Skool 77 - Mujer en Lucha - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Skool 77 - Mujer en Lucha

Mujer en Lucha
Woman in Struggle
Para algunos son fuente de inspiración
For some, they are a source of inspiration.
Para otros son la vida misma
For others, they are life itself.
Para otros como yo son el motor que hace que te muevas
For others like me, they are the engine that makes you move.
Son hermanas, son amigas, son novias, son esposas
They are sisters, they are friends, they are girlfriends, they are wives.
Son compañeras de lucha en un mundo tan injusto
They are comrades in struggle in such an unfair world.
Por eso les dedico esta canción
That's why I dedicate this song to them.
A ustedes
To you,
Hermosas mujeres
Beautiful women.
Entre humo de cigarro luz neon y mucho ruido
Between cigarette smoke, neon light, and lots of noise,
Me la he visto una mujer se desviste con mucho ritmo
I have seen a woman undress with a lot of rhythm.
Cada noche tiene que aguantar estupidos borrachos
Every night she has to put up with stupid drunks,
Intentar darle consuelo a una vida de arrebatos
Trying to give comfort to a life of outbursts.
Tiene que soportar la misoginia y calenturas
She has to endure misogyny and lustful desires
De señores con doble moral buscando una aventura
Of gentlemen with double standards looking for an adventure.
Extranjeros nacionales el mismo comportamiento
Foreigners and nationals, the same behavior,
Invitándola a un motel o tal ves a un departamento
Inviting her to a motel or maybe an apartment.
Dudo mucho que ese trabajo lo haga por su gusto
I highly doubt she does that job for pleasure.
No la vuelvas a llamar a si no seas injusto
Don't call her again if you're not being unfair.
No falta algún explotador que dirige sus pasos
There's always an exploiter directing her steps.
Tiene que darle cuentas o se queda sin trabajo
She has to answer to him or she's out of a job.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo machista
This is how women are treated in a macho world.
Una realidad tan triste nada es como lo pintan
A sad reality, nothing is as they paint it.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo ignorante
This is how women are treated in an ignorant world.
Con abusos todo el tiempo y pocas oportunidades
With abuse all the time and few opportunities.
Tiene talento, una buena voz y es muy creativa
She's talented, has a good voice, and is very creative.
Podría tener al mundo en sus manos como artista
She could have the world in her hands as an artist.
Unos kilos de más la alejan de los escenarios
A few extra pounds keep her away from the stage.
Ya sabes que es de rasistas el mundo del espectáculo
You know the entertainment world is racist.
Pero antes de su voz, de su talento, de sus ganas
But before her voice, her talent, her desire,
Tendrá que complacer al productor haya en la cama
She'll have to please the producer in bed.
Ella suelta un rotundo no porque tiene principios
She gives a resounding "no" because she has principles.
Ahí es cuando la futura estrella pierde el brillo
That's when the future star loses her shine.
Tu te lo perdiste hay muchas mas con ese sueño
You missed out, there are many more with that dream,
Dispuestas a ofrecerle a su cuerpo un nuevo dueño
Willing to offer their body to a new owner.
Por eso es que hay tantas artistas del momento
That's why there are so many current artists
De bonito cuerpo, de bonita cara y sin talento
With beautiful bodies, beautiful faces, and no talent.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo machista
This is how women are treated in a macho world.
Una realidad tan triste nada es como lo pintan
A sad reality, nothing is as they paint it.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo ignorante
This is how women are treated in an ignorant world.
Con abusos todo el tiempo y pocas oportunidades
With abuse all the time and few opportunities.
La educaron de la forma antigua esa que se piensa
They educated her in the old-fashioned way that is thought
Que la mujer fue diseñada a la bordometrica.
That women were designed for the embroidery hoop.
Testigo mudo de la violencia intrafamiliar
Silent witness to domestic violence,
Toda su vida ha soñado en buscar su libertad
All her life she has dreamed of seeking her freedom.
Un padre alcohólico, una madre indiferente
An alcoholic father, an indifferent mother,
Pero eso nunca pudo detenerla ella es muy fuerte
But that could never stop her, she is very strong.
Siempre rechazada el viejo queria un varon
Always rejected, the old man wanted a son,
Y de asuntos de sexualidad nunca se le hablo
And matters of sexuality were never discussed with her.
Tiene casi veinte años y es ejemplo para muchos
She's almost twenty years old and an example to many.
Una beca en la universidad por ser numero uno
A scholarship at the university for being number one.
Ciencias políticas es su pasión sueña con cambios
Political science is her passion, she dreams of change,
Sueña con hacer justicia y su espíritu esta intacto
She dreams of doing justice, and her spirit is intact.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo machista
This is how women are treated in a macho world.
Una realidad tan triste nada es como lo pintan
A sad reality, nothing is as they paint it.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo ignorante
This is how women are treated in an ignorant world.
Con abusos todo el tiempo y pocas oportunidades
With abuse all the time and few opportunities.
Temerosas por la calle van después de su trabajo
Fearful, they walk down the street after work,
Una oración al viento y pasos apresurados
A prayer to the wind and hurried steps.
Convertirse en estadística es lo menos que desean
Becoming a statistic is the least they want.
Caminar por esas calles suele ser una odisea
Walking those streets is often an odyssey.
Ahora te contare de una ciudad en decadencia
Now I'll tell you about a city in decline,
Un gobierno hipócrita parece no tener conciencia
A hypocritical government seems to have no conscience.
Ni siquiera hay una lista de lo que sucede en Juárez
There isn't even a list of what happens in Juarez.
No hay pruebas, no hay testigos, mucho menos culpables
There's no evidence, no witnesses, much less culprits.
Basta ya!! Lo que sucede nos enferma
Enough is enough! What's happening is making us sick.
Las cifras oficiales poco más de trescientas
Official figures, just over three hundred.
Yo pienso que son muchas mas y creo que tu también
I think there are many more, and I think you do too.
La mayoría de las tumbas tienen nombre de mujer
Most of the graves have women's names.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo machista
This is how women are treated in a macho world.
Una realidad tan triste nada es como lo pintan
A sad reality, nothing is as they paint it.
A si se trata a la mujer en un mundo ignorante
This is how women are treated in an ignorant world.
Con abusos todo el tiempo y pocas oportunidades
With abuse all the time and few opportunities.

Авторы: Paulo Sergio Ramos

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