Scriptor - Puska - перевод текста песни на английский

Puska - Scriptorперевод на английский

Pozvali su me na ispitivanje
They called me for questioning
Dali mi tonu sedativa jer, kažu: agresivan je
They gave me a ton of sedatives because, they say: I'm aggressive
Htjeli su da priznam već na samome početku
They wanted me to confess right at the beginning
I obraćali mi se kao tamo nekom psetu
And they addressed me like some dog over there
Vidjeli smo te u Ksetu, na Sinestetu
We saw you at Kset, at Sinestet
Imaš sve tu na papiru, praćen si na netu
You have everything there on paper, you're being tracked online
Reko sve je to ok, al ne znam o čemu se radi
I said it's all ok, but I don't know what it's about
U Sinestetu nisam glavni... Ma nemoj se vadit
I'm not the main guy at Sinestet... Don't try to get out of it
Na takve gluposti molim te, znam da si probisvijet
Please, don't try to get out of it, I know you're a troublemaker
Al imam opis tebe na mjestu i tvoje otiske
But I have a description of you at the place and your fingerprints
Sve ukazuje na tebe. Na mene? Na tebe
Everything points to you. To me? To you
Na vrijeme potpiši priznanje i poštedi nas svega
Sign the confession on time and spare us all
Nisam popušio priču, potpiso sam im se ne
I didn't go along with the story, I didn't sign it for them
Nakon tog sam na koži osjetio hladni cement
After that, I felt the cold cement on my skin
Rekli su da će me zabetonirat sa ostalima
They said they would concrete me in with the rest
Al sam osto miran pa su opet počeli blefirat
But I stayed calm so they started bluffing again
Ako želiš živi rep kupi cucka
If you want a live tail, get a puppy
Rep je mrtav, trune ispod sunca
The tail is dead, rotting under the sun
Dok ti pljugu tuckaš, cugu mućkaš
While you're smoking a cigarette, shaking your drink
U kvartu se šuška da je tvoja puška
It's being whispered around the neighborhood that your gun is
Želiš živi rep? Kupi cucka
You want a live tail? Get a puppy
Rep je mrtav, trune ispod sunca
The tail is dead, rotting under the sun
Dok ti pljugu tuckaš, cugu mućkaš
While you're smoking a cigarette, shaking your drink
U kvartu se šuška da je tvoja puška
It's being whispered around the neighborhood that your gun is
Budim se, ležim na podu, okružen mutnim siluetama
I wake up, lying on the floor, surrounded by blurry silhouettes
Želim da odu, il da se maknu bar na metar dva
I want them to leave, or at least move back a couple of meters
Čujem poznat glas: Nemoj smetat sada
I hear a familiar voice: Don't bother us now
Di sam ja jebote? progovorim jedva kad
Where the hell am I? I barely manage to speak
Je slika postala oštra, kažem: koji kurac
The picture became sharp, I say: What the fuck
Vidim Nereda i Stoku, ekipu iz svog crewa
I see Nereda and Stoka, the crew from my area
Okrenem se, vidim Phillieja i Bronsona
I turn around, I see Phillie and Bronson
Cijela Blackout posada, svi reperi ovih prostora
The whole Blackout crew, all the rappers from these areas
Zatvoreni u veliku ćeliju, dajem ruku Jegiju
Locked in a big cell, I shake Jeg's hand
Čujem Struku: doveli su celu regiju
I hear Struka: They brought the whole region
Popara mi počne objašnjavat da smo oteti
Popara starts explaining that we've been kidnapped
Posesivni prokletnici su nas dugo motrili
Possessive bastards have been watching us for a long time
Pa krenuli po svoje, žele formulu hip hopa
Then they went for their own, they want the formula of hip-hop
Misle da će na tome zaradit, reko: divota
They think they'll make money on it, I said: Wonderful
Zašto sam se opće išo bavit ovim glupostima
Why did I even bother with this nonsense
Pomislim, pa skužim da mi opet u uhu svira
I think, and then I realize that the music is playing in my ear again
Počeli smo smišljat razne načine za bijeg
We started thinking of different ways to escape
PR-ovci su se zakačili za tag
PR guys got hooked on the tag
Kojim bi probili zid, al je došo Dj Chill
Which would break through the wall, but then Dj Chill came
Scratchem će prepilit rešetke jer ima skill
Scratchem will saw through the bars because he has skill
Atomic želi iskopat rupu dok vrti helić
Atomic wants to dig a hole while spinning the chopper
A MCji se još dogovaraju ko prvi želi
And the MCs are still discussing who wants to be the first
Uletit u cypher i rimama oborit otmičare
To get into the cypher and knock down the kidnappers with rhymes
Ovaj predstavlja Dubravu, a ovaj Novi Zagreb
This one represents Dubrava, and this one represents Novi Zagreb
U tom kaosu je došlo do greške u labosu
In this chaos, there was a mistake in the lab
Bayal je potpiso priznanje u zanosu
Bayal signed the confession in a frenzy
Kratki spoj, autodestrukcija sustava
Short circuit, system self-destruction
Nuspojava Kalfinih konstrukcija je uspjela
The side effect of Kalfin's constructions succeeded
Neprijatelja slomit. Ostali su u komi
To break the enemy. The rest are in a coma
Kad su čuli flow koji nijedan beat ne ulovi
When they heard the flow that no beat captures
A svejedno zvuči zabavno. Lagano, lagano
And it still sounds fun. Slowly, slowly
Smo otišli slobodni dok im je Bayal izlagao
We left free while Bayal was exposing them

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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