Serko Fu feat. Morenito De Fuego & Gush Doktor - Funky Piropo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Serko Fu feat. Morenito De Fuego & Gush Doktor - Funky Piropo

Funky Piropo
Funky Compliment
Sabandija, sabanera, iría por ti aunque cruzarás la frontera
Sabandija, sabanera, I would go for you even if you crossed the border
¿Es su hija?
Is that his daughter?
De quien sea, va con amor mira como lo knockea
Whoever's she is, it's with love, look how it knocks him out
Ella es inmune al rayo ultravioleta, ella es sin duda la dotación completa
She's immune to ultraviolet rays, she's without a doubt the complete package
Hace que caigas directo a la banqueta, una figura y no necesita dieta
She makes you fall right on the sidewalk, a figure and she doesn't need a diet
Allá va caminando, no la detienen, no respeta el alto, al compás de los claxons, ella es el blanco al que van apuntando
There she goes walking, they don't stop her, she doesn't respect the stop signs, to the rhythm of the horns, she's the target they're aiming at
Camuflajea esa carita, a luz de faro la señorita (sabandija), y se desvela y se madruga
She camouflages that little face, in the headlight the young lady (sabandija), and she stays up late and wakes up early
No le da miedo nunca la levadura, yo a ti te aporto sin previa cita y no me importa si no me invitas
She's never afraid of yeast, I bring myself to you without an appointment and I don't care if you don't invite me
Te traje flores, pero en la mente, funky piropo de Mr Serko Fuentes
I brought you flowers, but in my mind, a funky compliment from Mr. Serko Fuentes
Le mi son, mi razón, mi locura, si te enamora ella te lleva a la amargura, sus ojos son veneno mortal sin cura, no hay salida, fantasia pura
I gave her my sound, my reason, my madness, if you fall in love with her she'll take you to bitterness, her eyes are deadly poison without a cure, there's no escape, pure fantasy
Le mi son, mi razón, mi locura, si te enamora ella te lleva a la amargura, sus ojos son veneno mortal sin cura, no hay salida, fantasia pura
I gave her my sound, my reason, my madness, if you fall in love with her she'll take you to bitterness, her eyes are deadly poison without a cure, there's no escape, pure fantasy
Mary morena, ballenata, iría por ti pero no seas ingrata
Mary morena, ballenata, I would go for you but don't be ungrateful
Marca el paso no te aceleres, yo le haré caso a todos tus placeres
Mark the step, don't speed up, I'll listen to all your pleasures
Qué me perdone dios por pecador pero por ti dejo el verbo y a mi pastor
May God forgive me for being a sinner but for you I leave the Word and my pastor
Eres una muñeca de aparador, eres intocable, de alto valor
You're a doll from a shop window, you're untouchable, of high value
Salvaje sin paje, no necesita guajes
Wild without a page, she doesn't need boys
La luz de luna su mejor maquillaje, tira los dados fina dulzura, siempre dispuesta a cualquier aventura
Moonlight her best makeup, roll the dice fine sweetness, always ready for any adventure
Le mi son, mi razón, mi locura, si te enamora ella te lleva a la amargura, sus ojos son veneno mortal sin cura, no hay salida, fantasia pura
I gave her my sound, my reason, my madness, if you fall in love with her she'll take you to bitterness, her eyes are deadly poison without a cure, there's no escape, pure fantasy
Vengo diciendolo, que estoy haciendolo, debo cuidarme que del cielo esta cayendo amor
I've been saying it, that I'm doing it, I must take care of myself because love is falling from the sky
Allá va caminando, allá va la señorita
There she goes walking, there goes the young lady
Ella sueña junto a ti despierta, tan segura está que no le molesta que digan que la a distinta hora, nada se le atora
She dreams awake next to you, so sure is she that it doesn't bother her that they say that at different times, nothing gets stuck in her throat
Si te dice "hola" es porque te conoce, cuando escucha el ruido que hace la gente, se hace la que no entendió y desaparece
If she says "hello" it's because she knows you, when she hears the noise that people make, she pretends she didn't understand and disappears
Antes cuado ella te vio fue de esas veces y otra vez te cae pagarás con creces
Before when she saw you it was one of those times and again you'll pay dearly
Le mi son, mi razón, mi locura, si te enamora ella te lleva a la amargura, sus ojos son veneno mortal sin cura, no hay salida, fantasia pura
I gave her my sound, my reason, my madness, if you fall in love with her she'll take you to bitterness, her eyes are deadly poison without a cure, there's no escape, pure fantasy
Le mi son, mi razón, mi locura, si te enamora ella te lleva a la amargura, sus ojos son veneno mortal sin cura, no hay salida, fantasia pura
I gave her my sound, my reason, my madness, if you fall in love with her she'll take you to bitterness, her eyes are deadly poison without a cure, there's no escape, pure fantasy
Vengo diciendolo, que estoy haciendolo, debo cuidarme que del cielo esta cayendo amor
I've been saying it, that I'm doing it, I must take care of myself because love is falling from the sky

Serko Fu feat. Morenito De Fuego & Gush Doktor - Desde el Desnivel
Desde el Desnivel
дата релиза

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