Separ feat. Peter Pann - Dovidenia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Separ feat. Peter Pann - Dovidenia

Mako, čau, potrebujem hudbu na hit, kým odletím
Yo, what's up, I need some quick beats before I take off,
Chcem tam napísať trojsingel
I wanna write a three-track EP there,
Vrátim sa, nahrať, jebnúť von, spraviť klipy a dovidenia
I'll be back, record it, drop it, shoot the videos and goodbye,
(Dovidenia, dovidenia, dovidenia, dovidenia)
(Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye)
(Dovidenia, dovidenia, dovidenia, dovidenia)
(Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye)
(Dovidenia, dovidenia, dovidenia, dovidenia)
(Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye)
Chytím mikrofón a odjebem strop
I grab the mic and blow the roof off
Keď začnem pľuť tie rapy, tak takí, že
When I start spitting these raps, they're like,
Dokrčené papule a takí, že
Scrunched up faces, and they're like,
Moja hudba je životný štýl, taký, že
My music is a lifestyle, it's like,
Fans ako hooligans, more, takí, že
Fans are like hooligans, man, they're like,
Keď sa ich opýtaš na mňa, takí, že
When you ask them about me, they're like,
Vydám nový track a v autách takí, že
I drop a new track and in their cars, they're like,
Rozlievam ten rum na aftroch, takí, že
Pouring rum at the afterparties, they're like,
(Mám) ďalší hit, taký, že
(I got) another hit, it's like
Oni ma chcú, nemusím sa vtírať
They want me, I don't have to force myself in
Nabehnem, jak keby došiel výjazd
I storm in like a raid is going down
Sleduj ten dav, jak sa začne zvíjať
Watch the crowd, how it starts to writhe
Show jakú ja nemá nikto, see ya
A show like mine, nobody has it, see ya
O tej energii sa ti môže iba snívať
You can only dream of this energy, babe
Vyjebaný metronóm, neviem krívať
Fucked up metronome, I don't limp
Môj mindset, prvá liga, víťaz
My mindset, first league, winner
Ty si zhorel ako cigareta, víš jak
You burned out like a cigarette, you know how
Volá mi Marko, že v tejto chvíli
Marko calls me, saying that right now
Je to tak 600K za odmietnuté dealy
It's like 600K for rejected deals
Nerobím reklamy, keď nemám feeling
I don't do ads if I don't feel it
Ty robíš kokota, lebo nemáš príjmy
You're acting like a fool because you have no income
Moja show ťa jebne o zem grappling
My show will slam you to the ground, grappling
Dôjdi to pozrieť, dám ti guest list
Come and see it, I'll put you on the guest list
Dosereš sa, daj si uhlie a krekry
You'll shit yourself, take some charcoal and crackers
Pochopíš, prečo mám streamy jak Netflix
You'll understand why I have streams like Netflix
Tvár na billboardoch a city lightoch
Face on billboards and city lights
Keby som chcel, tak sa utopím v lajkoch
If I wanted, I'd drown in likes
Keby som chcel, tak chodím s tvojou čajkou
If I wanted, I'd be dating your chick
No mám doma hot shit, takže fuck off
But I got hot shit at home, so fuck off
Prídem, odjebem stop, oni vedia
I arrive, kill the beat, they know
Bordel, jak keď prekotíš smetiak
Chaos, like when you knock over a dumpster
Definujem vetu, že časy sa menia
I define the phrase "times are changing"
Stále pri zemi, ale zároveň (dovidenia)
Still grounded, but at the same time (goodbye)
Keď začnem pľuť tie rapy, tak takí, že
When I start spitting these raps, they're like,
Dokrčené papule a takí, že
Scrunched up faces, and they're like,
Moja hudba je životný štýl, taký, že
My music is a lifestyle, it's like,
Fans ako hooligans, more, takí, že
Fans are like hooligans, man, they're like,
Keď sa ich opýtaš na mňa, takí, že
When you ask them about me, they're like,
Vydám nový track a v autách takí, že
I drop a new track and in their cars, they're like,
Rozlievam ten rum na aftroch, takí, že
Pouring rum at the afterparties, they're like,
(Mám) ďalší hit, taký, že
(I got) another hit, it's like
Stopa taká silná, že po nej ostanú ryhy
A track so strong, it leaves grooves
Idem 24-7, takže neviem, čo sa divíš
I go 24/7, so I don't know why you're surprised
Prehľad ako málokto, aj keď nečítam knihy
Perspective like few others, even though I don't read books
Môj dream team Marko, ja, Osťo aj Bihy
My dream team, Marko, me, Osťo and Bihy
Vydrbaný monopol, no necháme aj iným
A fucked up monopoly, but we'll let others in
Lebo OG neni sebec, ale postará sa, vidí
Because an OG isn't selfish, but he takes care, he sees
Furt autentický, aj keď nemá BeReal
Still authentic, even without BeReal
Netrepe kokotiny, lebo za ním činy
Doesn't talk shit, because actions speak louder than words
Vždy robí, čo chce, aj keď to ľudia necenili
Always does what he wants, even if people don't appreciate it
Lebo celý život chcel byť free ako Willy
Because all his life he wanted to be free like Willy
A tí, čo boli s ním, tiež dobre pochodili
And those who were with him also did well
Zabezpečili si nové autá a vily
They secured new cars and villas
No bola doba, keď nebolo pojebaných 100 eur
But there was a time when there wasn't a damn 100 euros
Au revoir, aj tak ťa nakoniec len ojebú
Au revoir, they'll just screw you over in the end
Je broke, ale nevie to fixnúť, čo je mu?
He's broke, but he doesn't know how to fix it, what's wrong with him?
Výhovorky recituje dokola jak koledu
He recites excuses over and over like a carol
Máš viac lóve, čím viac lóve máš v obehu
You have more money, the more money you have in circulation
Cítiš ich zo mňa, z každého odevu
You can feel it from me, from every piece of clothing
Smejú sa na pečive, ale potom ho zožerú
They laugh at the bread, but then they eat it
Ja mám plný money bag, keď vychádzam z hotelu
I have a full money bag when I leave the hotel
Myslíš, že ne, ale fakt si sedliak
You think not, but you really are a peasant
Vyjebaná podržtaška, vešiak
Fucking coat hanger, hanger
Takí sa mi smejú, ale kým sa tešia
They laugh at me, but while they're rejoicing
Ja zarábam také lóve, že (dovidenia)
I'm making so much money that (goodbye)
Keď začnem pľuť tie rapy, tak takí, že
When I start spitting these raps, they're like,
Dokrčené papule a takí, že
Scrunched up faces, and they're like,
Moja hudba je životný štýl, taký, že
My music is a lifestyle, it's like,
Fans ako hooligans, more, takí, že
Fans are like hooligans, man, they're like,
Keď sa ich opýtaš na mňa, takí, že
When you ask them about me, they're like,
Vydám nový track a v autách takí, že
I drop a new track and in their cars, they're like,
Rozlievam ten rum na aftroch, takí, že
Pouring rum at the afterparties, they're like,
(Mám) ďalší hit, taký, že
(I got) another hit, it's like

Авторы: Peter Macko, Michael Kmet

Separ feat. Peter Pann - DOVIDENIA - Single
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