Scarlett Linares - El Gaban Celoso - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Scarlett Linares - El Gaban Celoso

El Gaban Celoso
The Jealous Overcoat
Gabancito no me celes gabán no seas desconfiao
Overcoat, don't be jealous of me, overcoat, don't be suspicious
Gabán que no me has comprao
Overcoat that you haven't bought me
Recuerda que he sido libre y hago lo que me ha gustao,
Remember that I've been free and I do what I please,
Y hago lo que me ha gustao
And I do what I please
Me gusta cantar al pie de un arpa, Sentir
I like to sing at the foot of a harp, feel
Lo que no he confesao
What I haven't confessed
La dueña
The owner
De todos los aplausos. saber
Of all the applause. to know
Que me los he ganao
That I have earned them
Por eso
That's why
Me gusta que me miren y digan
I like to be looked at and told
Lo que de mi han pensao
What they have thought of me
Que a mi
That I
Nadita me hace falta y todo
Need nothing and everything
Muy bien administrao
Well managed
Que canto mi gabancito mis versos improvisaos
That I sing my overcoat my improvised verses
Será que le pongo a la rima
Will it be that I put to the rhyme
La gracia que el mismo dios me ha dao
The grace that God himself has given me
Para que lo reciban
For them to receive
Que se han enamorao
Who have fallen in love
Los hombres
The men
Que solo con mirarme quisieran
Who just by looking at me would want to
Llegar donde he guardao
Get where I have kept
El más bonito sentimiento
The most beautiful feeling
Mi amor
My love
Que muchos lo han deseao
That many have desired
Donde palpita lo dulce, donde se cuece el melao
Where the sweet palpitates, where the molasses is cooked
Ay gabancito no te me pongas celoso
Oh overcoat, don't be jealous of me
Que el hombre cuando es celoso siempre vive encaprichao
That a man when he is jealous always lives in a whim
Mi gabancito tienes que portarte bien
My overcoat you have to behave well
Porque los celos si matan y los caprichos también
Because jealousy does kill and whims too
Gabancito te aconsejo deja tus celos a un lao,
Overcoat, I advise you to leave your jealousy aside,
Gaban que no me has comprao,
Overcoat that you haven't bought me,
Que mi libertad es tan mía y a nadie se la he empeñao,
That my freedom is so mine and I have not pledged it to anyone,
Y a nadie se la he empeñao
And I have not pledged it to anyone
Si sabes que me gusta el parrando. Cantar
If you know that I like partying. Sing
El beso trasnochado Y alegre
The late night kiss And happy
Por ver un sol naciente, Mirar
To see a rising sun, watch
Las aves que han pasado. Será
The birds that have passed. Will it be
Que se afinar mi tiro y pruebo
That my shot will be fine-tuned and I'll try
La fama que me han dado. Que sientan
The fame they have given me. That they feel
Y se escuchen bien las cuerdas de un arpa
And listen well to the strings of a harp
Como la que a mi lao. Que alegre
Like the one next to me. How cheerful
Quien me acompaña y un golpe bien repicao,
Whoever accompanies me and a well-repeated blow,
Tras de ella los capachos y un cuatro
After her the baskets and a cuatro
Como si enamorado. Dan notas
As if in love. Give notes
Que siguen mis caderas. es cierto
That follow my hips. it's true
Que gusta y ha gustao
That you like and have liked
Por eso el hombre que es celoso conmigo
That's why the man who is jealous of me
No lo quiero a mi lado. Y siempre
I don't want him by my side. And always
No falta quien me diga morena
There is no lack of someone who tells me brunette
Que bueno que has cantao
How good you have sung
Y yo por ser agradecida lo miro
And I, being grateful, look at him
Como otra lo ha mirao
As another has looked at him
La hembra que pasa y va dejando
The female that passes and goes leaving
Destellos que me han acompañao
Sparkles that have accompanied me
Porque tengo hasta la suerte canto y camino bailao,
Because I even have the luck to sing and walk danced,
Si entre las cuerdas gaban te lo he mencionao que yo por cantar sabroso piropos no me han faltao
If among the strings overcoat I have mentioned it to you that I, for singing tasty, have not lacked compliments
Y si lo digo será porque me ha pasao donde canta esta morena más de uno se ha enamorao
And if I say so it will be because it has happened to me where this brunette sings more than one has fallen in love

Авторы: Edgar Fontainés

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