Separ - Hejtklub 10 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Separ - Hejtklub 10

Hejtklub 10
Hate Club 10
Keď sa ti raz vyčasí, pochopíš aká piča si
When the weather clears up for you, you'll understand what a bitch you are
Ľúbiš bohaté kokoty, stačí keď ho vytasí
You love rich dicks, all he has to do is flash it
Tí, čo idú Number on the board ako Pusha T
Those who go Number on the board like Pusha T
Tvoja cieľovka, okusuješ ich ako suvlaki
Your target audience, you're chewing on them like souvlaki
To, že je škaredý nevadí keď sa to oplatí
It doesn't matter if he's ugly, as long as it pays off
Kľudne si dáš do riti aj porisko od lopaty
You'll gladly take a shovel handle up your ass
Aj keď ti je na piču keď sa na teba pričapí
Even if you feel like shit when he clings to you
Hlavne, že nemusíš bývať v byte bez terasy
The main thing is that you no longer have to live in an apartment without a terrace
Kabele, boty, pičoviny, more šak ne asi
Bags, shoes, bullshit, come on, seriously?
Všetci ti to závidia, preto zlí bez debaty
Everyone envies you, that's why they're bad, no debate
Ty si jeho princezná, nevadí, že je ženatý
You're his princess, it doesn't matter that he's married
Ľudia ti to neprajú, no ty máš svoje backupy
People don't wish you well, but you have your backups
Není to len omyl, nejsú to životné etapy
It's not just a mistake, these aren't life stages
Robíš to vedome aj keď sa ti to tak nejaví
You do it consciously even if it doesn't seem that way to you
Milujem tie slohy ktoré píšem iba pre baby
I love these verses that I write just for girls
Nebudem sa tváriť, ty piča, že ma to nebaví
I'm not going to pretend, bitch, that I don't enjoy it
Nehraj hru, nenaháňaj plug
Don't play the game, don't chase the plug
Zarob na to lóve a potom si to kúp
Earn the money and then buy it
Nevyťahuj kľúč od bavoráku
Don't pull out the BMW key
Všetci vedia, že ti vôbec nepatrí do rúk
Everyone knows it doesn't belong in your hands
Berie si ich prúd, nevedia kto
They take their flow, they don't know who they are
Bolí ich brucho ako keby mali pruh
Their stomach hurts like they have a hernia
Cez tmu neprejde ani lúč
Not even a ray of light can pass through that darkness
Návaly paniky, neviete sa nadýchnuť
Panic attacks, you can't breathe
More, môžem mať tých hejtklubov jedenásť?
Yo, can I have eleven of these Hate Clubs?
Kokot, to baví ešte niekoho počúvať?
Dude, does anyone even enjoy listening to this anymore?
Tvoji boys nejsú gang gang, vidím to jak röntgen
Your boys ain't gang gang, I see it like an x-ray
Milujú lóve tvojho ocina a ten emblém (Benz)
They love your daddy's money and that emblem (Benz)
Čo ti svieti na zem z dverí toho auta aj cez deň
That shines on the ground from the car door even during the day
Keby som bol ty, tak za nimi nikdy nejdem
If I were you, I'd never go after them again
Lenže keby som bol ty, tak nejsom ani syn
But if I were you, I wouldn't even be a son
A nevyžobrem od ocina hromadu pičovín
And I wouldn't beg my daddy for a bunch of bullshit
Miesto jeho času ti dal svoju kartu a pin
Instead of his time, he gave you his card and PIN
A ty si mu na to skočil ako keby bol Džin
And you fell for it like he was a Genie
Čo ti splní všetky priania v pohode mimo diania
Who will grant you all your wishes easily, outside the drama
Sofistikovaná rodina jak Rakúšania
Sophisticated family like Austrians
Je to iba na oko, jeden druhého varia
It's just for show, they're screwing each other over
Neprežili by ani jeden deň bez klamania
They wouldn't survive a single day without lying
Uh, nenávidíš ho a on teba
Uh, you hate him and he hates you
Čo ti mám na to povedať, hmm, tak ti treba
What can I say, hmm, serves you right
Vyrastie z teba kokotek jak panák z lega
You'll grow up to be a little dick like a Lego man
Postav sa na nohy, zarob na vlastný chleba
Stand on your own two feet, earn your own bread
Nehraj hru, nenaháňaj plug
Don't play the game, don't chase the plug
Zarob na to lóve a potom si to kúp
Earn the money and then buy it
Nevyťahuj kľúč od bavoráku
Don't pull out the BMW key
Všetci vedia, že ti vôbec nepatrí do rúk
Everyone knows it doesn't belong in your hands
Berie si ich prúd, nevedia kto
They take their flow, they don't know who they are
Bolí ich brucho ako keby mali pruh
Their stomach hurts like they have a hernia
Cez tmu neprejde ani lúč
Not even a ray of light can pass through that darkness
Návaly paniky, neviete sa nadýchnuť
Panic attacks, you can't breathe

Авторы: Michael Kmet, Dokkeytino Dokkeytino

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