Scriptor - Idioti - перевод текста песни на английский

Idioti - Scriptorперевод на английский

Brate, da moraš govoriti samo istinu
Babe, you should only speak the truth
Shvatio bi da je teže pričat nego mislit ju
You'd realize it's harder to say than think
Nisi lud da svakome govoriš što ga ide
You're not crazy to tell everyone what's on your mind
Ljudi su danas pola ulizice, pola gnjide
People today are half flatterers, half scumbags
Govna, ljige, odma vide svoju korist od drugoga
Shit, slime, they immediately see their own benefit from others
Zamisli život bez ovisnosti i dugova
Imagine life without addiction and debt
Površnosti krugova ljudi kaj vole umjetnost
The superficiality of circles of people who love art
Intelektualnih šarlatana koji smrde po
Intellectual charlatans who stink of
Google-u, Yahoo-u, wikipediji i altavisti
Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, and AltaVista
Anarhisti traže kratak ispis karakteristika
Anarchists are looking for a short description
Za prodavat misli kao svoje
To sell thoughts as their own
A kad ih pitaš nešto više samo stoje i šute
But when you ask them more, they just stand there and shut up
Utemeljeni stavovi tada padaju
Grounded views then fall
Krvoločni lavovi što ostaju u kavezu
Bloodthirsty lions that stay in the cage
Naprave zvuk zubima, koji ubija šalu
They make a sound with their teeth that kills the joke
Pa nju staviš na stranu i osuđen si na stravu
So you put it aside and you're condemned to horror
Ne krivim klince, ne krivim primitivce
I don't blame kids, I don't blame primitives
Al jednostavno nekada ne mogu smirit živce
But sometimes I just can't calm my nerves
Normalni gube u borbi protiv ove ludosti
Normal people lose in the fight against this madness
Patološki lažljivci dijele životne mudrosti
Pathological liars share life wisdom
Ne krivim klince, ne, ni primitivce
I don't blame kids, no, not primitives
Al kad mi grizu živce u svima vidim krivce
But when they gnaw at my nerves, I see the blame in everyone
Nadahnuti mudraci i njihovi šuplji zanosi
Inspired wise men and their empty ravings
Udaraju glavom o zid, vjerom protiv znanosti
They bang their heads against the wall, faith against science
U osnovi se vaša mudrost svodi na poslovice
Basically, your wisdom boils down to proverbs
I da ju moram slušat dugo posro bi se
And if I had to listen to it for a long time, I'd shit myself
To su posljedice vječnih nepoznanica
These are the consequences of eternal unknowns
Samo nadobudni tvrde da je nebo granica
Only the ambitious claim that the sky is the limit
A prizemni se bave jako prizemnim problemima
And the grounded ones deal with very earthly problems
U zemlji genijalnih serija čekamo Emmya
In the land of brilliant series, we wait for an Emmy
U genima je svetinja, na Šavriću pletiva
In genes is the holy, on Šavrić is knitting
Al smo najviše sretni kad uz ćevape ide lepinja
But we are happiest when ćevapi comes with a bun
Jebote, nemam ništa protiv tuđeg mišljenja
Damn it, I have nothing against other people's opinions
Al ono, imam nešto malo protiv glupih bisera
But you know, I have a little something against stupid pearls
I tu ne mislim na ono čudo iz Rovinja
And I don't mean the wonder from Rovinj
Nego tako u Hrvatskoj zovemo glupost odmilja
But that's how we call stupidity in Croatia fondly
Ima nas svakakvih, al ak si takav lik
We have all kinds, but if you're that kind of guy
Da kada ti nešto pričam ne kužiš fakat niš
That when I tell you something, you don't understand a damn thing
Odi slagat niz beskonačnih domina
Go build a stack of endless dominoes
Jer si u moru teških govana glavni ronilac
Because you're the main diver in the sea of heavy shit
Kad stavim stvari na vagu i puni ljudi prazni su
When I put things on the scales, full people are empty
U retrospektivi svako gleda svoju stražnjicu
In retrospect, everyone looks at their own ass
Stvore lažni krug osoba u kojem važni su
They create a false circle of people in which they are important
A kad se stvari izjalove psuju mater Bandiću
And when things fall apart, they curse Bandić's mother
Svaki put, to je malograđanski puk
Every time, that's the petty bourgeois mob
Žele keš, a mole Boga za svagdašnji kruh
They want cash, but pray to God for daily bread
Moraliziraju di stignu, vjeruju instinktu
They moralize wherever they can, they trust instinct
Oplode se, uvenu u miru pa novi niknu
They get fertilized, fade away in peace, and then new ones sprout

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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