Satra B.E.N.Z. feat. Ian - Bank - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Satra B.E.N.Z. feat. Ian - Bank

Facem bank
We're making bank
Conduc o capitala alerg
I'm driving a capital, I'm running
Unii ma masoara dupa dialect si judeca doar dupa aspect
Some measure me by my dialect and judge only by my appearance
Mare ca tare ca taie ca foarfeca dupa dau flex
Big as tough as cutting like scissors after I flex
Merg la date fac sex
I go on dates, I have sex
Banii fac haos n-au sens
Money makes chaos, it makes no sense
Baga bani baga bani n-am timp d-amenzi
Put money in, put money in, I don't have time for fines
Baga vorbe-n vant da stiu blafezi
Put words in the wind, yeah I know you're bluffing
Eu și lumea mea fumăm mult de tot
Me and my world smoke a lot
N-am stele pe cer, am stele în scrot
I don't have stars in the sky, I have stars in my scrotum
Fac copii vedete la mame din bloc
I make celebrity kids for mothers in the block
Aud ecou de DIICOT in Iphone
I hear DIICOT echo in my Iphone
Nu vinde, da′ eu sunt un drog
Not that I would sell, but I'm a drug
Ultimul drog ca Salvador
The last drug like Salvador
Subestimat încă de minor
Underestimated since I was a minor
Că-s prea așa, că-s prea color
That I'm too much like this, that I'm too colorful
Ca pula mea, gura lor
Like my dick, like their mouth
Că-s prea băiat eu uneori
That I'm too much of a boy sometimes
Ei prea lachei, prea servitori
They're too much of a lackey, too much of a servant
prea vorbești tu fară noi
You talk too much without us
Muncim la Muncii, în Timpuri Noi
We work at Muncii, in Timpuri Noi
Prin Berceni pe skate dus
Through Berceni on a skateboard
Cartofi prăjiți, sos andaluz
French fries, Andalusian sauce
Fac bank, fac ING și Revolut și Apple
I make bank, I make ING and Revolut and Apple
Pay pe morții tei
Pay on the dead linden trees
Cont de Bitcoin și cont de lei
Bitcoin account and lei account
Și ea suge pula pe banii ei
And she sucks dick for her own money
Și tu sugi pula, de ce nu recunoști?
And you suck dick, why don't you admit it?
noi am facut căcatul ăsta când n-a fost
Cause we made this shit when it wasn't there
Merit o mărire de salariu
I deserve a raise
S' Great White, pentru mine, trapu-i un acvariu
It's Great White, for me, trap is an aquarium
Râd și piș pe orice comentariu
I laugh and piss on any comment
Poa′ să-și facă fiecare câte un scenariu
Everyone can make their own scenario
Fac mare BANK pe oglindă
I make big BANK on the mirror
Trag de pe curu' pizdei, intru-n pizdă
I pull from the bitch's ass, I enter the bitch
Toată lumea știe, UNCHIU reprezintă
Everybody knows, UNCLE represents
Fut cea mai șmecheră corporatistă
I fuck the hottest corporate girl
Bagabont genial cu zâmbet de revistă
Brilliant vagabond with a magazine smile
Bag pula-n standarde, Șatra anarhistă
I put my dick in the standards, anarchist Șatra
Regină, Burebistă, legendă pe pistă
Queen, Burebista, legend on the track
Aleargă pentru maraton, nu pentru o cursă tristă
She runs for a marathon, not for a sad race
Vălelei, UNCHIULE, supradoze, ODeBe
Oh my God, UNCLE, overdoses, ODeBe
Foițe, Legalizè, tot de la ei și filtre
Rolling papers, Legalize, all from them and filters
Olelè olelè, rest in peace, ODeBe
Olelè olelè, rest in peace, ODeBe
Olelè olelè, rest in peace, Kurt CoBank
Olelè olelè, rest in peace, Kurt CoBank
Bun venit in Ratatonia
Welcome to Ratatonia
Un fel da evul mediu gen Ducatu de Saxonia
A kind of middle ages like the Duchy of Saxony
Bucuresti-capitala minciunii-industria pulii-vezi copile
Bucharest-the capital of lies-the dick industry-see child
Daca tragi o basina aici pana la colt te-ai cacat pe tine
If you fart here, you'll shit yourself by the corner
Bagabont cu 12 clase, trapper ce plateste taxe
Vagabond with 12 grades, trapper who pays taxes
La ultimu contract semnat, schimbat vreo 23 de clauze
At the last contract signed, changed about 23 clauses
Vezi tu io nu stau la vrajeala
You see, I don't stand for bullshit
Nu-i vad rostu timpu-i scurt si scump, cioara
I don't see the point, time is short and expensive, crow
Esti prost fiindca pui botu la cardeala
You're stupid because you're falling for the bullshit
Unde-i drog si-alcool e multa prajeala
Where there's drugs and alcohol, there's a lot of hype
Zi ma mancati-as, de ce furi curent?
Say, eat me, why are you stealing electricity?
Nu cumva fiindca esti incompetent?
Isn't it because you're incompetent?
Ura si banu Separa
Hate and doubt Separates
Sapa ca sarea pa rana
Digs like salt on the wound
Stii c-aparentele-nsala
You know appearances are deceiving
Scapa-te odata de boala
Get rid of the disease once and for all
Nu ma judeca ca-ti dau picioru' ca la polo, si
Don't judge me, I'll kick you like in polo, and
Nu mai vorbi daca nu ai fost acolo
Don't talk if you haven't been there

Авторы: Satra Benz

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