Scriptor - Dvije Strane Svijeta - перевод текста песни на английский

Dvije Strane Svijeta - Scriptorперевод на английский

Dvije Strane Svijeta
Two Sides of the World
Rekla je
She said
Da nema vremena za njegove ego lepeze
There's no time for your ego trips
I da sve što je do sada reko je reko bezveze
And everything you've said so far was pointless
Što je to? ljubav? toliko truda
What is it? Love? So much effort
Da se sve što ona voli sada proli ko suza
That everything she loves now spills like tears
On ju je probudio ko cvijet u jednom danu
He woke her up like a flower one day
Poljubio ju, nudio joj svijet na desnom dlanu
Kissed her, offered her the world on his right palm
Pjesmom vješto ranu njene prošlosti izliječio
Skillfully healed the wound of her past with song
Osvojio joj srce, povećao pa ga zgnječio
Won her heart, enlarged it and then crushed it
Vječni odnos muškarca i žene nije moguć
The eternal relationship of man and woman is impossible
On je tu da pije vodu, a ona da šije robu
He's here to drink water, and she's here to sew clothes
Obukla je hlače i primila čudan poziv
She put on pants and received a strange call
Netko plače i govori da njen čovjek drugu voli
Someone is crying and saying that her man loves another
Rekla je da jedva čeka završetak predstave
She said she can't wait for the performance to end
Pokleknula i željela da cijeli svijet tad nestane
She knelt down and wished the whole world would disappear
Testamenti dvije strane svijeta, kaže
The testaments of the two sides of the world, she says
Nije da me smeta, ali želim barem vidjet da me čeka
It's not that it bothers me, but I want to at least see that you're waiting for me
Reko je da nema vremena za odabir remena
He said there's no time to choose a belt
I teme za razgovor tipa promjena vremena
And topics for conversation like weather changes
A nemre zaružit s ekipom iz srednje na duži vikend
And he can't get engaged with the guys from high school for a long weekend
Ona ne kuži pojam muškog društva bez ženske šminke
She doesn't understand the concept of a men's company without women's makeup
Nesretnik je ispod ove smješne sretne krinke
He's an unfortunate man under this ridiculous happy facade
Takve pjesme sit je jer ostaju seks i geste plitke
He's tired of such songs because they remain shallow sex and gestures
Sve te bitke oko dominacije u vezi
All these battles for dominance in a relationship
Zar spas u svemu leži u glasu što reži bježi
Is salvation in everything in a voice that roars and runs away?
Njezin osmjeh mu je urezan u sjećanje
Her smile is engraved in his memory
Al više ne zna za te dane kad uz njega sretan je
But he no longer knows those days when he is happy with her
Testamenti dvije strane svijeta još se smije
The testaments of the two sides of the world are still laughing
Kad je čeka jer ona zna kasnit satima ponekad
When she's waiting because she knows she's sometimes late for hours
Pa pred vratima je čeka, ali sad je bilo drukčije
So he waits for her at the door, but now it was different
Došla je i rekla da je takav život mučenje
She came and said that such a life is torture
Da zna sve tajne, detaljne informacije
That she knows all the secrets, detailed information
O tome kako izgraditi ljubav pa odbacit je
About how to build love and then throw it away
Rekli su si ovo i ono
They said this and that to each other
On je konj, a ona govno
He's a horse, and she's shit
Sad je jalovo, sad dobro
Now it's barren, now it's good
Jednom će završit kobno
One day it will end fatally
Ali do tada im to ne smeta
But until then, it doesn't bother them
Valjda tako izgleda kad
That's probably what it looks like when
Spojiš dvije strane svijeta
You connect two sides of the world
A za njih su mi govorili da idu jedno s drugim
And they told me that they were going to be with each other
Ali u duelu strasti i vjernosti gubi
But in the duel of passion and loyalty, he loses
On je mene angažirao "iskušaj njeno povjerenje
He hired me, "test her trust
Nadajući se da će time nastupit bolje vrijeme
Hoping that a better time will come
Kaže: "kao krv ispunila je moje vene i
He says, "like blood, she filled my veins and
Ne želim da ima drugog muškarca pored mene
I don't want another man next to me
Nazovem njene prijateljice i kažem da je nevjeran
I call her girlfriends and tell them he's unfaithful
Govoreći im izmišljena nedjela
Telling them fabricated misdeeds
Nedjelja je prijepodne dvije srodne duše piju kavu
Sunday morning, two kindred spirits are drinking coffee
Sretni što su sačuvali živu glavu
Happy that they have saved their lives
Poslije burne svađe, sutra bi mogli provest dan skupa
After a fierce quarrel, tomorrow they could spend a day together
Fino se odmorit, a navečer provest dan skupa
Get a good rest, and spend the evening together

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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