Ella Tambien se opero la nariz aumento de masa corporal
She also got a nose job, increased her body mass
Por atra Sirujia Por alla
& Sirujia Por Aqui
With one surgery after another, surgeries here and there
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Bucala, bucala, bucala
Look her up, look her up, look her up
Bucala, Bucala, Bucalaaa
Look her up, Look her up, Look her up
Bucala, Bucala, bucala
Look her up, Look her up, look her up
& Tu Vera que ba ta en Television Como Yo
And you'll see she'll be on television like me
Busca su Perfil
& Hechale Un Vistaso
Find her profile and check it out
Bebe Cardio Aspirina Pa que No te de un Infarto
Take some cardio aspirin so you don't have a heart attack
Ella Baila en un Programa Moviendo el Epinaso
& Lo Fine De Semana sube Foto enseñando El cuerpaso.Deje un comentario Me, Guta, Me Guta, Me Guta.Un Mensaje Privado Me Guta, Me Guta, Me Guta.
She dances on a show moving her spine, and on weekends she uploads photos showing off her body. I left a comment, "Like, Like, Like." A private message, "Like, Like, Like."
Pero subio Una Foto Fumando hookah y Abrazando a Otro
But she uploaded a photo smoking hookah and hugging another guy
& Ahy si No me Guta
And now I don't like it
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Ella Tambien se opero la nariz aumento de masa corporal
She also got a nose job, increased her body mass
Por atra Sirujia Por alla
& Sirujia Por Aqui
With one surgery after another, surgeries here and there
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Bucala, bucala, bucala
Look her up, look her up, look her up
Bucala, Bucala, Bucalaaa
Look her up, Look her up, Look her up
Bucala, Bucala, bucala
Look her up, Look her up, look her up
& Tu Vera que ba ta en television Como Yo
And you'll see she'll be on television like me
Se iso la nariz, Se iso la Boca, Se iso lo ceno
Got her nose done, got her mouth done, got her breasts done
Se iso la Nargota, Se iso La lipo, Se iso La Caderota
Got her butt done, got liposuction, got her hips done
& Le pedi Amore
& se iso La Loca
And I asked for love and she went crazy
El Doctor ati te ah Hecho de tO
& yo no te eh hecho nah
The doctor has done everything for you and I haven't done anything
Toy Cansao del Monitor, Toy Cansao de Chatiar
I'm tired of the monitor, I'm tired of chatting
Verte en mi cama abierta En Vivo Le llega
Seeing you in my bed, live and direct
Con tuh Rodilla Pega de tus Orejas
With your knees by your ears
Se iso la nariz, Se iso la Boca, Se iso lo ceno
Got her nose done, got her mouth done, got her breasts done
Se iso la Nargota, Se iso La lipo, Se iso La Caderota
Got her butt done, got liposuction, got her hips done
& Le pedi Amore
& se iso La Loca: O
And I asked for love and she went crazy: O
Se iso la lipo
Got liposuction
Se iso la lipo
Got liposuction
Se iso la lipo
Got liposuction
Se iso la caderota
Got her hips done
Se iso la lipo
Got liposuction
Se iso la lipo
Got liposuction
Se iso la lipo
Got liposuction
Se iso la loca, loca, loca, loca, lololoca
Went crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy
Lipo, lipo, lipo
Lipo, lipo, lipo
Loca, Loca, Loca, lololoca
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, crazy
Lipo, lipo, lipo
Lipo, lipo, lipo
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Ella Tambien se opero la nariz aumento de masa corporal
She also got a nose job, increased her body mass
Por atra Sirujia Por alla
& Sirujia Por Aqui Aumento De Testoteronas
With one surgery after another, surgeries here and there Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Aumento De Testoteronas
Testosterone Increase
Dj guardia Ahora Bua Deci mi Nombre
DJ Guardia Now Bua Say My Name
A niivel de balada: p
At the level of ballad: p
Shewlocochocho UhUhUh
Shewlocochocho UhUhUh
Shewlocochacha Uhu Ãjajaja
Shewlocochacha Uhu Ãjajaja
Bue bloy
Bue bloy
Grab it
Caramelo ProduciiOn
Caramel Production
Cristian Music
Christian Music
Pablo el jefe
Pablo the boss
EL duukee
EL duukee
Loqura 21
Loqura 21
La Caberna
La Caberna
COn Bue Bloy
With Bue Bloy
Y ShelOw Shaq
And ShelOw Shaq
Lo do Cabernicola
The two cavemen
Pila de Sirujiia
Lots of surgery
Ahaha No la Culpo
Ahaha I don't blame her
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