Sivilo - Samo da znaš - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sivilo - Samo da znaš

Samo da znaš
Just So You Know
Malo mi treba da puknem
I'm close to snapping
Od silnoga pritiska
From all the pressure
Eskejp dugme mi je biti sam
My escape button is being alone
I ja ga pritiskam
And I'm pressing it
Istripujem se
I'm tripping out
Al' dobro mi dodje
But it's doing me good
Jer tad vidim da ti razmisljas glavom
Because then I see you're thinking with your head
A ja ovim ovdje (srcem)
And I with this here (heart)
Zbog toga ja sam tu dje sam
That's why I am where I am
Ne mogu da prodjem ko
I can't just go through life like
Ana i Unia bez stresa
Ana and Unia without stress
Ne mozes vjerovat
You wouldn't believe
Kakvi me ljudi okruzuju
The kind of people surrounding me
Pardon, roboti
Pardon, robots
Jer grama ljubavi ne pokazuju
Because they don't show an ounce of love
Ne, ne znam od koga da pocnem
No, I don't know where to begin
Mozda od razloga zbog kog veceras locem
Maybe with the reason why I'm drinking tonight
Mortus pijan, ti onda kazes, i ja
Dead drunk, you say then, and me too
Ja ti kazem volim te
I tell you I love you
Ti kazes ne i ja tebe
You say you don't and me neither
Ovako mi vise prija
I like it better this way
Da ti trcis oko mene
With you running around me
Al' oko tebe ne i ja
But not me around you
Mala prijatno dokle ne shvatis sve
Honey, enjoy it until you understand everything
Znas dje te cekam
You know where I'm waiting for you
Ako ikad zelis vrati se
If you ever want to, come back
Samo da znas
Just so you know
Drugovi mi postali dusmani
My friends have become my enemies
Pa protiv svih idem sam
So I go against everyone alone
Samo da znas
Just so you know
Drustvo mi prave kurve
I'm keeping company with whores
Koje s kurca ne mogu da otjeram
Whom I can't chase away from my dick
Samo da znas
Just so you know
Onog dana kad me zavolis
The day you fall in love with me
Mozda tad tebe necu voljet ja
Maybe then I won't love you
Samo da znas
Just so you know
Sjutra kad uspijem svima vama
Tomorrow when I succeed, to all of you
Srednji prst cu da dam
I'll give the middle finger
Seks je dobar
Sex is good
Tih kurvi vazda ima
There's always plenty of those whores
Vise ulazim u njih
I'm entering them more
No u studio da snimam
Than I'm entering the studio to record
Bludan, jos sam bludniji sa njima
Depraved, I'm even more depraved with them
Obozavam ono
I adore that
Ja ovo ne radim bas sa svima, ne li
I don't do this with everyone, do I?
Nego samo sa mnom
Only with me
Zato cutim kad se jebem
That's why I'm silent when I fuck
S kurvom namazanom
A whore, all greased up
Brzo pizdim
I lose my temper quickly
Plus me savjest grize
Plus my conscience is gnawing at me
Dajem otkaz
I'm quitting
Ja ovo necu da radim vise
I won't do this anymore
A drugovi
And friends
Ko kaze da ih imam
Who says I have any
Sve ih vise gubim
I'm losing them more and more
Sto vise pjesama snimam
The more songs I record
Nekad braca
Once brothers
Sad samo vidim mrtvu rulju
Now I only see a dead crowd
Pozadi sav sam mokar
I'm all wet behind
Kol'ko iza ledja pljuju
From how much they spit behind my back
Jedna osoba rece
One person said
Sto dobro zna me
Who knows me well
Ti si vise tu za njih
You're more there for them
Nego sto su oni za te
Than they are for you
A kad odustanem
And when I give up
Odma odbace me
They'll immediately discard me
Tol'ko sam da inkognito
I'm so much that incognito
Dajem novo znacenje
I give a new meaning
I sto mi na kraj ostaje
And what's left for me in the end
Za dzabe posta filozof
Became a philosopher for nothing
Kad sam na zvijezde lajem
When I bark at the stars
Al' na takav tretman pristajem
But I agree to such treatment
Jer zbog tako losih stvari
Because because of such bad things
Dobre pjesme vam dajem
I give you good songs
Pa pri refrenu ostajem
So I stay during the chorus
Jebi te se svi
Fuck you all
Je fraza zbog koje se ne kajem
Is a phrase I don't regret
Jos od sjutra poznat postajem
From tomorrow I become famous
Djavo dao dobru cijenu
The devil gave a good price
Pa mu dusu prodajem
So I sell him my soul
Izvini sto ti tajne slave odajem
Sorry for revealing the secrets of fame to you
Samo ga molim sto duze da to potraje
I just beg him to make it last longer
Samo da znas
Just so you know

Авторы: Balša Krkeljić

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