Scriptor - Shure - перевод текста песни на английский

Shure - Scriptorперевод на английский

Dobar dan, moje ime je Shure
Good day, my name is Shure
Na mene snimaju i što god da snime je šund
They record on me and whatever they record is trash
Ispodprosječno, ne valja im zvuk, kažu loš je ton
Below average, they don't like the sound, they say the tone is bad
Pa se zainatim i
So I get stubborn and
Boli me đon, nisi zadovoljan? Snimaj negdje drugdje
My soles hurt, you're not satisfied? Record somewhere else
Baš me zanima ko od nas ima jeben ugled
I'm curious who of us has a damn reputation
Anonimac poput tebe sigurno ne jer
An anonymous person like you definitely doesn't because
Slobodno možeš bacit ovaj stil u kontejner
Feel free to throw this style in the dumpster
Ne želim lagat, ja sam iskren mikrofon
I don't want to lie, I'm an honest microphone
Odem u distorziju kad neko vrisne visok ton
I go into distortion when someone screams a high note
Izlaz ti je istočno, izađi u miru
Your exit is to the east, leave in peace
Nakon takvih jazavaca mic-ovi mlađi umiru
After such badgers, younger mics die
Pljuca mi je puna, upotrijebit ću je
My mouth is full of spit, I'll use it
Ovo je katastrofa, to čak i beba čuje
This is a disaster, even a baby can hear it
Fulala si tonalitet glupačo
You missed the key, you idiot
A tekst zvuči ko da pjevaš na bugarskom
And the lyrics sound like you're singing in Bulgarian
Maknite se od mene, niste talentirani
Get away from me, you're not talented
Mikrofoni poput mene su iziritirani od vas
Microphones like me are irritated by you
Nemate glas, gubite dah, umrite sad
You have no voice, you're losing your breath, die now
Niko iz publike vas neće žalit
No one from the audience will mourn you
Maknite se od mene, niste talentirani
Get away from me, you're not talented
Mikrofoni poput mene su iziritirani od vas
Microphones like me are irritated by you
Nemate glas, gubite dah, umrite sad
You have no voice, you're losing your breath, die now
Niko iz publike vas neće žalit
No one from the audience will mourn you
Ne primaj me za glavu idiote
Don't take me for a fool, idiot
Namjerno zašumim i... vidi opet
I intentionally add noise and... look again
Majmune primi sebe za glavu i odustani
Monkey, take yourself for a fool and give up
Pjevanje je zahtjevan zanat, a ti si mutav lik
Singing is a demanding craft, and you're a dumb guy
Svašta, kosa mi je puna tuđe sline
Whatever, my hair is full of your spit
Ko zna kolko bakterija mi u bulju uđe s time
Who knows how many bacteria get into my insides with that
A ti, neduhoviti reperu reci mi
And you, uninspired rapper, tell me
Zašto ti smrdi iz usta po inteligenciji
Why does your mouth smell like intelligence
Mikrofonija, hip hop fobija
Microphony, hip-hop phobia
Namjerno ga sabotiram kada reper lovi dah
I deliberately sabotage him when the rapper is catching his breath
Poznam te iz novina, dobar si mnogima
I know you from the newspapers, you are good to many
Al bog i batina u ovom studiju je strogi mic
But God and the rod in this studio are a strict mic
Tj. ja, furam pop filter
That is, me, I'm running a pop filter
Ne želim snimat popularna smeća zbog kinte
I don't want to record popular trash for the sake of money
Za svoje snimke nećeš dobit feedback
You won't get feedback for your recordings
Jer si... goli pimpek
Because you're... a bare dick
Glupi tonac me objesio naglavačke
The stupid sound engineer hung me upside down
Da ga ne promatram dok u gluhoj kara mačke
So I don't watch him while he's petting cats in the deaf
Čujem kako stenju i grebu po spužvi
I hear them groaning and scratching the sponge
Jednom je jebo lika u nadi da neću to skužit
Once he fucked a guy hoping I wouldn't notice it
Pssst, slatka tajna, nemoj nikom reć
Pssst, sweet secret, don't tell anyone
Da ovaj ton majstor nekad jebe likove
That this sound engineer sometimes fucks guys
Šalim se, studio je noću poput samice
Just kidding, the studio is like a solitary confinement at night
Svi odu doma, a ja moram ostat hranit pse
Everyone goes home, and I have to stay and feed the dogs
Ugašen, na lošu muziku kašljem
Turned off, I cough at bad music
Vokalne sposobnosti ovih ljudi su strašne
The vocal abilities of these people are terrible
Dobra večer moje ime je Shure
Good evening, my name is Shure
Na mene snimaju i što god da snime je šuft
They record on me and whatever they record is trash
Tišina me tako relaksira
Silence relaxes me so much
Devedeset posto gitarista ne zna svirat
Ninety percent of guitarists can't play
I ako misliš da te se ovo ne tiče
And if you think this doesn't concern you
Za tebe vrijede tri četvrtine ove priče
Three quarters of this story applies to you

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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