijesna kao pas, nećete nas stoko varat!
Because I'm angry as hell, you won't cheat us livestock!
Pa onda nalet plača, onda opet nalet smijeha
And then a fit of crying, then a fit of laughter again
I sve tako u krug valjda će da mu zasmeta
And all that in a circle, I guess it will bother him
Zaključat ću vrata i pripremiti mu olovku,
I will lock the door and prepare a pen for him,
Neće izaći odatle dok ne potpiše ostavku
He won't get out of there until he signs his resignation
A ako zatreba, ubacit ću ratne traume:
And if needed, I will bring up war traumas:
"Dok smo mi bili gladni, šta si ti jeo majmune?!"
"While we were hungry, what were you eating, monkey?!"
I vidim prava vrata, ispred naš gospodin stoji,
And I see the right door, our gentleman is standing in front of it,
Daje mi papir s potpisom, plače, valjda se boji
He gives me a paper with a signature, he is crying, he is probably scared
"Izvin'te žene molim vas, izvin'te ljudi svi,
"Excuse me ladies, please, excuse me everyone,
Evo ostavka od mene, dalje preuzmite vi"
Here is my resignation, you take over from here"
Sklonite se s puta neće ništa da ostane
Get out of the way, nothing will be left
Ni ti direktori, ministri nit išta od te zgrade
Not those directors, ministers, nothing of that building
Bez i jednog para muda, a svaka cura je luda
Without a single pair of balls, and every girl is crazy
I svaka turbo je bijesna i u po' PMSa
And every one is turbo pissed and in a bit of PMS
Sklonite se s puta neće ništa da ostane
Get out of the way, nothing will be left
Ni ti direktori, ministri nit išta od te zgrade
Not those directors, ministers, nothing of that building
Bez i jednog para muda, a svaka cura je luda
Without a single pair of balls, and every girl is crazy
I svaka je turbo bijesna i u po' PMSa
And every one is turbo pissed and in a bit of PMS

Авторы: matko sasek, sanela halilovic

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