Separ - Prológ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Separ - Prológ

Vitaj na desiatom albume
Welcome to the tenth album
Do ma chce počúvať nech počúva
The one who wants to listen to me, let him listen
Do mudruje mudruje no nevie sám
The one who professes to know, professes to know, but doesn't know himself
Možno tu nájdete stratenú tvár
Maybe here you will find a lost face
Nechcem za to nič ber to ako dar
I don't want anything for it, take it as a gift
A nemusíš mi písať že som tu kráľ
And you don't have to write me that I'm the king here
Strieľam tie treky jak luk
I shoot those tracks like a bow
Nechutne nabitý zvuk
Disgusting loaded sound
Keď hľadáte Separa ktorý neni tak neviem čo hľadáte tu
When you are looking for the Separ who is no more, I don't know what you are looking for here
Sadni si počúvaj kľud
Sit down, listen, calm down
Máš moje slovo a sľub
You have my word and promise
Že nikdo to nebere vážne jak ja otváram ideme dnu
No one takes this as seriously as I do, let's open up and go inside
Je to full je tu všetko
It's full, it's everything
Je to presne jak dresscode
It's exactly like a dress code
Je to fúzia best of
It's a fusion of the best
Je to uu je to cez plot
It's uu, it's over the fence
Home run
Je to šetko čo som kedy urobil a dokopy dávajú roky rapu uuuplne peklo
It's everything that I ever did, and together they give years of rap, absolutely hell
Frázujem jak keby som rysoval
I phrase as if I was drawing
Geometrické tvary idem iba ďalej cez checkpoint
Geometric shapes, I just keep going through the checkpoint
Nepochopený milovaný aj nenávidený
Misunderstood, loved and also hated
Rapujem od kedy som bol iba decko
I have rapped ever since I was just a kid
Tak mi povec koľko z nich bude takých ako ja
So tell me, how many of them will be like me?
Ja im kludne odovzdám moje žezlo
I will easily pass on my scepter to them
Nepotopený zdravím kru
Unsinkable, greeting the circle
Mojich ľudí DMS hood
My people, DMS hood
Prichádza etapa OG
The OG stage is coming
Bordel stačí si kúpiť vstup
Brothel, all you have to do is buy a ticket
Oni sedia na konári neprajú čakajú sledujú ma ako sup
They sit on the branch, they don't wish me well, they watch me like a vulture.
Kým oni sa trápia nemajú ma radi ja znova uzatváram kruh
While they worry, they don't like me, I close the circle again

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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