Separ - Hejtklub 6 - перевод текста песни на английский

Hejtklub 6 - Separперевод на английский

Hejtklub 6
Hate Club 6
Klop klop kto je tam
Knock knock, who's there?
Tu je je to tak
It's me, it's like that
Jaky je to tak?
How is it like that?
Zedol si mi kokot je to tak!
You swallowed my dick, that's how!
Tento album je niečo jak preraziť strop
This album is like breaking through the ceiling
Je to tak
It's like that
Zostanú len ruiny a
Only ruins will remain and
Oči ti doškrabe prach
Dust will scratch your eyes
Chcem isť nad vládu aj
I want to go above the government and
Striktné jak životy v osadách
Strict like lives in settlements
Popadá omietka v byte, suseda rozjebe tlak
Plaster falls in the apartment, the neighbor's blood pressure explodes
Ty sa dosereš tak že tvoje hovno pojde srať
You'll shit yourself so hard your own shit will shit
Keď nastupi ten drop ťa budu musieť pozbierať
When that drop hits, they'll have to pick you up
Hejt klub 6
Hate Club 6
Nemožeeš hovoriť
You can't talk
O vecách ktorym nerozumieš
About things you don't understand
Ani kokot je to tak
Not even a dick, that's how it is
Tvoja frajerka ma piču v háčkovej rotácii
Your girlfriend's pussy is in crochet rotation
Na ZaFe nič neznamenaš
You mean nothing in ZaFe
Keď pospájaš kokoty čo boli v nej spravíš
If you connect the dicks that were in her, you'll make
Most cez rieku peňazi čo nevie minúť
A bridge over the river of money she can't spend
Neschopný dilino (bože môj to je hrozné)
Incompetent fool (my god, it's terrible)
Zachraň si ju synu
Save her, son
Hejtklub je legendárna zaležitosť
Hate Club is a legendary thing
A ma hlboký zmysel more je to tak
And it has a deep meaning, damn it's true
Keď nepočuješ medzi riadkami
If you don't hear between the lines
Ten odkaz o tom jak si v piči
The message about how you're fucked
Pomožem ti choď sa odjebať
I'll help you, go fuck yourself
Neschopný nepoužitelný generacia
Incompetent, useless generation
Kokotov spolieha sa na maminu
Of dicks relying on their mom
Životy za počitačom(bože to je tragedia)
Lives behind a computer (god, it's a tragedy)
Dostanete rakovinu
You'll get cancer
Tieto deti nevedia čo je svet
These kids don't know what the world is
Sedia za compom a v tme žiara
They sit at the computer and glow in the dark
Monitoru pred vysvietena vianoce
The monitor lit up before Christmas
Ani nechce fuckovať pičuje vie že niekto na to
They don't even want to fuck, the bitch knows someone will
Hovno čo tam napisal odpiše
Reply to the shit she wrote there
Prečo mrháte svojimi životmi do piče
Why are you wasting your lives, for fuck's sake?
No sice vďaka vam sa predavaju nosiče
Well, thanks to you, carriers are being sold
Ale vonku by ťa rozkopali jako hekysek
But outside they would kick you like a Hekisek
Dobry track je keď ta to rozjebe na písek
A good track is when it smashes you to the sand
Zimomriavky neojebeš začina sa zlatý vek
You can't fake goosebumps, the golden age is beginning
Pancier preberá to tu cele jak balíček
Pancier takes over everything here like a package
Je nas do kopy tak 8 čo roky niesu wack
There are about 8 of us who haven't been wack for years
Frazovanie technika dôležita jak slovosled
Phrasing, technique, important as word order
Skušajú chceli by nas dobehnúť ale nemaju na to
They try, they want to catch up with us, but they can't
More koho vinou?
Damn, whose fault is it?
Tvdria že nechcu vypredavať kluby varia ludi touto
They claim they don't want to sell out clubs, they feed people this
Je to tak každy reper by to chcel ale musia robiť
That's right, every rapper would want that, but they have to do it
Formu stavím sa o kilo
Form, I bet a kilo
(Skurvene kilo)
(Fucking kilo)
Vraj chcu chodiť do roboty cely život zapriahnutý
They say they want to go to work, harnessed all their lives
More Tak poď hijóóó
Damn, come on, hijóóó
Skušajú chceli by nas dobehnúť ale nemaju na to
They try, they want to catch up with us, but they can't
More koho vinou?
Damn, whose fault is it?
Tvdria že nechcu vypredavať kluby varia ludi tovto
They claim they don't want to sell out clubs, they feed people this
Je to tak každy reper by to chcel ale musia robiť
That's right, every rapper would want that, but they have to do it
Formu stavím sa o kilo
Form, I bet a kilo
Vraj chcu chodiť do roboty cely život zapriahnutý
They say they want to go to work, harnessed all their lives
More Tak poď hijóóó
Damn, come on, hijóóó

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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