Scriptor - Slatke Teme - перевод текста песни на английский

Slatke Teme - Scriptorперевод на английский

Slatke Teme
Sweet Themes
Nikad nisam volio kafiće jer prodaju tekuću maglu za piće
I never liked cafes, because they sell you liquid fog as a drink
S kockicom leda i vrećicom prestiža
With an ice cube and a bag of prestige
A posluga gleda ko da ja njima nosim cedevitu
And the staff looks at me like I brought them something cheap
S egom do neba jer su sluge bogatom pervertitu
With an ego reaching the sky, because they're servants to a rich pervert
Pa često nejdem nikud, doma jedem Milku
So I often don't go anywhere, I eat Milka at home
Perem ziku i uživam svaku desetinku
I wash my clothes and enjoy every tenth of a second
Na kavi ionako pričaju o predsjedniku
They talk about the president anyway, over coffee
S.A.D.-a samo zato jer je to sad česta tema
Of the U.S.A., just because that's the common theme now
Jebiga kad krave više nisu lude pa je
Because cows aren't crazy anymore, so
Problem terorizma u želucu stiso ljude
The problem of terrorism is squeezing people in the stomach
Isto bude kad je problem ptičje gripe na tapeti
The same happens when the problem of bird flu is on the table
Pa niko više ne zna koja nam sve hrana prijeti
No one knows anymore what food threatens us
Pa izbjegavamo sve što leti
So we avoid everything that flies
Nikad nisam volio skupe restorane često rade
I never liked expensive restaurants, they often make
Biznis na osnovi interijera umjesto hrane
Business based on the interior, instead of food
Pa kad ti nešto padne tipa vilica iz ruke
So when you drop something, like a fork from your hand
Svi te pogledaju šutke i tad nastane neprilika
Everyone looks at you silently, and then there's a problem
Pa često u gradu pojedem nešto s nogu
So I often grab something to eat on the go in the city
Jer što mogu kad sam gladan, a ne želim jest ko nobl
Because what can I do when I'm hungry, and I don't want to eat like a snob
Prepoznaj me po smješnom hodu jer namještam nogu
Recognize me by my funny walk, because I adjust my leg
Da ne gazi po kraju hlača kad imam svježu robu
So I don't step on the bottom of my pants when I have fresh clothes
Više nejdem na reperske partye jer sam bio
I don't go to rapper parties anymore, because I was
S obje strane njihove organizacije
On both sides of their organization
Od wannabe izvođača do vlasnika kluba koji plaća
From wannabe performers to club owners who pay
Honorare nikad, al je zato sebi pobro pare
Fees never, but he counts money for himself
Ajmo dalje
Let's move on
Nikad nisam volio s dedom po mice jer odma misle
I never liked going with grandpa to pubs, because they immediately think
Da častimo penzijom, e pa jebeno mice
That we're treating them with a pension, well damn pubs
Ali mirovina je mala i traje mjesec dana
But the pension is small, and lasts for a month
A vas ima ko populacije Kine i Japana zajedno
And there are as many of you as the population of China and Japan together
Sad je dosta bit klošar za u klub
Now it's enough to be a bum to enter the club
I obuć se kul pa plesat na zvučniku
And dress cool, then dance to the speaker
A kuje koje šatro nude besplatni seks misle
And the chicks who pretend to offer free sex think
Da će otplesat pa sutra preko guest liste ha
They'll dance, and tomorrow they'll get in through the guest list, ha
Al nema bodova za cure preko 15 godova (jer je)
But there are no points for girls over 15 years old (because it's)
Odabrana vip ekipa žedna mladih plodova
Selected VIP crew thirsty for young fruits
A stara šuma im je ogavna, srce nije
And the old forest is disgusting to them, the heart is not
Stvar u tenu nego jednostavno ruže brzo venu
A matter of complexion, but simply roses wither quickly
U trenu
In a moment
Nikad nisam volio pse jer svaki ima svoj dan
I never liked dogs, because each one has its day
Kad se predomisli i krene lajat na svoj klan
When he changes his mind and starts barking at his clan
Pa samim time i na mene jer se držim jedne
And therefore at me, because I stick to one
Grupe ljudi koju zove "glupi ljudi" jer je grube ćudi
Group of people that calls "stupid people" because it's rude
Niti sam ikada volio naziv demo izvođača
Nor did I ever like the name demo artist
Jer nam takav naziv demos krivo shvaća,
Because that name demo misunderstands you
Za mene reci demo jer sam tebi demonstrator
For me, say demo, because I'm a demonstrator to you
Kao nezavisni autor koji konstantno zvuči zakon
Like an independent author who always sounds legal

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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