Separ - New York Freestyle - перевод текста песни на английский

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New York Freestyle
New York Freestyle
Celé dni sme boli vonku ulica ti nedá nič
All day we were out, the streets give you nothing, girl
Každý sa chová jak dick
Everyone acts like a dick
Keď chceš niečo tak si musíš pre to ísť
If you want something, you have to go for it
Teraz mám na krku byt
Now I have an apartment on my neck
More dvoj izbový byt
More like a two-room apartment, baby
Našiel flow ktorý šlape ako drogy
Found a flow that hits like drugs
Ktorý šlape ako trip zase hit
That hits like a trip, another hit, sweetheart
Halucinogenné slohy, sleduj drip
Hallucinogenic verses, watch the drip
More outfit on fleek boy
More outfit on fleek, boy
Od rána sme boli fucked up
Since morning we were fucked up
Nahulení ako bastardi
High as bastards, darling
Stále v obnosených handrách
Still in worn-out clothes
Splývali sme ako v maskáči
We blended in like in camo
Jazdili na starých autách
Driving old cars
Weed na sodíkových lampách
Weed under sodium lamps
Kúpili zmenili na guap
Bought it, turned it into guap
A tým sa zmenili štandardy
And that changed the standards
Kurvy na byte len v gaťkách
Bitches in the apartment only in panties, honey
Snežilo tam ako v Tatrách
It snowed there like in the Tatras
Vtedy som začal aj rapovať veci
That's when I started rapping things, girl
Čo ťa upratali jak ratrak
That cleaned you up like a snowcat
A sa nedalo zastať
And it couldn't be stopped
Peniaze začali kvapkať
Money started dripping
Dneska som tak daleko more
Today I'm so far, baby
Že ma pozná aj tvoja babka
That even your grandma knows me
Stále ma nenamotali na sumy
They still haven't hooked me on sums
Stále som neni zapredaný šulin
I'm still not a sellout fool
Stále to robím rovnako
I still do it the same way
Akurát že som pridal nejaké nuly
Except I've added some zeros
Prečo si nepýtať love za to
Why not ask for money for it
Že za mnou idú tisíce ľudí
When thousands of people follow me
Mám sa tváriť že to nevidím
Should I pretend I don't see it, sweetheart?
A nechať to niekomu iba tak do huby
And just leave it to someone
Sleduj ma horia mi gumy
Watch me, my tires are burning
Všetci zlatí jak zuby
Everyone is golden like teeth
Lebo vedia že prišiel čávo
Because they know the dude arrived
A s ním biznis ktorý im naplní kluby
And with him a business that will fill their clubs
Tyčinky, pečivo, rumy
Sticks, pastries, rums
Hood Hero, just do it
Hood Hero, just do it
Nechápem čo je zle na tom
I don't understand what's wrong with it
Keď máš monopol ktorý hrá ako struny
When you have a monopoly that plays like strings
Celé dni sme boli vonku ulica ti nedá nič
All day we were out, the streets give you nothing
Každý sa chová jak dick
Everyone acts like a dick
Keď chceš niečo tak si musíš pre to ísť
If you want something, you have to go for it
Teraz mám na krku byt
Now I have an apartment on my neck
More dvoj izbový byt
More like a two-room apartment
Našiel flow ktorý šlape ako drogy
Found a flow that hits like drugs
Ktorý šlape ako trip zase hit
That hits like a trip, another hit
Halucinogenné slohy, sleduj drip
Hallucinogenic verses, watch the drip
More outfit on fleek boy
More outfit on fleek, boy
Dávali mi rok dva
They gave me a year or two
To mi nejako nevychádza
That doesn't work out for me
Robím to pomaly 22
I've been doing this for almost 22
Nesledujem to len z úzadia
I'm not just watching from the sidelines
Nemením sa podľa počasia
I don't change with the weather
Neni to o tom že kto viac
It's not about who gives more
Keď hovorím názory nahlas
When I say my opinions out loud
Vždy sa nejaké trubky urazia
Some fools always get offended
Gádže majú mapu
Chicks have a map
Určujú mi trasu
They determine my route
Všetci majú pocit že by som bol bez nich kaput
Everyone feels like I'd be kaput without them
Dám kameň do praku a debatu ako takú
I'll put a stone in the sling and the debate as such
Prestrelím jak sniper lebo ja som tu na furt
I'll shoot it like a sniper because I'm here to stay
Kto kopu času?
Who has a lot of time?
Kto plnú kasu?
Who has a full cash register?
Kto vás môže školiť vy kokoti čo je hustle
Who can teach you assholes what hustle is
Keď o mne hovoríte zle máte papuli pachuť
When you talk bad about me, your mouths taste bad
Som sofistikovaný stokár vznešený jak labuť
I'm a sophisticated hustler, noble like a swan
Som v tom od základnej školy
I've been in it since elementary school
Zbieram plody, zbieram body
I collect fruits, I collect points
Som obrazom mojej doby
I am the image of my time
Som kvetina na ich hroby
I am a flower on their graves
Som ich vzduch, som jak stromy
I am their air, I am like trees
Som jak džokej, som na koni
I'm like a jockey, I'm on a horse
A keď guap delím dvomi
And when I divide the guap by two
Tak ich znásobim tak tromi
I multiply them by three
Jebú blesky, jebú hromy
Lightning strikes, thunder strikes
Že vám popukajú domy
That your houses will crack
A keď vylezem na stage
And when I get on stage
Je to peklo, je to dovi
It's hell, it's goodbye
Celé dni sme boli vonku ulica ti nedá nič
All day we were out, the streets give you nothing
Každý sa chová jak dick
Everyone acts like a dick
Keď chceš niečo tak si musíš pre to ísť
If you want something, you have to go for it
Teraz mám na krku byt
Now I have an apartment on my neck
More dvoj izbový byt
More like a two-room apartment
Našiel flow ktorý šlape ako drogy
Found a flow that hits like drugs
Ktorý šlape ako trip zase hit
That hits like a trip, another hit
Halucinogenné slohy, sleduj drip
Hallucinogenic verses, watch the drip
More outfit on fleek boy
More outfit on fleek, boy

Авторы: Michael Kmeť, Matej Straka

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