Scrop - Nos Vemos - перевод текста песни на английский

Nos Vemos - Scropперевод на английский

Nos Vemos
See You Around
Quizás son cosas del destino
Maybe it's just fate's play,
quizás no buscamos mismos caminos
maybe we're on different paths,
o quizás perdimos algo con algo que mal hicimos
or maybe we lost something with a misstep along the way.
quizás las cosas no pasaron como lo quisimos
Maybe things didn't unfold as we wished,
o quizás estés pensando que soy tremendo cretino
or maybe you think I'm a complete idiot.
las cosas no funcionan sin un motor que lo accione y si algo tengo bien claro es que acción ni hacen corazones
Things don't work without a driving force, and if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that hearts don't take action.
razón por la cual te estoy dando todas mi razones pues soy un hombresito tengo bien puestos mis cojones
That's why I'm giving you all my reasons, because I'm a man, and I have my balls in the right place.
contigo viví tantos momentos tan especiales fueron tan fenomenales eso no puedo quitarle
With you, I lived so many special moments, they were phenomenal, I can't take that away.
mi relación contigo me hizo sentir tan brillante pero nos faltaba algo le faltaba ese picante
My relationship with you made me feel so bright, but we were missing something, it lacked that spice.
que los besos nunca mueran que las ganas siempre sobren siento que era tan escasos tus besos venían por sobre
That the kisses never die, that the desire always remains, I feel like your kisses were so scarce, they came in excess.
oportunidades tuvimos pa' remediarlo pero por miedo a perdernos jugamos los dos callarnos ahora las cosas ya se han salido de control aun se siente amor pero todavía siento el temor
We had opportunities to fix it, but for fear of losing each other, we both played silent. Now things have gotten out of control, there's still love, but I still feel the fear.
yo todavía recuerdo la veces que nos besamos pero también recuerdo las veces que nos olvidamos
I still remember the times we kissed, but I also remember the times we forgot each other.
las veces que por X o por Y ponías barreras pa frenarme de hacer cosas que si querías que hiciera
The times you put up barriers for X or Y reasons, to stop me from doing things you actually wanted me to do.
el miedo te frenaba las personas mal te hablaban y olvidabas que él que no arriesga nunca no gana nada
Fear held you back, people spoke badly to you, and you forgot that he who doesn't risk never wins anything.
no tuve inconvenientes de que no me fueras fiel debo reconocer que fuiste una tremenda mujer
I had no problems with you not being faithful, I must admit you were a tremendous woman.
yo te agradezco todos los momentos de placer pero hablándote claro todo esto quedo en el ayer
I thank you for all the moments of pleasure, but speaking clearly, all this is in the past.
no puedo comprometerme yo a remediar las cosas relaciones no se salvan con peluches y con rosas
I can't commit to fixing things, relationships aren't saved with teddy bears and roses.
se trabaja parte y parte unidos los dos pa' lante superando los problemas todo hasta que el cuerpo aguante
It takes work from both sides, united, moving forward, overcoming problems until the body can't take it anymore.
que la comunicación no se quede estancada pa' que por segunda vez no pases por esta jornada porque de nadita sirve que vivas enamorada pero no demuestres nada por miedo a ser mal pagada
That communication doesn't stagnate, so you don't go through this journey a second time, because it's useless to live in love but not show anything for fear of being poorly repaid.
nunca me faltaron ganas de decir todos los dias que eras la princesa mía o de lo bien que me sentía
I never lacked the desire to say every day that you were my princess, or how good I felt.
pero yo me cohibía no por tonterías mías
But I held back, not because of my foolishness,
si no por que yo sentía que aveces ni existías
but because I felt that sometimes you didn't even exist.
debe haber un compromiso pa' que todo fluya
There must be commitment for everything to flow,
debe haber respeto para que nada disminuya
there must be respect for nothing to diminish.
tener sexo siempre me alegraba de momento pero después al tiempo era tan escaso el sentimiento
Having sex always made me happy in the moment, but after a while, the feeling was so scarce.
ya no habían mariposas yo no habían rosas
There were no more butterflies, no more roses,
ya no quedaban las ganas de decir que eras mi esposa
there was no longer the desire to say you were my wife.
imaginaba tantas cosas que ya no caminan cuando nos toca confundir el amor con la rutina
I imagined so many things that no longer walk when we have to confuse love with routine.
ahora te toca caminar por todas las esquinas y saber que no tienes nada que buscar en pinto salinas
Now you have to walk all the corners and know that you have nothing to look for in Pinto Salinas.
que me extrañaras me buscarás pero en verdad
I know you'll miss me, you'll look for me, but in truth,
no hay que darle alas a lo que no volverá jamas
there's no need to give wings to what will never return.
siempre yo te fui tan fiel en cada problema por que si estaba contigo pa' que yo queria sistema
I was always so faithful to you in every problem, because if I was with you, why would I want a system?
soy un cabellero reina antes de que hayan reclamos
I'm a gentleman, queen, before there are any complaints,
prefiero ponerte claro y decirte que terminamos.
I prefer to be clear and tell you that we're over.

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