Saul feat. Ego - Spoločnosť - перевод текста песни на английский

Spoločnosť - Ego , Saul перевод на английский

Buď so mnou
Be with me
Dnes potrebujem niekoho spoločnosť, oh yeah
Today I need someone's company, oh yeah
Spoločnosť, oh yeah
Company, oh yeah
Drž to low
Hold it low
Z čiernych okien stúpa hore green smoke, yeah
Green smoke rises from the black windows, yeah
Green smoke, yeah
Green smoke, yeah
Daj pozor
Be careful
Peklo je dnes prázdne, démoni von, yeah
Hell is empty today, the demons are out, yeah
von, yeah
They're out, yeah
Je to OK
It's OK
Môžme si dnes navzájom robiť spoločnosť, oh yeah
We can be each other's company today, oh yeah
Spoločnosť, oh yeah
Company, oh yeah
V mojej hlave purple haze
Purple haze in my head
V tvojich nohách tvoj tanec
Your dance at your feet
Z dola na hruď lezie bae
Bae crawls up my chest from below
Slová sladšie ako med
Words sweeter than honey
Aký máš svoj recept na eufóriu
What's your recipe for euphoria
Akú si dávaš na svoj svet fóliu
What kind of foil do you put on your world
Ak chceš môžem ti ukázať moju
If you want I can show you mine
Neboj sa toho čo nájdeš
Don't be afraid of what you find
Na srdci mám pravdu, na sebe mám Pradu
I have truth in my heart, I wear Prada on my body
Na krku mám perly, vidím ich zozadu
I have pearls around my neck, I see them from behind
Roztrhla ich vášeň, tak zdobia podlahu
Passion tore them apart, so they adorn the floor
Vraj rada Berlin, no v srdci Prahu
She says she likes Berlin, but Prague is in her heart
Myslíš že ma poznáš, postav sa do radu
You think you know me, stand in line
Zabili môj súcit, leží mŕtvy vzadu
They killed my compassion, it's lying dead behind
Vieš moje svedomie, som nechal na prahu
You know my conscience, I left it on the doorstep
Neprosím o kredit, nenaháňam slávu
I don't ask for credit, I don't chase fame
Buď so mnou
Be with me
Dnes potrebujem niekoho spoločnosť, oh yeah
Today I need someone's company, oh yeah
Spoločnosť, oh yeah
Company, oh yeah
Drž to low
Hold it low
Z čiernych okien stúpa hore green smoke, yeah
Green smoke rises from the black windows, yeah
Green smoke, yeah
Green smoke, yeah
Daj pozor
Be careful
Peklo je dnes prázdne, démoni von, yeah
Hell is empty today, the demons are out, yeah
von, yeah
They're out, yeah
Je to OK
It's OK
Môžme si dnes navzájom robiť spoločnosť, oh yeah
We can be each other's company today, oh yeah
Spoločnosť, oh yeah
Company, oh yeah
This is Real Tunes Radio, podcasting live from Podzemie until 11 o'clock
This is Real Tunes Radio, podcasting live from Podzemie until 11 o'clock
Club up party people in the place right now
Club up party people in the place right now
I want to see your hands in the air right now
I want to see your hands in the air right now
I can't hear you
I can't hear you
Poď, poď so mnou von, poď, poď spoločnosť
Come, come outside with me, come, come company
Poď, poď so mnou von, poď, poď
Come, come outside with me, come, come
Poď so mnou, poď so mnou
Come with me, come with me
Poď so mnou, poď so mnou
Come with me, come with me
Poď so mnou, poď so mnou
Come with me, come with me
Poď so mnou, poď so mnou
Come with me, come with me
Zápästie cingrling, na cheste cingiling
Wrist cingrling, chest cingiling
Na prste ring, ring, nárečie street league
On a finger ring, ring, street league dialect
Námestie bring it in, boje na päste, more, ding ding ding
Square bring it in, fist fights, more, ding ding ding
Padáme preč čingiling
We're falling away cingiling
Utekaj, povedz im že láska stále žije
Run away, tell them that love is still alive

Авторы: Biiza, Ego, Nuri

Saul feat. Ego - Niekde V Oblakoch
Niekde V Oblakoch
дата релиза

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