SHAAM - Ana Dayfak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский SHAAM - Ana Dayfak

Ana Dayfak
Ana Dayfak
بامشى لحد بيتها عشان بس اشوفها
I will walk to her house just to see her
بقالى كام مرة للاسف مش باقابلها
It has been a while since I last saw you unfortunately
من كسوفها خايفة تحكى و انا بستحمل ظروفها
She’s too shy to talk to me but I endure her circumstances
قولى مين قافل عليكى فى سرى بقول عيلتها
Tell me who is the one holding you captive in secret I say her family
يوم بيجر يوم بقالك فترة عنى غايبة
Days drag on by, it has been a while and you were absent from me
ازاى اعيش لوحدى طيب كلمينى حتى
How do I live on my own? Please call me at least
همى بتشلية دمعى حتى بتمسحية
My worries cheer me up, my tears wipe it away
و الكلام من غير ما اقولو كنتى برضو بتسمعية
Even without me telling you, you would listen to me
مجاش فى بالك فى غيابك هاتكون اية الاوضاع
It did not come across your mind, what will happen when you are absent
بعد ما كنتى كل حاجة بقيت مركب من غير شراع
After being everything to me, I became a ship without a sail
اسير فى حبك انتى جوة بحر من غير شط
A prisoner in your love, inside a shoreless sea
غيابك خلانى فى بعدك انا مش قادر اكلم حد
Your absence made me not able to speak to anyone in your absence
Co . K V
Co . K V
انا مفارق و مش فارق اكون وياك
I am separated and it does not make a difference to me to be with you
و مش راجع و لو حتى دوايا معاك
And I am not coming back even if you had my cure
انا هنسى و مش فاكر حياتى معاك
I will forget and not remember my life with you
و لو ناوى على جراحى اكيد هنساك
Even if you are planning to heal my wounds I will surely forget you
عايش مستنى ولا عايز اكون و ياكى من تانى
I am living in hope and do not wish to be with you again
و بعدتى عنى و قلبك باعنى و رمانى
You distanced yourself from me, your heart betrayed me and threw me away
V 2. Shams Eldeen
V 2. Shams Eldeen
الوقت مش بيمشى و انتى مش موجودة جنبى
Time does not pass by with you not being here beside me
قافل قلبى مع انى خايف برضو من المخبى
I close my heart even though I am afraid of what it hides
فالشك زاد قربت قولت اكلم اى حد
Because my doubts grew more and more, I almost spoke to anyone
قافلة كل باب بينى و مابينك بانية الف سد
You have built a thousand barriers between you and I
فاتصدمت فهمت انك واخدة الوضع لعبة
I was shocked when I realized that you took the situation as a game
العيشة فى بعدى سهلة لكن فى بعدك صعبة
It is easy to live without me but it is hard without you
مش قادر تفكيرى يهدى مش هو دة اتفقنا
My mind cannot rest, this is not what we agreed upon
اتقابلنا و اتوعدنا نخلى الدنيا لبعض جنة
We met and promised to make our world a paradise
انتى فين بس ردى قولى عايشة ازاى فى بعدى
Where are you? Please reply, tell me how can you live without me
مش فاهم اى حاجة شكلك بتلعبى بمشاعرى
I do not understand anything, you seem to be toying with my emotions
فجاءة كل حاجة اسودت و انتى عادى اتغيرتى
Suddenly everything was dark and you changed
طيب خليكى فاكرة ان دة اختيارك انتى
Ok, keep in mind that this is your choice
Co . K V
Co . K V
انا مفارق و مش فارق اكون وياك
I am separated and it does not make a difference to me to be with you
و مش راجع و لو حتى داوايا معاك
And I am not coming back even if you had my cure
انا هنسى و مش فاكر حياتى معاك
I will forget and not remember my life with you
و لو ناوى على جراحى اكيد هنساك
Even if you are planning to heal my wounds I will surely forget you
عايش مستنى ولا عايز اكون و ياكى من تانى
I am living in hope and do not wish to be with you again
و بعدتى عنى و قلبك باعنى و رمانى
You distanced yourself from me, your heart betrayed me and threw me away
V 3. 3afreet
V 3. 3afreet
يازميل انتا مكبر الموضوع
My friend, you have blown this issue out of proportion
ماهى لو كانت بقيا عليك ما كنتش سابتك موجوع
You wouldn’t have left you aching if she really cared about you
هاتموت من الجوع و هى فى ايدها الاكل
She will let you die from hunger while, she has food in her hand
و عازتو عليك و سيباك هتموت من الشك
She has deprived you and has left you to die from doubt
ما انا قدامك اهو مبسوط و الدنيا الاجا
See I am in front of you, happy and enjoying my life
ماتروحش لظابط رزل و انتا ممعكش بطاقة
Do not go to the officer naked when you do not have an ID card
اكرفها هتعود اعزفها على العود
She will come back crawling to you, play her like an instrument
اسمع عمك حليم و هو بيقول موعود
Listen to our uncle Halim when he says I was promised
اشرب و زقطط و ارقص مع ضلك
Drink and dance with your shadow
هو اللى هيدلك متخليهاش تزلك
He is the one who will guide you, do not let her slip away
ماتسواش تيشريتك يا صاحب الكاس
Do not waste your time, oh, my drinking buddy
صعبان عليا يا صاحبى اشوفك محتاس
I feel sorry for you my friend, seeing you so clueless
Co . K V
Co . K V
انا مفارق و مش فارق اكون وياك
I am separated and it does not make a difference to me to be with you
و مش راجع و لو حتى داوايا معاك
And I am not coming back even if you had my cure
انا هنسى و مش فاكر حياتى معاك
I will forget and not remember my life with you
و لو ناوى على جراحى اكيد هنساك
Even if you are planning to heal my wounds I will surely forget you
عايش مستنى ولا عايز اكون و ياكى من تانى
I am living in hope and do not wish to be with you again
و بعدتى عنى و قلبك باعنى و رمانى
You distanced yourself from me, your heart betrayed me and threw me away

Авторы: traditional

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