Sense Sal - Secrets - перевод текста песни на английский

Secrets - Sense Salперевод на английский

Bosc de pins, trompetes de corall
Pine forest, pipes of coral
Les guineus que mai s′espanten venen a sopar
The foxes that frighten the most come to dine
Fem foguera tens els ulls tan brillants
We make a fire, you have such bright eyes
Mira els nens com ballen van al ritme del demà
Look how the children are dancing, they move to the rhythm of tomorrow
I tu m'agafes ben fort amb la
And you grab me tightly with your hand
Si ho fem de pressa ningú ho sabrà
If we do it quickly, nobody will know
Bosc endins, som dos cors bategant
Inside the forest, we are two beating hearts
Em respires a l′orella, fas olor de sal
You breathe in my ear, you smell of salt
El cel negre et fa els ulls tan brillants
The black sky makes your eyes so bright
Hi ha ben deu mil estrelles que ens estan mirant
There are about ten thousand stars watching us
I tu m'agafes ben fort amb la
And you grab me tightly with your hand
Tornem de pressa ningú ho sabrà
Let's go back quickly, nobody will know
Corre, ja estem arribant
Run, we are almost there
Corre, ja estem arribant
Run, we are almost there
Corre, ja estem arribant
Run, we are almost there
Corre, ja estem arribant
Run, we are almost there
On estàveu erem a
Where were you, we were at
I el foc que segueix cremant
And the fire that keeps burning
I el foc que segueix cremant
And the fire that keeps burning
I el foc que segueix cremant
And the fire that keeps burning
I el foc que segueix cremant
And the fire that keeps burning
I el foc que segueix cremant
And the fire that keeps burning

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