Separ - Hejtklub 7 - перевод текста песни на английский

Hejtklub 7 - Separперевод на английский

Hejtklub 7
Hejtklub 7
Oni zabudli kto tam stál vtedy,
They've forgotten who stood there back then,
Keď sa im kamaráti minuli jak kredit
When their friends ran out like credit
Kto vyprevadil všetky tie hovná zo scény
Who escorted all that crap off the stage
Kto bol ten ktorý ťa zbavil tej trémy
Who was the one who relieved you of that stage fright
Oni boli fejk on mal odkaz jak Exupéry
They were fake, he had a message like Exupéry
Archaniel Michael so mnou všetci anjeli
Archangel Michael with me, all the angels
Čo vie všetko dopredu aj keď nikdy nestál v cieli,
Who knows it all in advance, even though he never stood at the finish line,
Zbavil lucifera svetla, zahnal do diery
He rid lucifer of light, drove him into a hole
Vtedy nastala tma, zastala hmla,
Then there was darkness, there was silence,
Nad mestom zaviala zástava zla
The city was suddenly covered with the flag of evil
Malá zaspala a mala sen,
Little girl fell asleep and had a dream,
Kde vyjebaná temnota zasiahla zem
Where fucking darkness struck the earth
Mali strach, nevedeli prečo ale začali sa báť
They were afraid, they didn't know why, but they started to be afraid
kým nenabehol on tých démonov pojebať
Until he came along to fuck those demons
kým ich nevidel rozjebaných na kolenách
Until he saw them shattered on their knees
Jeho výzbroj bola presne na toto stvorená
His arsenal was made for this very thing
Ludí musel vyliečiť a zahnať tie stavy
He had to heal the people and banish those conditions
Robil to tak že s nimi vošiel do ich hlavy
He did it by going into their heads
Ukázal im svetlo a jak sa toho zbaviť
He showed them the light and how to get rid of it
Po hodine sa ludia zobudili zdravý
After an hour, those people woke up healthy
Nikdy nemal pýchu no na svet pozerá zhora
He never had pride, but he looks down on the world
Nikdy nemal zlutovanie tak ho majú za netvora
He never had mercy, so they consider him a monster
Kto ho chápe ten je s ním kto nechápe čo smola
Those who understand him are with him, those who don't, tough luck
Keď si vyjebaný hajzel dávaj bacha ide po vás
When you're a fucking asshole, watch out, he's coming for you
Preto v tejto skladbe nikdy není refrén
That's why there's never a chorus in this song
Hejtklub 7 siedmy album je to skurvene presné
Hejtklub 7, the seventh album, that's fucking accurate
Chcel som vás chápať ale sa mi nechce
I wanted to understand you, but I don't feel like it anymore
Mám piči kto si ty a nemám voči tebe rešpekt
I don't give a damn who you are, and I have no respect for you
Voči tebe rešpekt, nemám voči tebe rešpekt
Respect for you, no respect for you
Nemám voči tebe rešpekt,
No respect for you,
Ne, ja nemám voči tebe rešpekt
No, I have no respect for you
Hejtklub 7 nemá k tebe rešpekt
Hejtklub 7 has no respect for you

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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