Sense Sal - Mare Foca - перевод текста песни на английский

Mare Foca - Sense Salперевод на английский

Mare Foca
Sea Seal
Arribo fins al cim i m'agenollo a terra
I get to the top and kneel on the ground
Després de dies ide cels i grans tempestes.
After a few days of heavy rain and storms.
Les pedres fins i tot avui em sembles guapes,
The stones even today look pretty,
L'herbeta seca em mira i diu "fas bona cara".
Dry herb looks at me and says"you look good".
Potser sóc jo, o potser aquesta neu blanca,
Maybe it's me, or maybe that white snow,
Però avui la sol·litud em sembla molt més maca.
But today the sun is much more beautiful.
I junts anem caminant, avui som animals,
And together we walk, today we are animals,
Què fàcil és la vida quan la veus des d'aquí dalt.
How easy is life when you see it from above?
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he d'anar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where I should go!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he de mirar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where to look!
Camino de costat mirant cap a l'albada
Side road looking towards the dawn
I m'ensopego amb algun dubte i caic de cara.
I have some doubts and fall in my face.
Als que s'enrien els estimo, són tan fràgils
I love them, they are so fragile.
Ningú no els ha ensenyat que tot pot ser molt fàcil.
No one has ever taught them that anything can be easy.
Potser sóc jo, o potser aquesta neu blanca,
Maybe it's me, or maybe that white snow,
Però d'un sol salt m'enlairo unes mil polzades.
But from a single jump I take off a thousand inches.
No paren de cridar quan no poden guanyar,
They keep screaming when they can't win.,
Els que diuen "impossible" no saben volar.
Those who say "impossible" can't fly.
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he d'anar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where I should go!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he de mirar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where to look!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he d'anar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where I should go!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he de mirar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where to look!
Quan m'hi acostumo crec que ja ho tinc a tocar,
When I get used to it, I think I've got to play it.,
Tinc quatre dies i mil nits per recordar
I have four days and a thousand nights to remember
Tots aquells dies on encara us feia cas però
All those days where I still remember you
Tinc la mania de mirar cap endavant!
I have a desire to look ahead!
No si sóc jo, o serà aquesta neu blanca,
I don't know if it's me, or it'll be that white snow,
Però d'un sol salt m'enlairo unes mil polzades.
But from a single jump I take off a thousand inches.
No paren de cridar quan no poden guanyar,
They keep screaming when they can't win.,
Els que diuen "impossible" no saben volar.
Those who say "impossible" can't fly.
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he d'anar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where I should go!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he de mirar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where to look!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he d'anar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where I should go!
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Avui cap mare foca em dirà on he de mirar!
Today no mother seal will tell me where to look!

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