Scriptor - Ti I Ja - перевод текста песни на английский

Ti I Ja - Scriptorперевод на английский

Ti I Ja
You and I
Prešutio sam ovu pjesmu prijateljima
I kept this song a secret from my friends
I producentima, u nadi da izbjegne
And producers, hoping to avoid
Plastične operacije na duši
Plastic surgery on the soul
Ovo je moja paranoidna, artistička Singerica
This is my paranoid, artistic singer
Nisam posadio rimu, ne traži pupoljke
I didn't plant a rhyme, don't look for buds
U blatu ovih zamisli rastu samo
In the mud of these thoughts, only grow
Potpune slučajnosti, zalutali putnici
Complete coincidences, lost travelers
Bjegunci kojima smeta autoritet
Fugitives who are bothered by authority
I nema svjetla jer ja režiram ovaj film
And there's no light because I'm directing this movie
Nalazimo se u tamnoj sobi bez prozora
We're in a dark room with no windows
Ti si gola, ležiš na mojoj odjeći
You're naked, lying on my clothes
Odlaziš sporo u krvavim dahovima
You're leaving slowly in bloody breaths
Sviđa mi se zvuk tvojeg umiranja
I like the sound of your dying
Čini mi se da uživaš
It seems to me that you enjoy it
A kad izdahneš bit ćemo zauvijek jedno
And when you exhale, we'll be one forever
Jer ću ti popiti krv i pojest meso
Because I'll drink your blood and eat your flesh
Ti i ja
You and I
Kao nekada zauvijek jedno.
Like once forever one.
Upoznao sam nekog preko interneta
I met someone online
Uživo nije bila retuširana, vidi vraga
In person she wasn't retouched, see the devil
Prirodno me fascinira, šminka me
I'm naturally fascinated, she makes me up
Čini nesigurnim, maske me plaše
Makes me insecure, masks scare me
Ovo je tako lijepa prigoda
This is such a beautiful occasion
I znam da plačeš od sreće
And I know you're crying with joy
Bol je relativna stvar
Pain is a relative thing
Kad ti je svaki živac presječen
When every nerve of yours is severed
Crtao sam po tvome tijelu skalpelom
I drew on your body with a scalpel
Divne linije, crvene krivulje
Beautiful lines, red curves
Ukrase na koži hladne zmije
Decorations on the skin of a cold snake
Tvoja krv ima okus po izdaji
Your blood tastes like betrayal
Primam te u svoju osobu
I take you into my person
Ne zaslužuješ moju osudu
You don't deserve my judgment
Zaslužuješ biti prolivena u mene
You deserve to be spilled into me
Volim te, bit ćemo zauvijek jedno
I love you, we'll be one forever

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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