Semantik - Engel Vo Züri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Semantik - Engel Vo Züri

Engel Vo Züri
Angel of Zurich
Lug, die Schtaadt sugt dich us,
Lady, the city sucks you out,
Spiel en blus für di herz, nim es lied für sie uf
Play a blues for your heart, take a song for them
Alles grau vor dim huus, alles chäuflich, alles blau vor dim huus
Everything grey in front of your house, everything for sale, everything blue in front of your house
Lug das aa, si hend d′chraft verloore,
Look at that, they have lost their strength,
Vergässäd ihri sorgä mit starchä drogä
They forget their sorrows with strong drugs
Sind matt im gsicht,
Are matt in the face,
Bliibed stumm wenns in not sind,
Remain silent when they are in need,
Suufäd am tresä, höred ersch wenn si tot sind.
Drink by the counter, only listen when they are dead.
Die schtrass isch so chalt,
The street is so cold,
Di frau het en gliebt, doch de maa isch scho alt.
The woman loved you, but the man is already old.
Was isch liebi überhaupt?
What actually is love?
S isch scho lang bekannt,
This has been known for a long time,
Wenn die körper liebed sich hundert frankä lang.
When bodies love each other for a hundred francs.
Doch vo ziit zu ziit luegt än ängäl verbii, tr
But from time to time an angel looks past, tr
Eit dich es schtuck wiit dure schöni ziit.
Eats you a piece wide through the beautiful time.
Und für en churze augeblick fühlsch du
And for a short moment you feel
Absoluts glück, wenn de engel vo züri zu dier flügt.
Absolute happiness, when the angel of Zurich flies to you.
Wänn d'kei liecht me gsesch,
When you don't see any more light,
Muesch nur wartä uf ihn, will d′weisch chlinä homies.
You just have to wait for him, because you know little homies.
Au in Züri gits en engel.
There is also an angel in Zurich.
Wänn du meinsch du gheisch,
When you think you are going,
Heb di fescht, will, du musch wüsse mini homies.
Hold on tight, because you have to know my homies.
Wenn d'kei halt me häsch,
When you have no more hold,
Kei hand me findsch, streck si in himmel, will
No more hand to find, stretch it to the heavens, because
Au in züri gits en engel.
There is also an angel in Zurich.
Und vo ziit zu ziit luegt er verbi, direkt i dier, lug.
And from time to time he looks past, directly at you, look.
S'git no hoffnig für eu, verschlosseni männer mit verschossene träum.
There is still hope for you, closed men with lost dreams.
Gosseni seelä, versueched′s uf s′neue, zum ire muet ufs neue bereue.
Mucky souls, try it again, to regret their courage anew.
Wie söll me sich fühlä, äs läbä wo wartät vor verschlossene türe.
How should one feel, a life that waits in front of closed doors.
E frau liid erdrosslet im südä vo de schtadt, d
A woman lies strangled in the south of the city, d
rooti rose erblüet über nacht, bilder wo lügad, lüg
The rug red roses bloom overnight, pictures that lie, lie
Nar wo schpiilad, än sohn am dealä, sini muetter i de chilä.
Fools who play, a son on the hills, his mother in the church.
Dussä i de schtrass wonich uufgwachsä bin,
Outside on the street where I grew up,

Авторы: Rio Roesch

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