Sassja - S Njom - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sassja - S Njom

S Njom
With You
Mogu da te ne trebam, al' želim te trebati
I may not need you, but I want to need you
I imam sebe viška da se mogu nekom predati
And I have so much more of myself that I can give
I uzet' tog nekog cijelog, da uzimanje
Take all of me.
Prevaziđe tijelo
Let it overtake your body
Al' taj odnos nosi rizike
But that kind of relationship brings risks
Nosi i toplotu, saveznika za borbu i providnu sigurnost,
It brings warmth, a comrade in arms, and safety in numbers,
Al mene opet brinu rizici
But the risks are what worry me
Ne volim navike mijenjat', jer vidim privremene promjene
I don't like changing habits, because I only see temporary changes
Ja sam sama jedino to ostaje
The only thing that remains constant is me
K'o konstanta ostalo su samo sjene
Like a constant, all that remain are shadows
Nestabilne dođu tako da me grle neko vrijeme
Unstable, they come around to hold me
Znam da doći ćeš dobrih namjera al' i to je s rokom trajanja
I know you will come, with good intentions, but that comes with an expiration date
Kad se potroše godine onda nema nigdje vraćanja
Once years have passed, there is no turning back
Vas shvatam ko svraćanja, doći ćeš na par godina bit ćete
I see you as friends, visitors, you will come for a couple years
Prijatelji, ljubavnici, rodbina
Friends, lovers, family
Ne znam šta ću s pjesmom, patetičnom rimom
I don't know what to do with this song, these pathetic rhymes
Al' imam tu samoću opet ne znam šta ću ni snjom.
But all I have is this loneliness, I don't know what to do with it either.
Na nju se navikavam, a jedina je sigurna
I'm getting used to it, and she is the only certainty
I stalno se treniram da neka postanem imuna na rastanke
I am constantly training to be immune to breakups
Ne vezujem se imam zakone
I don't form connections; I have my own laws.
šutnja i daljina ostat će uvijek da brane me
Silence and distance will always protect me
Na nju se navikavam, a jedina je sigurna
I'm getting used to her, and she is the only certainty
I stalno se treniram da neka postanem imuna
I am constantly training to be immune
Na kraju krajeva je svako od nas sam
In the end, we are all alone.
I dok drugo ne osjetim snaći ću se kako znam.
I will figure it out as always until I feel something different.
Mogu da te ne želim i mogu da se preselim
I may not want you, and I may move
I mogu stvarno sama pobjedama da se veselim
And I can truly be happy with my own victories
U četri zida razbjesnim, istresem se na pjesmi
In four walls, I get angry, I take it out on my songs
Znam ja, ko će slušat tuđu muku?
Who would listen to someone else's suffering?
A ja bih htjela čuti tvoju
And I would like to hear yours
Suzu brisat ti ko svoju
Wipe your tears as if they were mine
Približit ti se s rizikom da i ja trebam prići
Come closer to me, at the risk of me needing to get closer to you.
Ko će prvi otić', kol'ko si još tu?
Who will leave first? How much longer are you here?
Ja ne volim se snalazit, a dobra sam u snalaženju.
I hate figuring things out, but I'm good at it
Znam ja ustajanja i nove početke
I know about getting up and new beginnings
Ali biram te da vodiš me kad kreneš preko rijeke
But I choose you to lead me when you cross the river
Biram i dajem sve najprisnije i lijepo jer mogu
I choose you and I give you the most beautiful and loving things I can
Al' ne želim ostat sama vamo preko
But I don't want to stay here alone
Molim te za vječnost i da rizik ima smisao
I beg you for eternity and that the risk is worth it
Ja ne trebam zraka ako od juče nisi disao
I don't need air if you haven't breathed since yesterday
Ne znam šta ću s pjesmom, patetičnom rimom
I don't know what to do with this song, these pathetic rhymes
Al' imam tu samoću opet ne znam šta ću ni s njom
But all I have is this loneliness, I don't know what to do with it

Авторы: Sanela Halilovic Sassja, Ante Zvonimir Stamac

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